2016-04-21 3 views

Ich habe ein Widget, das eine Form hat. Mein Ziel ist, dass wenn der Submit-Button gedrückt wird, einige Daten an php gesendet werden, die eine Funktion ausführen, um Daten von db zu erhalten. Ich brauche die Daten in der js-Datei, also jetzt jsoniere ich die Daten und lege sie in eine Datei namens data.json. Aus dieser Datei bekomme ich die Daten mit jquery.ajax().Effizienter Weg, Daten von PHP zu senden js

Meine Frage ist: Wie kann ich das effizienter machen?




if(isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id'])){ 
    $filterdData = getChartData($_POST['id'], $_POST['maxAmount'], $_POST['minAmount']); 

    $file = fopen("/var/www/html/vtigercrm/include/data.json", "w"); 
    fwrite($file, json_encode($filterdData)); 

function getChartData($product_id, $maxAmount=NULL, $minAmount=NULL){ 
    global $adb; 

    $maxAmountQuery = ""; 
    $minAmountQuery = ""; 

    if(!is_null($maxAmount) && $maxAmount != ""){ 
     $maxAmountQuery = " AND i.quantity <= " . $maxAmount; 
    if(!is_null($minAmount) && $minAmount != ""){ 
     $minAmountQuery = " AND i.quantity >= " . $minAmount; 

    $sales = $adb->run_query_allrecords("SELECT c.modifiedtime, i.quantity, i.listprice, i.discount_percent, i.discount_amount, CONCAT(q.quote_no, ' ', q.subject) AS quotename " . 
         "FROM vtiger_inventoryproductrel i " . 
         "INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity c ON c.crmid = i.id " . 
         "INNER JOIN vtiger_quotes q ON q.quoteid = i.id " . 
         "WHERE q.quotestage = 'Delivered' AND i.productid = " . $product_id . 
         $maxAmountQuery . $minAmountQuery . 
         " ORDER BY c.modifiedtime ASC"); 

    //Calculate price after discount 
    $salesCalculated = []; 
    for($i = 0; $i < count($sales); $i++){ 
     $tmpdate = explode(" ", $sales[$i][0]); 

     $salesCalculated[$i][0] = $tmpdate[0]; 
     $salesCalculated[$i][1] = $sales[$i][1]; 

     if($sales[$i][3] == "" && $sales[$i][4] == ""){ 
      $salesCalculated[$i][2] = $sales[$i][2] * 1; 
     }elseif($sales[$i][3] == ""){ 
      $salesCalculated[$i][2] = $sales[$i][2] - ($sales[$i][4]/$sales[$i][1]); 
     }elseif($sales[$i][4] == ""){ 
      $salesCalculated[$i][2] = $sales[$i][2] - ($sales[$i][2]/100 * $sales[$i][3]); 

     $salesCalculated[$i][3] = $sales[$i][5]; 

    //Add element for every item 
    $count = 0; 
    $salesScatter = []; 
    for($i = 0; $i < count($salesCalculated); $i++){ 
     for($j = 0; $j < $salesCalculated[$i][1]; $j++){ 
      $salesScatter[$count] = []; 
      $salesScatter[$count][0] = $salesCalculated[$i][0]; 
      $salesScatter[$count][1] = $salesCalculated[$i][2]; 
      $salesScatter[$count][2] = $salesCalculated[$i][3]; 

    //Get average and split date 
    $count = 0; 
    $mydata = []; 
    for($i = 0; $i < count($salesScatter); $i++){ 
     $sum = 0; 
     $num = 0; 

     for($j = 0; $j < count($salesScatter); $j++){ 
      if($salesScatter[$i][0] == $salesScatter[$j][0]){ 
       $sum += $salesScatter[$j][1]; 

     $mydata[$count] = []; 

     $mydata[$count][0] = explode("-", $salesScatter[$i][0]); 
     $mydata[$count][1] = $salesScatter[$i][1]; 
     $mydata[$count][2] = $sum/$num; 
     $mydata[$count][3] = $salesScatter[$i][2]; 

    return $mydata; 

function getProductSales($product_id){ 
    global $adb; 

    $mydata = getChartData($product_id); 

    $file = fopen("/var/www/html/vtigercrm/include/data.json", "w"); 
    fwrite($file, json_encode($mydata)); 

    //Data to send to Smarty 
    $highest = 0; 
    $average = 0; 
    $lowest = $mydata[0][1]; 

    for($i = 0; $i < count($mydata); $i++){ 
     if($mydata[$i][1] > $highest){ 
      $highest = $mydata[$i][1]; 

     $average += $mydata[$i][1]; 

     if($mydata[$i][1] < $lowest){ 
      $lowest = $mydata[$i][1]; 
    $average /= count($mydata); 

    $product = $adb->run_query_record("SELECT CONCAT(product_no, ' (', productname, ')'), unit_price " . 
          "FROM vtiger_products WHERE productid = " . $product_id); 

    $product_details = [ 'name'=>$product[0], 'unit'=>$product[1], 'highest'=>$highest, 'average'=>$average, 'lowest'=>$lowest]; 

    return $product_details; 


    $(function() { 
     $('form').on('submit', function (e) { 


       type: 'post', 
       url: 'include/getProductSales.php', 
       data: { id: {php}echo $_GET['record'];{/php} , 
       complete: function(){ 

<script src="resources/priceChart.js"></script> 

    <table class="table table-bordered equalSplit detailview-table"> 
       <th class="blockHeader" colspan="4"> 
        <img class="cursorPointer alignMiddle blockToggle hide" src="layouts/vlayout/skins/alphagrey/images/arrowRight.png" data-mode="hide" data-id="31"> 
        <img style="display: inline;" class="cursorPointer alignMiddle blockToggle" src="layouts/vlayout/skins/alphagrey/images/arrowDown.png" data-mode="show" data-id="31"> 
       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">Product</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium">{$PRODUCT['name']}</td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">List Price</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium">{$PRODUCT['unit']}</td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">Highest Price</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium">{$PRODUCT['highest']}</td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">Max. Amount</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium"><input type="text" name="maxAmount" id="maxAmount"></td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">Average Price</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium">{$PRODUCT['average']}</td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">Min. Amount</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium"><input type="text" name="minAmount" id="minAmount"></td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px">Lowest Price</label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium">{$PRODUCT['lowest']}</td> 

       <td class="fieldLabel medium"> 
        <label class="muted pull-right marginRight10px"></label> 
       <td class="fieldValue medium"><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Filter"></td> 

     margin: 20px 0px; 
     background-color: white; 
     min-height: 450px; 
     -webkit-box-shadow: 4px 4px 15px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.3); 
     -moz-box-shadow: 4px 4px 15px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.3); 
     box-shadow:   4px 4px 15px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.3); 


<div id="chart_div" ></div> 



//check window size 
if (document.addEventListener) 
    window.addEventListener("resize", drawChart); 
else if (document.attachEvent) 
    window.attachEvent("onresize", drawChart); 
    window.resize = drawChart; 

function drawChart() { 
    var jsonData = $.ajax({ 
     url: "include/getChartdata.php", 
     dataType: "json", 
     async: false 

    var mydata = $.parseJSON(jsonData); 


    var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); 
    data.addColumn("datetime", "Date"); 
    data.addColumn("number", "Price"); 
    data.addColumn({type : "string", role : "tooltip"}); 

    data.addColumn("number", "Price (Average)"); 
    data.addColumn({type : "string", role : "tooltip"}); 

    var s = mydata.length; 

    if(s == 0){ 
     alert("There is no data in the range you selected. Please select another range."); 

    for(var i = 0; i < s; i++){ 
     data.addRow([new Date(mydata[i][0][0], mydata[i][0][1]-1, mydata[i][0][2]), mydata[i][1], mydata[i][3] + " " + mydata[i][1], mydata[i][2], 'Average of : ' + mydata[i][2]]); 

    var min = new Date(mydata[0][0][0], mydata[0][0][1]-1, mydata[0][0][2]); 
    min.setDate(min.getDate() - 7); 
    var max = new Date(mydata[s-1][0][0], mydata[s-1][0][1]-1, mydata[s-1][0][2]); 
    max.setDate(max.getDate() + 7); 

    var options = { 
     hAxis: { 
      title: "Date", 
      viewWindow: { 
       min: min, 
       max: max 
      gridlines: { 
       count: -1, 
       units: { 
        days: { 
         format: ["MMM dd"] 
     vAxis: { 
      title: "Price", 
      minValue: 0 
     legend: "none", 
     series: { 
      0: { 
       pointSize: 10, 
       dataOpacity: 0.6, 
       pointShape: "diamond" 
      1: { 
       lineWidth: 2, 
       color: "#509C49", 
       pointSize: 2 

    var chart = new google.visualization.ScatterChart(document.getElementById("chart_div")); 
    chart.draw(data, options); 



Warum Sie diese Datei gespeichert werden? Ändere $ _POST zu $ ​​_GET und lasse deine URLs und Benutzereingaben Parameter an PHP senden. Dann führt PHP die Abfrage aus, um die Daten aus der Datenbank abzurufen, verschlüsselt sie über JSON und kehrt zum Benutzer zurück, wobei kein Speichern in die Datei erforderlich ist. Ich sehe, dass Sie jQuery verwenden, also sollte $ .getJSON für Sie gut funktionieren. Du schreibst Sachen, die du nicht brauchst. Ich habe es eilig, ich werde es besser erklären, wenn ich es heute Abend brauche.


Thnx zum Beantworten. Könntest du Folgendes beantworten, wenn du Zeit hast: Wie bekomme ich die Variable in die js-Datei? denn wenn ich den POST in GET ändere, habe ich die Variablen in den Script-Tags der .tpl-Datei und nicht in der Funktion, die das Diagramm zeichnet. in PHP muss ich die Daten richtig echo? –


Ich habe es funktioniert. thnx. –