2013-12-19 1 views

Wir wissen, dass "Action, Func und Predicate sind vordefinierte Generische Delegaten. So als Delegate können sie auf Funktionen mit der angegebenen Signatur zeigen."Verwendung von generischen Delegaten

Ich habe folgende Daten-Access-Szenario, in dem Func<T,R> in avoiding a foreach loop in der aufrufenden Methode hilft. Der Ansatz 2 hat keine Schleife. Hier half Func<T,R> Schleife zu vermeiden.

Was sind die anderen Szenarien für generische Delegaten, in denen es viele Zeilen Code speichern kann?


  1. Dynamically Composing Expression Predicates
  2. Advanced C#
  3. C#/.NET Little Wonders: The Predicate, Comparison, and Converter Generic Delegates
  4. Func vs. Action vs. Predicate
  5. What is Func, how and when is it used
  6. How can I pass in a func with a generic type parameter?


Ansatz 1

public class MyCommonDAL 

    public static IEnumerable<IDataRecord> ExecuteQueryWithTextCommandType(string commandText, List<SqlParameter> commandParameters) 
     using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) 
      using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand()) 
       command.Connection = connection; 
       command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 
       command.CommandText = commandText; 
       command.CommandTimeout = 0; 

       using (var rdr = command.ExecuteReader()) 
        while (rdr.Read()) 
         yield return rdr; 


public class MyLogDAL 
    public List<LogSeverityType> GetLogSeveritiesFirstApproach(LogSeverityType logSeverityType) 

     List<SqlParameter> commandParameters = new List<SqlParameter>() 
                new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@CreatedDateTime", 
                     Value = logSeverityType.CreatedDateTime, 
                     SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime} 

     string commandText = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.LogSeverityType WHERE CreatedDateTime > @CreatedDateTime"; 
     var results = MyCommonDAL.ExecuteQueryWithTextCommandType(commandText, commandParameters); 

     List<LogSeverityType> logSeverities = new List<LogSeverityType>(); 

     foreach (IDataRecord rec in results) 
      LogSeverityType objLogSeverityType = LogSeverityType.LogSeverityTypeFactory(rec); 

     return logSeverities; 


Ansatz 2

public class MyCommonDAL 

     public static IEnumerable<T> ExecuteQueryGenericApproach<T>(string commandText, List<SqlParameter> commandParameters, Func<IDataRecord, T> factoryMethod) 

      //Action, Func and Predicate are pre-defined Generic delegates. 
      //So as delegate they can point to functions with specified signature. 

      using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) 
       using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand()) 
        command.Connection = connection; 
        command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; 
        command.CommandText = commandText; 
        command.CommandTimeout = 0; 

        using (var rdr = command.ExecuteReader()) 
         while (rdr.Read()) 
          yield return factoryMethod(rdr); 


    public class MyLogDAL 

     public List<LogSeverityType> GetLogSeveritiesSecondApproach(LogSeverityType logSeverityType) 

      List<SqlParameter> commandParameters = new List<SqlParameter>() 
                 new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@CreatedDateTime", 
                      Value = logSeverityType.CreatedDateTime, 
                      SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime} 

      string commandText = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.LogSeverityType WHERE CreatedDateTime > @CreatedDateTime"; 
      //var results = MyCommonDAL.ExecuteQueryWithTextCommandType(commandText, commandParameters); 

      IEnumerable<LogSeverityType> logSeverities = MyCommonDAL.ExecuteQueryGenericApproach<LogSeverityType>(commandText, commandParameters, LogSeverityType.LogSeverityTypeFactory); 

      //foreach (IDataRecord rec in results) 
      // LogSeverityType objLogSeverityType = LogSeverityType.LogSeverityTypeFactory(rec); 
      // logSeverities.Add(objLogSeverityType); 

      return logSeverities.ToList(); 


Andere Code erforderlich

public class LogSeverityType 
     public int LogSeverityTypeID { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; } 
     public string Description { get; set; } 
     public DateTime CreatedDateTime { get; set; } 

     public static LogSeverityType LogSeverityTypeFactory(IDataRecord record) 
      return new LogSeverityType 
       LogSeverityTypeID = (int)record[0], 
       Name = (string) record[1], 
       Description = (string)record[2], 
       CreatedDateTime = (DateTime) record[3] 

     static void Main(string[] args) 
      MyLogDAL logDAL = new MyLogDAL(); 
      LogSeverityType logSeverityType = new LogSeverityType(); 
      logSeverityType.CreatedDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2000"); 

      List<LogSeverityType> logSeverities = logDAL.GetLogSeveritiesSecondApproach(logSeverityType); 

"Was sind die anderen wichtigsten 5 Anwendungsszenarien für generische Delegaten?" - Das ist doch subjektiv? – Nathan


Sicher, keine Frage dazu - aber sollte wohl über http://programmers.stackexchange.com/ gehen? – Nathan


@Nathan: Ich denke sogar [programmers.se] würde dies ablehnen. Es ist reine Meinung und nichts anderes. –



Ich verwende generische Delegaten beim Analysieren/Finden von Knoten in XML/HTML-Dokumenten und beim Zuweisen der Werte zu Eigenschaften. Ich schrieb a blog post about it, die Refactoring des Codes zeigt, um in einem generischen Delegaten zu übergeben, und wie viel Code entfernt wurde.