Ich möchte das Detail einer in einer ng-Wiederholung angezeigten Reihenfolge an eine andere Funktion in meinem Controller übergeben. Ich habe es mit dem ersten Element in meinem Array arbeiten. Wie kann ich erweitern, um die Reihenfolge anzuzeigen, die ich auf dieser Seite habe?Übergeben von ng-repeat-Daten an eine andere Funktion

Wenn Sie auf die Detailschaltfläche klicken, wird die erforderliche URL erstellt. Diese muss auf der Detailseite erstellt werden. Arbeiten mit dem ersten Element im Array, kann es zu anderen Aufträgen erweitert werden?



// Ionic Starter App 

    // angular.module is a global place for creating, registering and retrieving Angular modules 
    // 'starter' is the name of this angular module example (also set in a <body> attribute in index.html) 
    // the 2nd parameter is an array of 'requires' 
    angular.module('starter', ['ionic','ngCordova']) 

    .run(function($ionicPlatform) { 
    $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { 

     if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { 
     // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard 
     // for form inputs) 

     // Don't remove this line unless you know what you are doing. It stops the viewport 
     // from snapping when text inputs are focused. Ionic handles this internally for 
     // a much nicer keyboard experience. 
     if(window.StatusBar) { 

    .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { 

     .state('tabs', { 
     url: '/tab', 
     abstract: true, 
     templateUrl: 'templates/tabs.html' 
     .state('tabs.home', { 
     url: '/home', 
     views: { 
      'home-tab' : { 
      templateUrl: 'templates/home.html' 
     .state('tabs.list', { 
     url: '/list', 
     views: { 
      'list-tab' : { 
      templateUrl: 'templates/list.html', 
      controller: 'ListController' 
     .state('tabs.detail', { 
     url: '/list/:aId', 
     views: { 
      'list-tab' : { 
      templateUrl: 'templates/detail.html', 
      controller: 'ListController' 

     // if none of the above states are matched, use this as the fallback 


    .controller('ListController', ['$scope', '$http', '$state','$cordovaBluetoothSerial', '$window', '$location', function($scope, $http, $state, $cordovaBluetoothSerial, $window, $location) { 
      $http.get('js/aboDATAONLY.json').success(function(data) { 
      $scope.orders = data; 
      $scope.whichorder = $state.params.aId; 


      $scope.orders = []; 

      function onPay() { 
      var itemsArr = []; 
      var invoice = {}; 
      var myItems = {}; 
      var myItem = {}; 
      var order = $scope.orders[0]; 

      myItem['name'] = order.bkev_name; 
      myItem['description'] = "A robotic ball that can be controlled via apps"; 
      myItem['quantity'] = bkor_seatcount; 
      myItem['unitPrice'] = order.bkor_subtotal; 
      myItem['taxRate'] = '0.0'; 
      myItem['taxName'] = 'Tax'; 
      myItems['item'] = itemsArr; 

      invoice['itemList'] = myItems; 
      invoice['paymentTerms'] = 'DueOnReceipt'; 
      invoice['currencyCode'] = 'GBP'; 
      invoice['discountPercent'] = '0'; 
      invoice['merchantEmail'] ='[email protected]'; 
      invoice['payerEmail'] = '[email protected]'; 

      var returnUrl = order.bkor_seatcount; 
      var retUrl = encodeURIComponent(returnUrl + "?{result}?Type={Type}&InvoiceId={InvoiceId}&Tip={Tip}&Email={Email}&TxId={TxId}"); 
      //var pphereUrl = "paypalhere://takePayment/?returnUrl={{returnUrl}}&invoice=%7B%22merchantEmail%22%3A%22{{merchantEmails}}%22,%22payerEmail%22%3A%22{{payerEmails}}%22,%22itemList%22%3A%7B%22item%22%3A%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22{{name}}%22,%22description%22%3A%22{{description}}%22,%22quantity%22%3A%221.0%22,%22unitPrice%22%3A%22{{price}}%22,%22taxName%22%3A%22Tax%22,%22taxRate%22%3A%220.0%22%7D%5D%7D,%22currencyCode%22%3A%22{{currency}}%22,%22paymentTerms%22%3A%22DueOnReceipt%22,%22discountPercent%22%3A%220.0%22%7D"; 
      var pphereUrl = "paypalhere://takePayment/v2?returnUrl=" + retUrl; 
      pphereUrl = pphereUrl + "&accepted=cash,card,paypal"; 
      pphereUrl = pphereUrl + "&step=choosePayment"; 
      pphereUrl = pphereUrl + '&invoice=' + escape(JSON.stringify(invoice)); 

      return pphereUrl; 


      $scope.pay = function() { 
      var url = onPay(); 
      window.open(url, "_system"); 


<ion-header-bar class="bar-dark"> 
      <h2 class="title">Order Detail</h1> 
       <ion-content class="has-subheader"> 
       <ion-list class="list-inset"> 
       <ion-item class="item-text-wrap" 
        ng-repeat="order in orders | filter: { bkor_user: whichorder }"> 

       <h1>Production Name: {{order.bkev_name}}</h1> 
       <h3>Seatcount: {{order.bkor_seatcount}}</h3> 
       <h1>Order Subtotal: £{{order.bkor_subtotal}}</h1> 
       <button class="button button-block button-dark" ng-click="pay();">Pay Here</button> 


     "bkor_status": "A", 
     "bkor_datedmy": "08-02-2016", 
     "bkor_event": "34", 
     "bkor_user": "4028", 
     "bkev_name": "U2 Tribute", 
     "bkor_seatcount": "5", 
     "bkor_paymethod": "H", 
     "bkpay_short": "Cash", 
     "bkpay_status": "A", 
     "bkor_paid": "Y", 
     "bkor_payamount": "44.00", 
     "bkor_paiddatedmy": "08-02-2016", 
     "bkor_delivery": "N", 
     "bkdel_short": "Given", 
     "bkor_sent": "N", 
     "bkor_sentdatedmy": null, 
     "bkor_subtotal": "44.00", 
     "bkor_bookingfee": "0.00", 
     "estCardFee": "2.00", 
     "bkor_handling": "0.00", 
     "bkor_discount": "0.00", 
     "bkor_adjustment": "0.00" 
     "bkor_status": "A", 
     "bkor_datedmy": "16-02-2016", 
     "bkor_event": "35", 
     "bkor_user": "5001", 
     "bkev_name": "Fleetwood Mac Tribute", 
     "bkor_seatcount": "3", 
     "bkor_paymethod": "H", 
     "bkpay_short": "Card", 
     "bkpay_status": "A", 
     "bkor_paid": "Y", 
     "bkor_payamount": "28.00", 
     "bkor_paiddatedmy": "08-02-2016", 
     "bkor_delivery": "N", 
     "bkdel_short": "Given", 
     "bkor_sent": "N", 
     "bkor_sentdatedmy": null, 
     "bkor_subtotal": "28.00", 
     "bkor_bookingfee": "0.00", 
     "estCardFee": "2.00", 
     "bkor_handling": "0.00", 
     "bkor_discount": "0.00", 
     "bkor_adjustment": "0.00" 



die Schaltfläche Verschieben der Innen.210 Schleife und den Auftrag zu Ihrer pay() Scope-Funktion übergeben und dann können Sie es auf onPay() und nicht die hartkodierte var order = $scope.orders[0];


<ion-item class="item-text-wrap" 
      ng-repeat="order in orders | filter: { bkor_user: whichorder }"> 
    <h1>Production Name: {{order.bkev_name}}</h1> 
    <h3>Seatcount: {{order.bkor_seatcount}}</h3> 
    <h1>Order Subtotal: £{{order.bkor_subtotal}}</h1> 
    <button class="button button-block button-dark" ng-click="pay(order);">Pay Here</button> <-- move this here and pass 'order' 


function onPay(order) { 
    var itemsArr = []; 
    var invoice = {}; 
    var myItems = {}; 
    var myItem = {}; 
    // var order = $scope.orders[0]; <-- remove this 
    [ ... ] 

$scope.pay = function (order) { 
    var url = onPay(order); <-- pass order 
    window.open(url, "_system"); 

Nach viel verwenden passieren Herzschmerz, das ist es sortiert. Antwort angekreuzt :-) – me9867