2008-09-18 14 views



ich diese Seite gefunden: http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/0240__Swing/VerticalLabelUI.htm, wenn ich das tun musste.

Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie die Buchstaben ‚stehend‘ wollen aufeinander oder alle auf ihrer Seite gedreht.

* The contents of this file are subject to the Sapient Public License 
* Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 
* http://carbon.sf.net/License.html. 
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, 
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for 
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. 
* The Original Code is The Carbon Component Framework. 
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Sapient Corporation 
* Copyright (C) 2003 Sapient Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 

import java.awt.Dimension; 
import java.awt.FontMetrics; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Graphics2D; 
import java.awt.Insets; 
import java.awt.Rectangle; 
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; 

import javax.swing.Icon; 
import javax.swing.JComponent; 
import javax.swing.JLabel; 
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI; 

* This is the template for Classes. 
* @since carbon 1.0 
* @author Greg Hinkle, January 2002 
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $($Author: dvoet $/$Date: 2003/05/05 21:21:27 $) 
* @copyright 2002 Sapient 

public class VerticalLabelUI extends BasicLabelUI { 
    static { 
     labelUI = new VerticalLabelUI(false); 

    protected boolean clockwise; 

    public VerticalLabelUI(boolean clockwise) { 
     this.clockwise = clockwise; 

    public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) { 
     Dimension dim = super.getPreferredSize(c); 
     return new Dimension(dim.height, dim.width); 

    private static Rectangle paintIconR = new Rectangle(); 
    private static Rectangle paintTextR = new Rectangle(); 
    private static Rectangle paintViewR = new Rectangle(); 
    private static Insets paintViewInsets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); 

    public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) { 

     JLabel label = (JLabel)c; 
     String text = label.getText(); 
     Icon icon = (label.isEnabled()) ? label.getIcon() : label.getDisabledIcon(); 

     if ((icon == null) && (text == null)) { 

     FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); 
     paintViewInsets = c.getInsets(paintViewInsets); 

     paintViewR.x = paintViewInsets.left; 
     paintViewR.y = paintViewInsets.top; 

     // Use inverted height & width 
     paintViewR.height = c.getWidth() - (paintViewInsets.left + paintViewInsets.right); 
     paintViewR.width = c.getHeight() - (paintViewInsets.top + paintViewInsets.bottom); 

     paintIconR.x = paintIconR.y = paintIconR.width = paintIconR.height = 0; 
     paintTextR.x = paintTextR.y = paintTextR.width = paintTextR.height = 0; 

     String clippedText = 
      layoutCL(label, fm, text, icon, paintViewR, paintIconR, paintTextR); 

     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; 
     AffineTransform tr = g2.getTransform(); 
     if (clockwise) { 
      g2.translate(0, - c.getWidth()); 
     } else { 
      g2.rotate(- Math.PI/2); 
      g2.translate(- c.getHeight(), 0); 

     if (icon != null) { 
      icon.paintIcon(c, g, paintIconR.x, paintIconR.y); 

     if (text != null) { 
      int textX = paintTextR.x; 
      int textY = paintTextR.y + fm.getAscent(); 

      if (label.isEnabled()) { 
       paintEnabledText(label, g, clippedText, textX, textY); 
      } else { 
       paintDisabledText(label, g, clippedText, textX, textY); 


Könnten Sie einen Teil des Codes hier eingeben, der den Job erledigt? Nur für den Fall, dass das Code-Guru-Ding verschwindet. –


Ich möchte nicht Code von ihrer Website kopieren .. Ich denke nicht, dass das richtig wäre. sorry :( –


Nun, die Codeguru-Seite ist tatsächlich verschwunden und ist jetzt ein defekter Link ... – Matthieu


Sie können mit der Farbe Befehl, Art wie diese tun es durch Unordnung:

public class JVertLabel extends JComponent{ 
    private String text; 

    public JVertLabel(String s){ 
    text = s; 

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ 
    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; 

    g2d.drawString(text, 0, 0); 

i verändert sich JComponent JLabel .aber JVertLabel Texte sind noch nicht vertikal angezeigt erstreckt. –


Eine andere Möglichkeit, Text in einem JLabel vertikal zu zeigen, ist HTML-Tags in den Text des JLabel zu verwenden. Zum Beispiel setText("<HTML>H<br>E<br>L<br>L<br>O</HTML>"); wird gesetzt, um den Text zu


Sie können auch die SwingX API

unten nach oben:

JXLabel label = new JXLabel("MY TEXT"); 
label.setTextRotation(3 * Math.PI/2); 

Von oben nach unten:

JXLabel label = new JXLabel("MY TEXT"); 

Hier ist eine andere Lösung, die:

  • Lokalisation der Auffassung
  • zeichnen Zeichen entweder vertikal & gestapelt Kann zentriert oder gedreht


eine Notiz in der Javadoc Hervorhebungen :

Chinesisch/Japanisch/Koreanisch Skripte haben spezielle Regeln, wenn vertikal gezogen und sollte nie

Siehe den Artikel für einige visuelle Beispiele gedreht werden.

Hier ist die Hauptklasse JTextIcon.java, falls der Artikel abfällt das Web:

VTextIcon is an Icon implementation which draws a short string vertically. 
It's useful for JTabbedPanes with LEFT or RIGHT tabs but can be used in any 
component which supports Icons, such as JLabel or JButton 

You can provide a hint to indicate whether to rotate the string 
to the left or right, or not at all, and it checks to make sure 
that the rotation is legal for the given string 
(for example, Chinese/Japanese/Korean scripts have special rules when 
drawn vertically and should never be rotated) 
public class VTextIcon implements Icon, PropertyChangeListener { 
    String fLabel; 
    String[] fCharStrings; // for efficiency, break the fLabel into one-char strings to be passed to drawString 
    int[] fCharWidths; // Roman characters should be centered when not rotated (Japanese fonts are monospaced) 
    int[] fPosition; // Japanese half-height characters need to be shifted when drawn vertically 
    int fWidth, fHeight, fCharHeight, fDescent; // Cached for speed 
    int fRotation; 
    Component fComponent; 

    static final int POSITION_NORMAL = 0; 
    static final int POSITION_TOP_RIGHT = 1; 
    static final int POSITION_FAR_TOP_RIGHT = 2; 

    public static final int ROTATE_DEFAULT = 0x00; 
    public static final int ROTATE_NONE = 0x01; 
    public static final int ROTATE_LEFT = 0x02; 
    public static final int ROTATE_RIGHT = 0x04; 

    * Creates a <code>VTextIcon</code> for the specified <code>component</code> 
    * with the specified <code>label</code>. 
    * It sets the orientation to the default for the string 
    * @see #verifyRotation 
    public VTextIcon(Component component, String label) { 
     this(component, label, ROTATE_DEFAULT); 

    * Creates a <code>VTextIcon</code> for the specified <code>component</code> 
    * with the specified <code>label</code>. 
    * It sets the orientation to the provided value if it's legal for the string 
    * @see #verifyRotation 
    public VTextIcon(Component component, String label, int rotateHint) { 
     fComponent = component; 
     fLabel = label; 
     fRotation = verifyRotation(label, rotateHint); 

    * sets the label to the given string, updating the orientation as needed 
    * and invalidating the layout if the size changes 
    * @see #verifyRotation 
    public void setLabel(String label) { 
     fLabel = label; 
     fRotation = verifyRotation(label, fRotation); // Make sure the current rotation is still legal 

    * Checks for changes to the font on the fComponent 
    * so that it can invalidate the layout if the size changes 
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { 
     String prop = e.getPropertyName(); 
     if("font".equals(prop)) { 

    * Calculates the dimensions. If they've changed, 
    * invalidates the component 
    void recalcDimensions() { 
     int wOld = getIconWidth(); 
     int hOld = getIconHeight(); 
     if (wOld != getIconWidth() || hOld != getIconHeight()) 

    void calcDimensions() { 
     FontMetrics fm = fComponent.getFontMetrics(fComponent.getFont()); 
     fCharHeight = fm.getAscent() + fm.getDescent(); 
     fDescent = fm.getDescent(); 
     if (fRotation == ROTATE_NONE) { 
      int len = fLabel.length(); 
      char data[] = new char[len]; 
      fLabel.getChars(0, len, data, 0); 
      // if not rotated, width is that of the widest char in the string 
      fWidth = 0; 
      // we need an array of one-char strings for drawString 
      fCharStrings = new String[len]; 
      fCharWidths = new int[len]; 
      fPosition = new int[len]; 
      char ch; 
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
       ch = data[i]; 
       fCharWidths[i] = fm.charWidth(ch); 
       if (fCharWidths[i] > fWidth) 
        fWidth = fCharWidths[i]; 
       fCharStrings[i] = new String(data, i, 1);    
       // small kana and punctuation 
       if (sDrawsInTopRight.indexOf(ch) >= 0) // if ch is in sDrawsInTopRight 
        fPosition[i] = POSITION_TOP_RIGHT; 
       else if (sDrawsInFarTopRight.indexOf(ch) >= 0) 
        fPosition[i] = POSITION_FAR_TOP_RIGHT; 
        fPosition[i] = POSITION_NORMAL; 
      // and height is the font height * the char count, + one extra leading at the bottom 
      fHeight = fCharHeight * len + fDescent; 
     else { 
      // if rotated, width is the height of the string 
      fWidth = fCharHeight; 
      // and height is the width, plus some buffer space 
      fHeight = fm.stringWidth(fLabel) + 2*kBufferSpace; 

    * Draw the icon at the specified location. Icon implementations 
    * may use the Component argument to get properties useful for 
    * painting, e.g. the foreground or background color. 
    public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) { 
     // We don't insist that it be on the same Component 
     if (fRotation == ROTATE_NONE) { 
      int yPos = y + fCharHeight; 
      for (int i = 0; i < fCharStrings.length; i++) { 
       // Special rules for Japanese - "half-height" characters (like ya, yu, yo in combinations) 
       // should draw in the top-right quadrant when drawn vertically 
       // - they draw in the bottom-left normally 
       int tweak; 
       switch (fPosition[i]) { 
        case POSITION_NORMAL: 
         // Roman fonts should be centered. Japanese fonts are always monospaced. 
         g.drawString(fCharStrings[i], x+((fWidth-fCharWidths[i])/2), yPos); 
        case POSITION_TOP_RIGHT: 
         tweak = fCharHeight/3; // Should be 2, but they aren't actually half-height 
         g.drawString(fCharStrings[i], x+(tweak/2), yPos-tweak); 
         tweak = fCharHeight - fCharHeight/3; 
         g.drawString(fCharStrings[i], x+(tweak/2), yPos-tweak); 
       yPos += fCharHeight; 
     else if (fRotation == ROTATE_LEFT) { 
      g.drawString(fLabel, kBufferSpace, -fDescent); 
     else if (fRotation == ROTATE_RIGHT) { 
      g.drawString(fLabel, kBufferSpace, -fDescent); 


    * Returns the icon's width. 
    * @return an int specifying the fixed width of the icon. 
    public int getIconWidth() { 
     return fWidth; 

    * Returns the icon's height. 
    * @return an int specifying the fixed height of the icon. 
    public int getIconHeight() { 
     return fHeight; 


     returns the best rotation for the string (ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_LEFT, ROTATE_RIGHT) 

     This is public static so you can use it to test a string without creating a VTextIcon 

    from http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/tr9-3.html 
    When setting text using the Arabic script in vertical lines, 
    it is more common to employ a horizontal baseline that 
    is rotated by 90� counterclockwise so that the characters 
    are ordered from top to bottom. Latin text and numbers 
    may be rotated 90� clockwise so that the characters 
    are also ordered from top to bottom. 

     Rotation rules 
     - Roman can rotate left, right, or none - default right (counterclockwise) 
     - CJK can't rotate 
     - Arabic must rotate - default left (clockwise) 

    from the online edition of _The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0_, file ch10.pdf page 4 
    Ideographs are found in three blocks of the Unicode Standard... 
    U+4E00-U+9FFF, U+3400-U+4DFF, U+F900-U+FAFF 

    Hiragana is U+3040-U+309F, katakana is U+30A0-U+30FF 

    from http://www.unicode.org/unicode/faq/writingdirections.html 
    East Asian scripts are frequently written in vertical lines 
    which run from top-to-bottom and are arrange columns either 
    from left-to-right (Mongolian) or right-to-left (other scripts). 
    Most characters use the same shape and orientation when displayed 
    horizontally or vertically, but many punctuation characters 
    will change their shape when displayed vertically. 

    Letters and words from other scripts are generally rotated through 
    ninety degree angles so that they, too, will read from top to bottom. 
    That is, letters from left-to-right scripts will be rotated clockwise 
    and letters from right-to-left scripts counterclockwise, both 
    through ninety degree angles. 

    Unlike the bidirectional case, the choice of vertical layout 
    is usually treated as a formatting style; therefore, 
    the Unicode Standard does not define default rendering behavior 
    for vertical text nor provide directionality controls designed to override such behavior 

    public static int verifyRotation(String label, int rotateHint) { 
     boolean hasCJK = false; 
     boolean hasMustRotate = false; // Arabic, etc 

     int len = label.length(); 
     char data[] = new char[len]; 
     char ch; 
     label.getChars(0, len, data, 0); 
     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
      ch = data[i]; 
      if ((ch >= '\u4E00' && ch <= '\u9FFF') || 
       (ch >= '\u3400' && ch <= '\u4DFF') || 
       (ch >= '\uF900' && ch <= '\uFAFF') || 
       (ch >= '\u3040' && ch <= '\u309F') || 
       (ch >= '\u30A0' && ch <= '\u30FF')) 
       hasCJK = true; 
      if ((ch >= '\u0590' && ch <= '\u05FF') || // Hebrew 
       (ch >= '\u0600' && ch <= '\u06FF') || // Arabic 
       (ch >= '\u0700' && ch <= '\u074F')) // Syriac 
       hasMustRotate = true; 
     // If you mix Arabic with Chinese, you're on your own 
     if (hasCJK) 
      return DEFAULT_CJK; 

     int legal = hasMustRotate ? LEGAL_MUST_ROTATE : LEGAL_ROMAN; 
     if ((rotateHint & legal) > 0) 
      return rotateHint; 

     // The hint wasn't legal, or it was zero 
     return hasMustRotate ? DEFAULT_MUST_ROTATE : DEFAULT_ROMAN; 

    // The small kana characters and Japanese punctuation that draw in the top right quadrant: 
    // small a, i, u, e, o, tsu, ya, yu, yo, wa (katakana only) ka ke 
    static final String sDrawsInTopRight = 
     "\u3041\u3043\u3045\u3047\u3049\u3063\u3083\u3085\u3087\u308E" + // hiragana 
     "\u30A1\u30A3\u30A5\u30A7\u30A9\u30C3\u30E3\u30E5\u30E7\u30EE\u30F5\u30F6"; // katakana 
    static final String sDrawsInFarTopRight = "\u3001\u3002"; // comma, full stop 

    static final int DEFAULT_CJK = ROTATE_NONE; 
    static final int DEFAULT_ROMAN = ROTATE_RIGHT; 
    static final int DEFAULT_MUST_ROTATE = ROTATE_LEFT; 

    static final double NINETY_DEGREES = Math.toRadians(90.0); 
    static final int kBufferSpace = 5; 

als kostenlose für jeden Zweck zu verwenden.

Es gibt auch eine CompositeIcon Klasse, die Sie bilden den vertikalen Text mit einem anderen Symbol kann (hier nicht gegeben)

Gemäß einem Kommentar in dem Artikel, fügen Sie Anti-Aliasing in der paintIcon Methode:

Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; 
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);