2011-01-07 5 views

Ich versuche das Textile Set von MarkitUp! Zu konfigurieren. und mit Blick auf das folgende Problem:Konfigurieren Sie das Textile Set in MarkItUp!

Ich will nicht h1. h2. h3. h4. h5. und h6. Optionen im Editor. Also habe ich sie aus den Standard-Textil-Set-Optionen entfernt. Hier

ist der Standardsatz:

markupSet: [ 
     {name:'Heading 1', key:'1', openWith:'h1(!(([![Class]!]))!). ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }, 
     {name:'Heading 2', key:'2', openWith:'h2(!(([![Class]!]))!). ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }, 
     {name:'Heading 3', key:'3', openWith:'h3(!(([![Class]!]))!). ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }, 
     {name:'Heading 4', key:'4', openWith:'h4(!(([![Class]!]))!). ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }, 
     {name:'Heading 5', key:'5', openWith:'h5(!(([![Class]!]))!). ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }, 
     {name:'Heading 6', key:'6', openWith:'h6(!(([![Class]!]))!). ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }, 
     {name:'Paragraph', key:'P', openWith:'p(!(([![Class]!]))!). '}, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Bold', key:'B', closeWith:'*', openWith:'*'}, 
     {name:'Italic', key:'I', closeWith:'_', openWith:'_'}, 
     {name:'Stroke through', key:'S', closeWith:'-', openWith:'-'}, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Bulleted list', openWith:'(!(* |!|*)!)'}, 
     {name:'Numeric list', openWith:'(!(# |!|#)!)'}, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Picture', replaceWith:'![![Source:!:http://]!]([![Alternative text]!])!'}, 
     {name:'Link', openWith:'"', closeWith:'([![Title]!])":[![Link:!:http://]!]', placeHolder:'Your text to link here...' }, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Quotes', openWith:'bq(!(([![Class]!]))!). '}, 
     {name:'Code', openWith:'@', closeWith:'@'}, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Preview', call:'preview', className:'preview'} 

Und hier die modifizierte ein

markupSet: [ 
     {name:'Bold', key:'B', closeWith:'*', openWith:'*'}, 
     {name:'Italic', key:'I', closeWith:'_', openWith:'_'}, 
     {name:'Stroke through', key:'S', closeWith:'-', openWith:'-'}, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Bulleted list', openWith:'(!(* |!|*)!)'}, 
     {name:'Numeric list', openWith:'(!(# |!|#)!)'}, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Picture', replaceWith:'![![Source:!:http://]!]([![Alternative text]!])!'}, 
     {name:'Link', openWith:'"', closeWith:'([![Title]!])":[![Link:!:http://]!]', placeHolder:'Your text to link here...' }, 
     {separator:'---------------' }, 
     {name:'Quotes', openWith:'bq(!(([![Class]!]))!). '}, 
     {name:'Code', openWith:'@', closeWith:'@'}, 

Das Problem ist jetzt die Aktion "Bold" ist die erste Aktion im Editor aber es zeigt immer noch "H1" Action-Thumbnail. Wie löse ich das?



Sie müssen auch die entsprechende CSS-Datei
