Ich habe eine mögliche Lösung erstellt. Da ich nicht weiß, ob die Datensätze in Form von Datenrahmen oder Matrizen bereitgestellt werden, biete ich Lösungen für beide Möglichkeiten an.
Zunächst wird die Matrix-Lösung:
#### Example with Matrix #####
V2 <- c(5,8,6,2,3,9)
V3 <- c(8,8,1,15,48,58)
V4 <- c(7,8,9,4,5,6)
V2.predicted <- c(5.5,6.4,8,9,3,4)
V2.actual <- c(8,8,1,15,48,58)
V3.predicted <- c(4,8,6,55,2,3)
V3.actual <- c(5,8,6,2,3,9)
# cbind as matrix
data2 <- cbind(V2.predicted,V2.actual,V3,V4)
data3 <- cbind(V2,V3.predicted,V3.actual,V4)
fun_calc_error <- function(data,name) {
str(data) # Debugging
# Tests if name is supplied, if not, it trys to extract the name from the dataframe/matrix
# (doesn't work in lapply and ldply, as it tries to access list through X[[1]])
if(missing(name)==TRUE) {
dataname <- deparse(substitute(data)) # extracts the name of the data object
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10520772/in-r-how-to-get-an-objects-name-after-it-is-sent-to-a-function
} else {
dataname <- name
cat("dataname: ",dataname,"\n") # Debugging
# extract the number of the matrix
df_num <- as.numeric(gsub("data","",dataname)) # extract number of dataframe
# creates column names
col_pred <- paste0("V",df_num,".predicted")
col_act <- paste0("V",df_num,".actual")
# reduce matrix to the 2 columns predicted and actual
new_matrix <- data[,c(col_pred,col_act)]
# split the matrix by row and apply function
error_rate <- aaply(.data=new_matrix,
.fun=function(new_matrix) error_rate = (new_matrix[1]-new_matrix[2])/new_matrix[2]
# debugging
cat("\n str Error rate: ","\n")
# Test function for one matrix
Dann wird der Datenframe-Lösung:
#### Example with dataframes #####
V2 <- c(5,8,6,2,3,9)
V3 <- c(8,8,1,15,48,58)
V4 <- c(7,8,9,4,5,6)
V2.predicted <- c(5.5,6.4,8,9,3,4)
V2.actual <- c(8,8,1,15,48,58)
V3.predicted <- c(4,8,6,55,2,3)
V3.actual <- c(5,8,6,2,3,9)
# cbind as matrix
data2 <- cbind.data.frame(V2.predicted,V2.actual,V3,V4,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
data3 <- cbind.data.frame(V2,V3.predicted,V3.actual,V4,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
fun_calc_error_df <- function(data,name) {
str(data) # Debugging
# Tests if name is supplied, if not, it trys to extract the name from the dataframe/matrix
# (doesn't work in lapply and ldply, as it tries to access list through X[[1]])
if(missing(name)==TRUE) {
dataname <- deparse(substitute(data)) # extracts the name of the data object
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10520772/in-r-how-to-get-an-objects-name-after-it-is-sent-to-a-function
} else {
dataname <- name
cat("dataname: ",dataname,"\n") # Debugging
df_num <- as.numeric(gsub("data","",dataname)) # extract number of dataframe
# creates column names
col_pred <- paste0("V",df_num,".predicted")
col_act <- paste0("V",df_num,".actual")
new_df <- select_(data,col_pred,col_act)
colnames(new_df) <- c("predicted","actual")
new_df %>%
mutate(error_rate = (predicted-actual)/actual) %>%
select(error_rate) -> error_rate
# debugging
cat("\n str Error rate: ","\n")
# TEST for one dataframe
Wenn Sie diese Funktionen auf einem Datenrahmen verwenden/Matrix es funktioniert gut, auch ohne den Namen des Datenrahmens bereitstellt/matrix, denn mit
dataname <- deparse(substitute(data))
kann ich es extrahieren.
Wenn Sie eine Liste von Datenrahmen in lapply oder ldply setzen möchten, um die Funktion auf mehrere Datenrahmen gleichzeitig anzuwenden, wird ein Problem auftreten. ldply adressiert ein Listenelement mit X [[i]] und liefert nicht den Namen des Datenrahmens.
Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, habe ich im folgenden Code eine Schleife verwendet. Vielleicht finden Sie eine Lösung für dieses Problem und ich hoffe, der Code hilft.
##### Possible solution for more than one dataframe ####
# Create named!!! list of dataframes
df.list <- list(data2=data2,data3=data3)
# Create list of names
nameslist <- names(df.list)
# Create empty dataframe
df_error_rate <- as.data.frame(NULL)
# loop over list elements
while(i <= length(df.list)){
cat(i,"\n") # Debugging
# put list element in variable as dataframe
data <- as.data.frame(df.list[[i]],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# put name of dataframe from list in variable
name <- nameslist[i]
# apply function
error_rate <- fun_calc_error_df(data,name)
# create vector with names of dataframe
dataframe <- rep.int(name,nrow(df.list[[i]]))
# bind names and values to data frame
tmp_err_rate <- cbind.data.frame(dataframe,error_rate,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# bind rows to big data frame
df_error_rate <- rbind.data.frame(df_error_rate,tmp_err_rate)
# count loop up
i <- i + 1