Ich arbeite mit UI-Grid-und Server-Filterung. Für jede Spalte sende ich eine Anfrage an die API mit Param basierend auf dem Filterwert. Standardmäßig param ist leerWie angewendeter Spaltenfilter in angularem UI-Grid zu fangen
var filterOptions = {
filterBy: '&$filter=',
filterParam: ""
// and api call looks like
wenn ich ein Setup jeden Filter ich nächste Anfrage So
param: filterOptions.filterParam = 'eventTypeId==' + evtTypeId
request: ?$orderby=id-&pageSize=250&pageNbr=1&$filter=eventTypeId==2
senden, was ich will recht einfache Idee ist, mag ich, wenn die Filter überprüfen bereits angewandt wird und eine Anfrage senden wie
aber leider kann ich keine angewandten Filter fangen. Ich schätze es, wenn jemand mit meinem Problem helfen könnte.
Mein Code unten
$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
field: 'title',
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
field: 'description',
cellClass: getCellClass,
enableFiltering: true,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
displayName: 'Type',
field: 'eventType.name',
filter: {
selectOptions: $scope.eventType,
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
displayName: 'Study Name',
field: 'study.name',
filter: {
selectOptions: $scope.study,
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
displayName: 'Priority',
field: 'priority.name',
filter: {
selectOptions: $scope.priority,
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
displayName: 'Severity',
field: 'severity.name',
filter: {
selectOptions: $scope.severity,
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
displayName: 'Status',
field: 'status.name',
filter: {
selectOptions: $scope.status,
type: uiGridConstants.filter.SELECT
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: true
}, {
displayName: 'Created',
field: 'occuredDate',
width: '12%',
filterHeaderTemplate: '<div class="row ui-grid-filter-container">' +
'<div ng-repeat="colFilter in col.filters" class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">' +
'<div custom-grid-date-filter-header></div></div></div>',
filters: [
name: 'From',
condition: uiGridConstants.filter.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL
name: 'To',
condition: uiGridConstants.filter.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL
cellFilter: 'date:"dd MMMM yyyy, h:mm:ss a"',
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: false
}, {
displayName: 'Modified', field: 'createdDate',
width: '12%',
filterHeaderTemplate: '<div class="row ui-grid-filter-container">' +
'<div ng-repeat="colFilter in col.filters" class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6">' +
'<div custom-grid-date-filter-header></div></div></div>',
filters: [
name: 'From',
condition: uiGridConstants.filter.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL
name: 'To',
condition: uiGridConstants.filter.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL
cellFilter: 'date:"dd MMMM yyyy, h:mm:ss a"',
cellClass: getCellClass,
useExternalFiltering: false
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged($scope, function (newPage, pageSize) {
paginationOptions.pageNbr = '&pageNbr=' + newPage ;
paginationOptions.pageSize = '&pageSize=' + pageSize;
gridApi.core.on.filterChanged($scope, function() {
var grid = this.grid;
// Define behavior for cancel filtering
$scope.isfilterclear = true;
angular.forEach(grid.columns, function(col) {
$scope.isfilterclear = false;
if($scope.isfilterclear) {
$timeout(function() {
// Filter behavior
$scope.textFilter = grid.columns[1].filters[0].term;
if($scope.textFilter) {
$scope.$watch('textFilter', function (newVal, oldVal) {
filterOptions.filterParam = 'title==*' + newVal + "*";
}, true);
$scope.desFilter = grid.columns[2].filters[0].term;
if($scope.desFilter) {
$scope.$watch('desFilter', function (newVal, oldVal) {
filterOptions.filterParam = 'description==*' + newVal + "*";
}, true);
for (var et = 0; et < $scope.eventType.length; et ++){
var evtType = $scope.eventType[et].name;
var evtTypeId = $scope.eventType[et].id;
filterOptions.filterParam = 'eventTypeId==' + evtTypeId;
if(grid.columns[3].filters[0].term === evtType) {
for (var stud = 0; stud < $scope.study.length; stud ++){
var study = $scope.study[stud].name;
var studyId = $scope.study[stud].id;
filterOptions.filterParam = 'studyId==' + studyId;
if(grid.columns[4].filters[0].term === study) {
for (var pr = 0; pr < $scope.priority.length; pr ++){
var priority = $scope.priority[pr].name;
var priorityId = $scope.priority[pr].id;
filterOptions.filterParam = 'priorityId==' + priorityId;
if(grid.columns[5].filters[0].term === priority) {
for (var sev = 0; sev < $scope.severity.length; sev ++){
var severity = $scope.severity[sev].name;
var severityId = $scope.severity[sev].id;
filterOptions.filterParam = 'severityId==' + severityId;
if(grid.columns[6].filters[0].term === severity) {
for (var stat = 0; stat < $scope.status.length; stat ++){
var status = $scope.status[stat].name;
var statusId = $scope.status[stat].id;
filterOptions.filterParam = 'statusId==' + statusId;
if(grid.columns[7].filters[0].term === status) {
Wo getData() ist
var getData = function() {
.then(function (data) {
$scope.gridOptions.data = data;
// ***
angular.forEach($scope.gridOptions.data, function (val) {
val.occuredDate = new Date(val.occuredDate);
// $interval whilst we wait for the grid to digest the data we just gave it
$interval(function() {
}, 0, 1);
my plunker (leider kann ich nicht die reale API zur Verfügung stellen, aber hoffen, dass es irgendwie helfen)