2012-03-29 11 views

ich diesen Code schrieb, dieich malloc und kostenlos tun Präzisieren den Weg

auf Solaris gcc kompiliert es funktioniert für kleinere Eingänge zu fein, und ich bekomme die Ausgabe Ich beabsichtige.

Allerdings, mit größeren Eingaben, bekomme ich Segmentierungsfehler, manchmal an Orten, die ich Malloc tun und manchmal an Orten, die ich frei mache. Ich fordere Sie nicht auf, zu debuggen, können Sie einen Blick darauf werfen und mir vielleicht sagen, ob etwas mit der Art und Weise, wie ich malloc und free on items mache, absolut falsch ist? Ich glaube, dass der Code den Haufen korrumpiert, aber ich habe es schwer, herauszufinden, wo. Dies ist für meine akademische Aufgabe und ich kann keine Werkzeuge wie Valgrind an der Uni-Maschine laufen.

Ich bin neu in C, so kann der Code viel besser sein, ich weiß.Ich muss noch eine Menge Sachen verfeinern, wie Variablen usw. wiederverwenden, was ich noch nicht getan habe.

Wir haben eine Grenze für eine Nachrichtengröße, also poste ich nur die Haupt- und die zwei verwendeten Strukturen.

struct QueueElement 
    char *path_Name; 
    char fileType; 
    int index; 
    struct QueueElement* next; 

struct Queue 
    struct QueueElement* head; 
    struct QueueElement* tail; 

struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping 
    char *AbsoluteDirPath; 
    char *AbsoluteParentDirPath; 
    char *DirName; 
    int nSlotNumberOfDir; 
    int nSlotNumberofDot; 

struct Stage3ADisplay 
    int nSlot; 
    char *Item; 
    char *Type; 
    char *AbsoluteDirPath; 
    char *AttributesMDHex; 
    char *ContentsMDHex; 
    int nIndex; 
    unsigned char attributesMD[16]; 
    unsigned char contentsMD[16]; 

struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **DirDataForIndex = NULL; //create structure. 
struct Stage3ADisplay **Stage3ADisplayVar = NULL; //create structure. 
int nDirectoriesCounter = 0; 
int nStage3ARowsCounter = 0; 

int main(void) 
    char *pathName,*pathName2,*pathName3; 
    int nMatchesFound = 0; 
    char *oldPathName; 
    char *newPathNameStore; 
    struct Queue* bfsQueue = NULL; 
    struct QueueElement* givenPath = NULL; 
    enum skbool boolHelper1 = skfalse; 
    int exit = 0; 

    struct Stage3ADisplay **oldSnapshot = NULL; //create structure. 
    struct Stage3ADisplay **newSnapshot = NULL; 
    struct Stage3ADisplay **TableT1FromPDF = NULL; 
    struct Stage3ADisplay **TableT2FromPDF = NULL; 

    int nTableT1FromPDFCounter = 0; 
    int nTableT2FromPDFCounter = 0; 
    int nOldSnapshotCounter = 0; 
    int nNewSnapshotCounter = 0; 
    int *Table1ArrayChangeTracker = NULL; 
    int *Table2ArrayChangeTracker = NULL; 
    struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **DirDataForOldIndex = NULL; //create structure. 
    struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **DirDataForNewIndex = NULL; //create structure. 
    int nDirectoriesCounterOld = 0; 
    int nDirectoriesCounterNew = 0; 

    int nIterator1 = 0,nIterator2 = 0, nIterator3 = 0,nIterator4 = 0; 
    int nIterator5 = 0,nIterator6 = 0,nIterator7 = 0; 
    int nIterator8 = 0,nIterator9 = 0,nIterator10 = 0,nIterator11 = 0; 
    int nIterator15 = 0, nIterator16 = 0, nIterator17 = 0; 
     switch (menu()) 
      case 2: 
       printf ("Please enter the path under which the directory is present\n"); 
       pathName = malloc(300*sizeof(char)); 
       printf ("Please enter the name of the directory\n"); 
       pathName2 = malloc(300*sizeof(char)); 
       pathName3 = malloc(strlen(pathName) + strlen(pathName2) + 1 + 1); 
       printf ("Please enter the filename of the earlier snap shot file\n"); 
       oldPathName = malloc(300*sizeof(char)); 
       boolHelper1 = CheckMD5FileAndDirectoryNameSame(pathName3,oldPathName); 
       if(boolHelper1 == skfalse) 
        printf("The snapshot file is not for this directory\n"); 
        printf("Snapshot file and Directory Name Match\n"); 
        //write code to generate snapshot for the directory given here. 
        bfsQueue = Queue_New(); 
        givenPath = malloc(1*sizeof(*givenPath)); 
        givenPath->path_Name = pathName3; 
        Queue_Add_Element(bfsQueue, givenPath); 

        //make bfsTraverse return the name of the log file created. 
        //this file name can be passed on as a parameter to the 
        //function that compares the given log file and the newly generated log file    
        char * newPathName = bfsTraverse(bfsQueue); 
        newPathNameStore = strdup(newPathName); 
        bfsQueue = NULL; 
        pathName = NULL; 
        //get the data of the two files into two structures. 
        //we'll compare the two structures.     
        //reading data of old snapshot into structure 1 
        FILE* p = NULL; 
        p = fopen(oldPathName, "r"); 
        if (p != NULL) 
         fscanf(p, "%*[^\n]%*c"); //the first line is the directory name, ignore it. 
         char text[200]; 
         while(fgets(text, sizeof text, p)) 
          //found new item in the file 
          oldSnapshot = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(oldSnapshot, (nOldSnapshotCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure. 
          oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added. 
          oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Item = malloc(500); 
          oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Type = malloc(500); 
          oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(500); 
          oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(500); 
          char *tempoutput = RemoveExtraSpaces(text,' '); 
          char * output = Trim_Right(tempoutput,' '); 
          sscanf(output,"%d %s %s %d %s %s\n",&oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->nSlot, oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Item,oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->Type,&oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->nIndex,oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex,oldSnapshot[nOldSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex); 
          nOldSnapshotCounter = nOldSnapshotCounter + 1; 
        /*logic to reverse build DirDataForOldIndex */ 
        int nPreviousDot = 0; 
        for(nIterator1 = 0; nIterator1 < nOldSnapshotCounter; nIterator1++) 
         if(strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") == 0) 
          nPreviousDot = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot; 
          nPreviousDot = nPreviousDot - 1;        
         if(strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") != 0 && strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,"..") != 0 && strcmp(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Type,"d") ==0) 
          //found a directory, add it to the directory mapper structure. 
          DirDataForOldIndex = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **)realloc(DirDataForOldIndex, (nDirectoriesCounterOld + 1) * sizeof(struct DirDataForIndex *)); //add one student to the structure. 
          DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld] = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping *)malloc(sizeof(struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping)); //allocate memory for the new student added.      
          if(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex == 0) 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->DirName = strdup(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item); 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(pathName3); 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = "NOPARENT"; 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberOfDir = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot; 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberofDot = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot + 1; 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->DirName = strdup(oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item); 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberofDot = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex; 
           DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->nSlotNumberOfDir = oldSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot; 
           //now build the absolute and the parent dir path names. 
           //using the previous dot variable,get the directory under which we are located. 
           //get the index number of the previous dot position. 
           int IndexVar = oldSnapshot[nPreviousDot]->nIndex; 
           IndexVar = IndexVar - 1;         
           //get that row's item and slot number, we'll match it 
           char *ItemName = oldSnapshot[IndexVar]->Item; 
           int nSlotNumber = oldSnapshot[IndexVar]->nSlot; 
           //now search in the DirDataForIndex 
           for(nIterator2 = 0; nIterator2 < nDirectoriesCounterOld; nIterator2++) 
            if(strcmp(DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator2]->DirName,ItemName) == 0 && DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator2]->nSlotNumberOfDir == nSlotNumber) 
             //that row's absolute path is the parent of this. 
             DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = strdup(DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator2]->AbsoluteDirPath); 
             char* temp = malloc(strlen(DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteParentDirPath) + strlen(DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->DirName) + 1 + 1); 
             DirDataForOldIndex[nDirectoriesCounterOld]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(temp); 
             temp = NULL; 
          nDirectoriesCounterOld = nDirectoriesCounterOld + 1;        
        //reading data of new snapshot into structure 2 
        p = fopen(newPathName, "r"); 
        if (p != NULL) 
         fscanf(p, "%*[^\n]%*c"); //the first line is the directory name, ignore it. 
         char text[200]; 
         while(fgets(text, sizeof text, p)) 
          //found new item in the file 
          newSnapshot = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(newSnapshot, (nNewSnapshotCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure. 
          newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added. 
          newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Item = malloc(500); 
          newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Type = malloc(500); 
          newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(500); 
          newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(500); 
          char * output = Trim_Right(RemoveExtraSpaces(text,' '),' '); 
          sscanf(output,"%d %s %s %d %s %s\n",&newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->nSlot, newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Item,newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->Type,&newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->nIndex,newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->AttributesMDHex,newSnapshot[nNewSnapshotCounter]->ContentsMDHex);       
          nNewSnapshotCounter = nNewSnapshotCounter + 1; 
        /*logic to reverse build DirDataForNewIndex */ 
        nPreviousDot = 0; 
        for(nIterator1 = 0; nIterator1 < nNewSnapshotCounter; nIterator1++) 
         if(strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") == 0) 
          nPreviousDot = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot; 
          nPreviousDot = nPreviousDot - 1;        
         if(strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,".") != 0 && strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item,"..") != 0 && strcmp(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Type,"d") ==0) 
          //found a directory, add it to the directory mapper structure. 
          DirDataForNewIndex = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping **)realloc(DirDataForNewIndex, (nDirectoriesCounterNew + 1) * sizeof(struct DirDataForIndex *)); //add one student to the structure. 
          DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew] = (struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping *)malloc(sizeof(struct DirNameSlotNumberMapping)); //allocate memory for the new student added.      
          if(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex == 0) 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->DirName = strdup(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item); 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(pathName3); 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = "NOPARENT"; 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberOfDir = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot; 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberofDot = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot + 1; 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->DirName = strdup(newSnapshot[nIterator1]->Item); 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberofDot = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nIndex; 
           DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->nSlotNumberOfDir = newSnapshot[nIterator1]->nSlot; 
           //now build the absolute and the parent dir path names. 
           //using the previous dot variable,get the directory under which we are located. 
           //get the index number of the previous dot position. 
           int IndexVar = newSnapshot[nPreviousDot]->nIndex; 
           IndexVar = IndexVar - 1;         
           //get that row's item and slot number, we'll match it 
           char *ItemName = newSnapshot[IndexVar]->Item; 
           int nSlotNumber = newSnapshot[IndexVar]->nSlot; 
           //now search in the DirDataFornewIndex 
           for(nIterator2 = 0; nIterator2 < nDirectoriesCounterNew; nIterator2++) 
            if(strcmp(DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator2]->DirName,ItemName) == 0 && DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator2]->nSlotNumberOfDir == nSlotNumber) 
             //that row's absolute path is the parent of this. 
             DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteParentDirPath = strdup(DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator2]->AbsoluteDirPath); 
             char* temp = malloc(strlen(DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteParentDirPath) + strlen(DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->DirName) + 1 + 1); 
             DirDataForNewIndex[nDirectoriesCounterNew]->AbsoluteDirPath = strdup(temp); 
             temp = NULL; 
          nDirectoriesCounterNew = nDirectoriesCounterNew + 1;        
        //now we have reverse built DirDataForOldIndex and DirDataForNewIndex. 
        Table1ArrayChangeTracker = realloc(Table1ArrayChangeTracker,(nDirectoriesCounterOld + 1)*sizeof(int)); 
        Table2ArrayChangeTracker = realloc(Table2ArrayChangeTracker,(nDirectoriesCounterNew + 1)*sizeof(int)); 
        for(nIterator4 = 0; nIterator4 < nDirectoriesCounterOld; nIterator4++) 
         Table1ArrayChangeTracker[nIterator4] = -1; //initialize to -1 
        for(nIterator4 = 0; nIterator4 < nDirectoriesCounterNew; nIterator4++) 
         Table2ArrayChangeTracker[nIterator4] = -1; //initialize to -1 
        //get blocks one by one from the nDirectoriesCounterOld 
        for(nIterator4 = 0; nIterator4 < nDirectoriesCounterOld; nIterator4++) 
         char *absoluteDirectoryPath = DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator4]->AbsoluteDirPath; 
         int dot = DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator4]->nSlotNumberofDot; 
         int nexthighestdot = 0; 
         if(nIterator4 == nDirectoriesCounterOld - 1) 
          nexthighestdot = nOldSnapshotCounter; 
          nexthighestdot = nexthighestdot - 1; 
          nexthighestdot = DirDataForOldIndex[nIterator4 + 1]->nSlotNumberofDot; 
          nexthighestdot = nexthighestdot - 1; 
          nexthighestdot = nexthighestdot - 1; 
         //now, we have a block from dot to nexthighestdot. 
         //for referenceing the oldSnapshot 
         dot = dot - 1; 
         for(nIterator7 = dot; nIterator7 <= nexthighestdot;nIterator7++) 
          TableT1FromPDF = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(TableT1FromPDF, (nTableT1FromPDFCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure. 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added. 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->nSlot = oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->nSlot; 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->Item = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->Item) + 1); 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->Type = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->Type) + 1); 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->nIndex = oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->nIndex; 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->AttributesMDHex) + 1); 
          TableT1FromPDF[nTableT1FromPDFCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(strlen(oldSnapshot[nIterator7]->ContentsMDHex) + 1); 
          nTableT1FromPDFCounter = nTableT1FromPDFCounter + 1;        
         //now search for the same block in the newSnapshot 
         for(nIterator6 = 0; nIterator6 < nDirectoriesCounterNew; nIterator6++) 
          if(strcmp(absoluteDirectoryPath,DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator6]->AbsoluteDirPath) == 0) 
           //found the corresponding directory in the second block. 
           int dot2 = DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator6]->nSlotNumberofDot;  
           int nexthighestdot2 = 0; 
           if(nIterator6 == nDirectoriesCounterNew - 1) 
            nexthighestdot2 = nOldSnapshotCounter; 
            nexthighestdot2 = nexthighestdot2 - 1; 
            nexthighestdot2 = DirDataForNewIndex[nIterator6 + 1]->nSlotNumberofDot; 
            nexthighestdot2 = nexthighestdot2 - 1; 
            nexthighestdot2 = nexthighestdot2 - 1; 
           dot2 = dot2 - 1; 
           for(nIterator9 = dot2;nIterator9 <= nexthighestdot2; nIterator9++) 
            TableT2FromPDF = (struct Stage3ADisplay **)realloc(TableT2FromPDF, (nTableT2FromPDFCounter + 1) * sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay *)); //add one record to the structure. 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter] = (struct Stage3ADisplay *)malloc(sizeof(struct Stage3ADisplay)); //allocate memory for the new record added. 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->nSlot = newSnapshot[nIterator9]->nSlot; 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->Item = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->Item) + 1); 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->Type = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->Type) + 1); 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->nIndex = newSnapshot[nIterator9]->nIndex; 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->AttributesMDHex = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->AttributesMDHex) + 1); 
            TableT2FromPDF[nTableT2FromPDFCounter]->ContentsMDHex = malloc(strlen(newSnapshot[nIterator9]->ContentsMDHex) + 1); 
            nTableT2FromPDFCounter = nTableT2FromPDFCounter + 1;         
         //now we have the matching blocks, start comparing 
         for(nIterator10 = 0; nIterator10 < nTableT1FromPDFCounter; nIterator10++) 
          for(nIterator11 = 0; nIterator11 < nTableT2FromPDFCounter; nIterator11++) 
           enum skbool bAttributesChanged = skfalse; 
           enum skbool bContentsChanged = skfalse; 
           if(strcmp(TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->Item,TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->Item) == 0) 
            //matching element found in both arrays. 
            //compare attribute digest and message digests. 
            if(strcmp(TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->AttributesMDHex,TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->AttributesMDHex) == 0 && strcmp(TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->ContentsMDHex,TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->ContentsMDHex) == 0) 
             Table1ArrayChangeTracker[TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->nSlot - 1] = 1; 
             Table2ArrayChangeTracker[TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->nSlot - 1] = 1; 
             Table1ArrayChangeTracker[TableT1FromPDF[nIterator10]->nSlot - 1] = 2; 
             Table2ArrayChangeTracker[TableT2FromPDF[nIterator11]->nSlot - 1] = 2;  

         //after comparing clear temporary tables. 
         int nIterator99; 
         for(nIterator99 = 0; nIterator99 < nTableT1FromPDFCounter; nIterator99++) 
          (TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->Item) = NULL; 
          TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->Type = NULL; 
          TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->AttributesMDHex = NULL; 
          TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99]->ContentsMDHex = NULL; 
          TableT1FromPDF[nIterator99] = NULL; 
         for(nIterator99 = 0; nIterator99 < nTableT2FromPDFCounter; nIterator99++) 
          TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->Item = NULL; 
          TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->Type = NULL; 
          TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->AttributesMDHex = NULL; 
          TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99]->ContentsMDHex = NULL; 
          TableT2FromPDF[nIterator99] = NULL; 
         nTableT1FromPDFCounter = 0; 
         nTableT2FromPDFCounter = 0; 
         TableT1FromPDF = NULL; 
         TableT2FromPDF = NULL;      

       printf("Total matches found is %d\n",nMatchesFound); 
       nMatchesFound = 0; 

       nOldSnapshotCounter = 0; 
       nNewSnapshotCounter = 0; 
       nDirectoriesCounterOld = 0; 
       nDirectoriesCounterNew = 0;    
       Table1ArrayChangeTracker = NULL; 
       Table2ArrayChangeTracker = NULL;  
       oldSnapshot = NULL; 
       newSnapshot = NULL; 
       DirDataForOldIndex = NULL; 
       DirDataForNewIndex = NULL; 
       pathName3 = NULL; 
       oldPathName = NULL; 
       if(newPathNameStore != NULL) 
        printf("Snapshot file with name %s created\n",newPathNameStore); 
        newPathNameStore = NULL; 

       int nIterator66; 
       for(nIterator66 = 0; nIterator66 < nDirectoriesCounter; nIterator66++) 
        DirDataForIndex[nIterator66] = NULL; 
       for(nIterator66 = 0; nIterator66 < nStage3ARowsCounter; nIterator66++) 
        Stage3ADisplayVar[nIterator66]= NULL; 

       nDirectoriesCounter = 0; 
       nStage3ARowsCounter = 0; 
       DirDataForIndex = NULL; 
       Stage3ADisplayVar = NULL; 
      case 3: 
       printf ("Exiting!\n"); 
       exit = 1; 
    }while(exit == 0); 
    return 0; 

Das ist viel zu viel Code zu durchlaufen. Können Sie die Codeabschnitte löschen, die nicht mit der Frage zusammenhängen? –


Oh Gott, nicht eine andere Wand des Codes. Nun, zumindest ist es richtig formatiert. –


Haben Sie 'Valgrind' probiert? (Siehe auch codereview.stackexchange.com) – Kos



Eine Sache, die ich empfehlen würde, den Status nach malloc prüft und vor free wie in

char *temp = malloc(10); 

if(temp == NULL) { 
    //Malloc failed handle it 


EDIT: Dies ist nicht notwendig, da Eid darauf hingewiesen free(NULL); ist eine no-op

if(temp != NULL) { 
    temp = NULL; 

'frei (NULL)' ist in C gültig und ist eine Nein-Operation. – ouah


@oath Ich dachte, es war undefiniertes Verhalten. Danke für die Klarstellung. – twain249


@VladLazarenko: Meine Kopie von K & R sagt "es tut nichts, wenn p NULL ist". Vielleicht ist es Ouah, die keine Erfahrung haben? – blueshift


Es gibt ein paar ma lloc (#) Orte. Sie sollten immer ein # * sizeof (type) verwenden, abhängig von dem Typ, den Sie einfügen möchten. Überprüfen Sie dann immer, ob Sie nicht mehr als # type in den Speicherort einfügen.

Nicht verwandt, aber es ist hilfreich für die Lesbarkeit zu Typedef-Strukturen. Regel etwas wie:

typedef struct dataStructure_t { 
     int a; 
     int b; 
    } dataStructure; 

* "Es ist hilfreich für die Lesbarkeit von Typedef Structs" * Nun, ich persönlich versuche typedefing Strukturtypen zu vermeiden. Zur besseren Lesbarkeit. – ouah


Sie brauchen nur das '_t' Suffix zum Tag-Namen. (Zusätzlich, wenn so etwas normalerweise erledigt wird, bekommt der typedeffed Name das '_t') –


Ja, ich denke das würde mehr Sinn machen ... Ich habe immer an C Projekten gearbeitet, also habe ich meine eigenen Konventionen erfunden:) –


Wenn Sie dbx auf Ihrem Rechner haben, sollte es schnell finden, wo Sie den Code korrumpiert seinen Speicher mit seiner rtc (Laufzeit-Kontrolle) Fähigkeit. Wenn nicht, könnten Sie libumem und/oder whatchmalloc verwenden, um das Gleiche zu tun.