2016-07-07 17 views

Ich habe ein selbst gehostetes gitlab-Repository. Ich möchte den Code nicht veröffentlichen, aber ich würde gerne das großartige Ticketing-System für meinen Beta-Tester verwenden.Zeige Problem aber verstecken Code mit Gitlab

Ist es möglich, ein Profil zu haben, das Probleme verursachen/kommentieren kann, aber kein Recht hat, den Quellcode zu sehen?



Nun scheint es, dass Guest ist das, was Sie suchen (schamlos von Gitlab Permissions.md file gestohlen):

| Action        | Guest | Reporter | Developer | Master | Owner | 
| Create new issue      | ✓ [^1] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create confidential issue    | ✓ [^1] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| View confidential issues    | (✓) [^2] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Leave comments      | ✓ [^1] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| See a list of jobs     | ✓ [^3] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| See a job log      | ✓ [^3] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Download and browse job artifacts  | ✓ [^3] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| View wiki pages      | ✓ [^1] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Pull project code      | [^1] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Download project      | [^1] | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create code snippets     |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage issue tracker     |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage labels       |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| See a commit status     |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| See a container registry    |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| See environments      |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create new environments    |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Use environment terminals    |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Stop environments      |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| See a list of merge requests   |   | ✓   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage/Accept merge requests   |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create new merge request    |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create new branches     |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Push to non-protected branches  |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Force push to non-protected branches |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Remove non-protected branches   |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Add tags        |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Write a wiki       |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Cancel and retry jobs     |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create or update commit status  |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Update a container registry   |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Remove a container registry image  |   |   | ✓   | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Create new milestones     |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Add new team members     |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Push to protected branches   |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Enable/disable branch protection  |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Turn on/off protected branch push for devs|   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Enable/disable tag protections  |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Rewrite/remove Git tags    |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Edit project       |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Add deploy keys to project   |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Configure project hooks    |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage runners      |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage job triggers     |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage variables      |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage pages       |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Manage pages domains and certificates |   |   |    | ✓  | ✓  | 
| Switch visibility level    |   |   |    |   | ✓  | 
| Transfer project to another namespace |   |   |    |   | ✓  | 
| Remove project      |   |   |    |   | ✓  | 
| Force push to protected branches [^4] |   |   |    |   |  | 
| Remove protected branches [^4]  |   |   |    |   |  | 
| Remove pages       |   |   |    |   | ✓  | 

[^1]: If **Allow guest to access builds** is enabled in CI settings 
[^2]: Not allowed for Guest, Reporter, Developer, Master, or Owner 

Sie können auch einen Blick auf Keeping your code protected nehmen in dem es heißt:

Nach unserer Erfahrung Dies deckt fast alle Fälle ab und kann leicht an jede Organisation angepasst werden.

  • Gast - Kein Zugriff auf Code

  • Reporter - Lesen Sie das Repository

  • Developer - Lesen/Schreiben in das Repository

  • Meister - Lesen/Schreiben an die Repository + teilweise administrative Fähigkeiten

  • Besitzer - Read/Write in das Repository + volle administrative Fähigkeiten


Beachten Sie, dass, da sie gepostet Artikel „Halten Sie Ihren Code geschützt“, ein Reporter Rolle eine Fähigkeit bekam zu verwalten (d admin) Probleme und Etiketten, so widerspricht der Artikel Art der Tabelle (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/908) –


@ Osman-Pascha danke, aktualisiert –