Beispiel (da 1
kein gültiges json Dokument ist, während {foo: 1}
ist.): Read json aus Datei
/* test.json */
"appDesc": {
"description": "SomeDescription",
"message": "SomeMessage"
"appName": {
"description": "Home",
"message": "Welcome",
void readJson()
QString val;
QFile file;
file.setFileName("test.json"); | QIODevice::Text);
val = file.readAll();
qWarning() << val;
QJsonDocument d = QJsonDocument::fromJson(val.toUtf8());
QJsonObject sett2 = d.object();
QJsonValue value = sett2.value(QString("appName"));
qWarning() << value;
QJsonObject item = value.toObject();
qWarning() << tr("QJsonObject of description: ") << item;
/* in case of string value get value and convert into string*/
qWarning() << tr("QJsonObject[appName] of description: ") << item["description"];
QJsonValue subobj = item["description"];
qWarning() << subobj.toString();
/* in case of array get array and convert into string*/
qWarning() << tr("QJsonObject[appName] of value: ") << item["imp"];
QJsonArray test = item["imp"].toArray();
qWarning() << test[1].toString();
QJsonValue(object, QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"}))
"QJsonObject of description: " QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"})
"QJsonObject[appName] of description: " QJsonValue(string, "Home")
"QJsonObject[appName] of value: " QJsonValue(array, QJsonArray(["awesome","best","good"]))
Beispiel: Lesen json aus string
Assign json bespannen wie unten verwenden readJson()
Funktion gezeigt vor:
val =
' {
"appDesc": {
"description": "SomeDescription",
"message": "SomeMessage"
"appName": {
"description": "Home",
"message": "Welcome",
QJsonValue(object, QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"}))
"QJsonObject of description: " QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"})
"QJsonObject[appName] of description: " QJsonValue(string, "Home")
"QJsonObject[appName] of value: " QJsonValue(array, QJsonArray(["awesome","best","good"]))
"best" –
Min Lin: QJson ist mit Qt5 irgendwie veraltet (nicht sicher, dass es sogar portiert ist), da es seine eigene Json-Implementierung bringt. Jim Kieger: Was hast du probiert? –
[Diese Referenzseite] ( enthält die Funktionen QJsonDocument :: QJsonDocument() und QJsonDocument :: QJsonDocument (const QJsonDocument und andere) .Ich habe versucht QJsonDocument, aber es scheint nichts zu erstellen. –