2016-05-21 20 views

i nicht mit CDATA Block von nur Elementwert zu bekommen scheinen, nur leeren Wert zurück, hoffe, ihr helfen können, das ist meine XML-Daten:kann nicht xml mit CDATA-Block SimpleXML analysieren mit und Retrofit

       <date_added>2008-06-06 11:10:16</date_added> 
       <date_last_updated>2015-07-11 12:08:20</date_last_updated> 
        <![CDATA[<p>The horrors of:</p><p>- Lost race!</p><p>- The man germ!</p><p>- Man in the hood!</p><p>- The things!</p><p>-Stories behind the stars, featuring the legendary battle between Hercules, Hydra and Iolaus!</p><p>Plus, two page long prose-stories.</p>]]> 
        <![CDATA[The Lost Race]]> 
         <![CDATA[Chamber of Chills Magazine]]> 

mit meiner 2 Modellklasse:

@Root(name = "response", strict = false) 
    public class IssueWrapper extends BaseObject { 
    @ElementList(name = "results") 
    List<Issue> issues; 
    public List<Issue> getIssues() { 
     return issues; 

    @Element(name = "issue") 
    public class Issue extends BaseObject { 
    @Element(name = "id") 
    int id; 
    @Element(name = "date_added") 
    String dateAdded; 
    @Element(name = "description", data = true, required = true) 
    String description; 
    @Element(name = "issue_number") 
    int issueNumber; 
    public String getDateAdded() { 
     return dateAdded; 
    public int getIssueNumber() { 
     return issueNumber; 

Logcat Ausgang:

Caused by: org.simpleframework.xml.core.ValueRequiredException: Empty value for @org.simpleframework.xml.Element(data=true, name=description, required=true, type=void) on field 'description' public java.lang.String truongan.android.comicvineapiapp.model.Issue.description in class truongan.android.comicvineapiapp.model.Issue at line 2 

eine Lösung für dieses? – Dolphin




@Element(data = true)
Er arbeitete für mich