2016-03-30 20 views

Ich möchte die Funktion in die Funktion integrieren, um Konfusionsmatrizen aus Teilmengen (Datenrahmen) eines Masters zu erzeugen -list wird aus Klassifikationsbaummodellen erzeugt. Mein Ziel ist es, Konfusionsmatrix-Statistiken wie Klassifizierungsgenauigkeit, Kappa-Metrik usw. (gewünschte Ausgabe unten) zu erstellen. Es tut mir leid, so eine einfache Frage zu stellen, aber ich kann das nicht herausfinden. Wenn jemand helfen kann, dann vielen Dank im Voraus.Verwendung einer Funktion zur Erzeugung von Konfusionsmatrizen mit dem Caret-Paket aus verschachtelten Teilmengen in einer Master-Liste

Reproducible data

-Code, um eine verschachtelte Liste der Klassifikationsbaum-Modellvorhersagen und Verwirrung Matrizen



     shuffle100 <-lapply(seq(10), function(n){ #produce 10 different shuffled data-frames 
     subset <- my_data[sample(nrow(my_data), 80),] #shuffle 80 rows in the data-frame 
     subset_idx <- sample(1:nrow(subset), replace = FALSE) 
     subset <- subset[subset_idx, ] 
     subset_resampled_idx <- createDataPartition(subset_idx, times = 1, p = 0.7, list = FALSE) #partition data-frame into 70 % training and 30 % test subsets 
     subset_resampled <- subset[subset_resampled_idx, ] #70 % training data 
     ct_mod<-rpart(Family~., data=subset_resampled, method="class", control=rpart.control(cp=0.005)) #10 ct models 
     ct_pred<-predict(ct_mod, newdata=subset[,2:13]) 
     confusionMatrix(ct_pred, norm$Family)#10 confusion matrices 


 Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list' 
     Have you called 'sort' on a list? 
     Called from: sort.list(y) 

Reproduzierbare Dummy-Daten können unter dieser Adresse zu finden

Gewünschtes Ergebnis

    Confusion Matrix and Statistics 

     Prediction G8 V4 
       G8 42 12 
       V4 8 18 

       Accuracy : 0.75    
        95% CI : (0.6406, 0.8401) 
    No Information Rate : 0.625   
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.01244   

        Kappa : 0.4521   
    Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.50233   

      Sensitivity : 0.8400   
      Specificity : 0.6000   
      Pos Pred Value : 0.7778   
      Neg Pred Value : 0.6923   
       Prevalence : 0.6250   
      Detection Rate : 0.5250   
    Detection Prevalence : 0.6750   
     Balanced Accuracy : 0.7200   

     'Positive' Class : G8    



Hier ist eine Funktion Verwirrtheit Matrices aus Unterlisten (Datenrahmen) in einer Master-Liste von Klassifikationsbaum-Modellen unter Verwendung der Funktion in den confusionMatrixcaret package hergestellt herzustellen.

#Generate three new column headings: 
    #(1) `Predicted' 
    #(2) `Actual' 
    #(3) `Binary' 

my_list <- lapply(shuffle100, function(df){#Create two new columns  Predicted and Actual 
     if (nrow(df) > 0) 
     cbind(df, Predicted = c(""), Actual = c(""), Binary = c(""), Actual2 = c("")) 
     cbind(df, Predicted = factor(), Actual = c(""), Binary = c (""), Actual2 = c("")) 

    # Produce three columns filled with NA's 
    #`Predicted' = NA 
    #`Actual' = NA 
    #`Binary' = NA 

Final_lists<-lapply(my_list, function(x) mutate(x, Predicted = NA, Actual = NA, Binary = NA, Actual2 = NA)) 


    #Fill the `Predicted'depending on the condition of which group in the dependent variable has the highest probability: either V4 > G8 or G8 > V4 

    #Fill the Predicted column 

    for(i in 1:length(Final_lists)){ 
    for(j in 1:nrow(Final_lists[[i]])){ 
    Final_lists[[i]] [j,3]=names(Final_lists[[i]])[(Final_lists[[i]] [j,2] > Final_lists[[i]] [j,1])+1] 



#Fill in the Actual column with the actual class predictions 
#Firstly create a vector for normalised_scores$Family 
#Insert normalised_scores$Family into the column called `Actual' for each sub-list in the nested sublist 

    Actual <-lapply(Final_lists, `[`, 4) # Select the Actual column in all lists 

    #There are two ways: 

    #Way 1: 

    # Use indices - and pass in Final_lists 

    Actual_list <- lapply(seq_along(Final_lists), 
        function(i, x){ 
        x[[i]]$Actual <- Actual 
        return (x[[i]]) 
        }, Final_lists 


    # Use indices - and pass in Final_lists 

    # iterate the ten elements of the outer list 
    # iterate each row of EACH inner list 
    # in each row, if Predicted==Actual, assign 1 to Binary, else 0 

    #Method 1 

    for(i in 1 : length(Actual_list)) { 
    for(j in 1 : length(Actual_list[[i]]$Predicted)) { 
    if(Actual_list[[i]][j,"Predicted"] == Actual_list[[i]][j,"Actual"]){ 
     Actual_list[[i]][j,"Binary"] <- 1 
     } else { 
     Actual_list[[i]][j,"Binary"] <- 0 

#Fill in Actual2 column 

    for(i in 1 : length(Actual_list)){ 
    for(j in 1 : length(Actual_list[[i]]$Actual)){ 
    if(Actual_list[[i]][j,"Actual"] == "V4"){ 
     Actual_list[[i]][j,"Actual2"] <- 1 
    } else { 
     Actual_list[[i]][j,"Actual2"] <- 0 


#Generate confusion matrices 

    confusionMatrices <- lapply(Actual_list, function(scores){ 
confusionMatrix(scores$Predicted, scores$Actual) 