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// GSUserDefaults.h
// Created by Gabor Szabo on 30/01/2013.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@discussion This class manages the user defaults on the device with some extra convenient methods.
## Version information
__Version__: 1.0
__Found__: 2013-01-30
__Last update__: 2013-01-30
__Developer__: Gabor Szabo, TMTI Ltd.
#pragma mark - Interface
@interface GSUserDefaults : NSObject {
#pragma mark - Class Methods
#pragma mark - Getters
/// @name Getter methods
@abstract Returns the value for the key.
@discussion It reads the values from the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param key The key, it must be not `nil`.
@return The value object for the key.
@exception NSException Thrown when the key is `nil`.
@since 1.0+
+ (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key;
@abstract Returns a value collection for the keys.
@discussion It reads the values from the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
@return The value collection for the desired keys.
@exception NSException Thrown when the key is `nil`.
@since 1.0+
+ (NSDictionary *)valuesForKeys:(NSSet *)keys;
#pragma mark - Setters
/// @name Setter methods
@abstract Sets a value for the selected key.
@discussion The value always will be overridden. It sets the value to the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param value The value object, it can be `nil`, in case of `nil` the key will be removed from the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param key The key for the value, it cannot be `nil`.
@exception NSException Thrown when the key is `nil`.
@since 1.0+
+ (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key;
@abstract Sets `nil` values for the selected keys.
@discussion The value always will be overridden. It removs the from the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
@since 1.0+
+ (void)setNilValueForKeys:(NSSet *)keys;
@abstract Sets a default value for the selected keys.
@discussion It the key already exists, it won't be overridden, if the value was `nil` for the key, the key gets the value. It sets the values to the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param defaultValue The value object, it could be `nil`, in case of the `nil` just nothing will happen, the keys won't be removed.
@param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
@since 1.0+
+ (void)setDefaultValue:(id)defaultValue forKeys:(NSSet *)keys;
@abstract Sets the value for the selected keys.
@discussion The values always will be overridden, if the value was `nil` for the key, the key gets the value. It sets the values to the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param value The value object, it can be `nil`, in case of `nil` the key will be removed from the `NSUserDefaults`.
@param keys The set of keys, which are affected.
@since 1.0+
+ (void)setValue:(id)value forKeys:(NSSet *)keys;
Ich machte '-Projektname' dynamisch, aber ich kann keine ähnlichen Variablen für die anderen 2 Felder finden.Hilfe D: – Alexander