Hallo Ich möchte von zwei Filter meine Graph Ergebnisse sortieren ..Conditional Order By-Klausel In Cypher Abfrage Neo4j
Meine Cypher Abfrage wie folgt aussieht ..
MATCH (n:User{user_id:304020})-[r:know]->(m:User) with m MATCH (m)-[s:like|create|share]->(o{is_active:1})
with m, s, o, (toInt(timestamp()/1000)-toInt(o.created_on))/86400 as days,
(toInt(timestamp()/1000)-toInt(o.created_on))/3600 as hours,
(1- round(o.impression_count_all/20)/50) as low_boost
with m,s,o,days,low_boost,hours,
WHEN days > 30 THEN 0.05
WHEN days >=20 AND days <=30 THEN 0.1
WHEN days >=10 AND days <=20 THEN 0.2
WHEN days >=5 AND days <=10 THEN 0.4
WHEN days >=2 AND days <=5 THEN 0.5
WHEN days =1 THEN 0.6
WHEN days < 1 THEN
WHEN hours <= 2 THEN 1
WHEN hours > 2 AND hours <= 8 THEN 0.9
WHEN hours > 8 AND hours <= 16 THEN 0.8
WHEN hours > 16 AND hours < 23 THEN 0.75
WHEN hours >= 23 AND hours <= 24 THEN 0.7
END as rs,
WHEN low_boost > 0 THEN low_boost
WHEN low_boost <= 0 THEN 0
END as lb
where has(o.trending_score_all) and has(o.impression_count_all) and not(o.is_featured=2)
RETURN distinct o.story_id as story_id,
(o.trending_score_all*4) as ts, (o.trending_score_all + rs + lb) as final_score,
count(s) as rel_count,max(s.activity_id) as id, toInt(o.created_on) as created_on
ORDER BY (CASE WHEN ts > 3 THEN final_score desc, rel_count desc ELSE ts) END) DESC
skip 0 limit 10;
Jetzt Wenn ts> 3, I wollen Ergebnisse nur von beiden final_score und rel_count ELSE srt von ts sortieren .. Bitte ändern, um durch ..
Ich habe meine Frage aktualisiert..Bitte schauen Sie sich das an. – JugalS