Wir wissen, dass "Action, Func und Predicate sind vordefinierte Generische Delegaten. So als Delegate können sie auf Funktionen mit der angegebenen Signatur zeigen."Verwendung von generischen Delegaten
Ich habe folgende Daten-Access-Szenario, in dem Func<T,R>
in avoiding a foreach loop
in der aufrufenden Methode hilft. Der Ansatz 2 hat keine Schleife. Hier half Func<T,R>
Schleife zu vermeiden.
Was sind die anderen Szenarien für generische Delegaten, in denen es viele Zeilen Code speichern kann?
- Dynamically Composing Expression Predicates
- Advanced C#
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: The Predicate, Comparison, and Converter Generic Delegates
- Func vs. Action vs. Predicate
- What is Func, how and when is it used
- How can I pass in a func with a generic type parameter?
Ansatz 1
public class MyCommonDAL
public static IEnumerable<IDataRecord> ExecuteQueryWithTextCommandType(string commandText, List<SqlParameter> commandParameters)
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
command.Connection = connection;
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.CommandText = commandText;
command.CommandTimeout = 0;
using (var rdr = command.ExecuteReader())
while (rdr.Read())
yield return rdr;
public class MyLogDAL
public List<LogSeverityType> GetLogSeveritiesFirstApproach(LogSeverityType logSeverityType)
List<SqlParameter> commandParameters = new List<SqlParameter>()
new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@CreatedDateTime",
Value = logSeverityType.CreatedDateTime,
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime}
string commandText = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.LogSeverityType WHERE CreatedDateTime > @CreatedDateTime";
var results = MyCommonDAL.ExecuteQueryWithTextCommandType(commandText, commandParameters);
List<LogSeverityType> logSeverities = new List<LogSeverityType>();
foreach (IDataRecord rec in results)
LogSeverityType objLogSeverityType = LogSeverityType.LogSeverityTypeFactory(rec);
return logSeverities;
Ansatz 2
public class MyCommonDAL
public static IEnumerable<T> ExecuteQueryGenericApproach<T>(string commandText, List<SqlParameter> commandParameters, Func<IDataRecord, T> factoryMethod)
//Action, Func and Predicate are pre-defined Generic delegates.
//So as delegate they can point to functions with specified signature.
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
command.Connection = connection;
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.CommandText = commandText;
command.CommandTimeout = 0;
using (var rdr = command.ExecuteReader())
while (rdr.Read())
yield return factoryMethod(rdr);
public class MyLogDAL
public List<LogSeverityType> GetLogSeveritiesSecondApproach(LogSeverityType logSeverityType)
List<SqlParameter> commandParameters = new List<SqlParameter>()
new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@CreatedDateTime",
Value = logSeverityType.CreatedDateTime,
SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime}
string commandText = @"SELECT * FROM dbo.LogSeverityType WHERE CreatedDateTime > @CreatedDateTime";
//var results = MyCommonDAL.ExecuteQueryWithTextCommandType(commandText, commandParameters);
IEnumerable<LogSeverityType> logSeverities = MyCommonDAL.ExecuteQueryGenericApproach<LogSeverityType>(commandText, commandParameters, LogSeverityType.LogSeverityTypeFactory);
//foreach (IDataRecord rec in results)
// LogSeverityType objLogSeverityType = LogSeverityType.LogSeverityTypeFactory(rec);
// logSeverities.Add(objLogSeverityType);
return logSeverities.ToList();
Andere Code erforderlich
public class LogSeverityType
public int LogSeverityTypeID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedDateTime { get; set; }
public static LogSeverityType LogSeverityTypeFactory(IDataRecord record)
return new LogSeverityType
LogSeverityTypeID = (int)record[0],
Name = (string) record[1],
Description = (string)record[2],
CreatedDateTime = (DateTime) record[3]
static void Main(string[] args)
MyLogDAL logDAL = new MyLogDAL();
LogSeverityType logSeverityType = new LogSeverityType();
logSeverityType.CreatedDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2000");
List<LogSeverityType> logSeverities = logDAL.GetLogSeveritiesSecondApproach(logSeverityType);
"Was sind die anderen wichtigsten 5 Anwendungsszenarien für generische Delegaten?" - Das ist doch subjektiv? – Nathan
Sicher, keine Frage dazu - aber sollte wohl über http://programmers.stackexchange.com/ gehen? – Nathan
@Nathan: Ich denke sogar [programmers.se] würde dies ablehnen. Es ist reine Meinung und nichts anderes. –