Ich machte a GitHub repo for a shim to support getAll in other browsers, die in Chrome gut genug zu funktionieren scheint. Der Code wird im Folgenden für die Nachwelt wiederholt:
(function() {
"use strict";
var Event, getAll, IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore, IDBRequest;
IDBObjectStore = window.IDBObjectStore || window.webkitIDBObjectStore || window.mozIDBObjectStore || window.msIDBObjectStore;
IDBIndex = window.IDBIndex || window.webkitIDBIndex || window.mozIDBIndex || window.msIDBIndex;
if (typeof IDBObjectStore.prototype.getAll !== "undefined" && typeof IDBIndex.prototype.getAll !== "undefined") {
// https://github.com/axemclion/IndexedDBShim/blob/gh-pages/src/IDBRequest.js
IDBRequest = function() {
this.onsuccess = null;
this.readyState = "pending";
// https://github.com/axemclion/IndexedDBShim/blob/gh-pages/src/Event.js
Event = function (type, debug) {
return {
"type": type,
debug: debug,
bubbles: false,
cancelable: false,
eventPhase: 0,
timeStamp: new Date()
getAll = function (key) {
var request, result;
key = typeof key !== "undefined" ? key : null;
request = new IDBRequest();
result = [];
// this is either an IDBObjectStore or an IDBIndex, depending on the context.
this.openCursor(key).onsuccess = function (event) {
var cursor, e, target;
cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
} else {
if (typeof request.onsuccess === "function") {
e = new Event("success");
e.target = {
readyState: "done",
result: result
return request;
if (typeof IDBObjectStore.prototype.getAll === "undefined") {
IDBObjectStore.prototype.getAll = getAll;
if (typeof IDBIndex.prototype.getAll === "undefined") {
IDBIndex.prototype.getAll = getAll;
Hallo, ich spreche von 4 Jahren in der Zukunft; brauchte deinen Code, um es in "Ich lass dich zuerst raten ..." yessss, Internet Explorer (klatschen klatschen) – sergio0983
lol IE/Edge sind immer noch so weit zurück. – user1133275