2011-01-08 5 views

ich hier mit Google anhand der Anweisungen zur Authentifizierung am zuzugreifen versuchen, meine Flex-Anwendung zu erhalten:403 Fehler bei dem Versuch, Google AuthSub von Flash-Anwendung (AuthSub für Actionscript)


ich das Beispiel kopiert haben da und versuche es zur Arbeit zu bringen. Ich betreiben meinen app auf einem loca Server so dass ich die nächsten Parameter geändert habe:

authSubParams['next'] = 'http://localhost/AuthSub.html'; 

bekommen das erste Token funktioniert gut, aber wenn ich versuche, das langlebige Token ich einen Fehler zu erhalten:

getLongLivedToken: singleUseToken: 1%2Fa... 
onHttpStatus: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=403 responseURL=null] 
onGetTokenFailed: Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https://accounts.googleapis.com/accounts/AuthSubSessionToken 

es sieht aus wie ich einen 403 Fehler bekomme. Irgendwelche Ideen?

Ganze App:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    initialize=" onInitialized() " 
    applicationComplete=" onLoaded() " 


      import flash.external.ExternalInterface; 
      import flash.net.navigateToURL; 

      import mx.controls.Alert; 

      private function onInitialized() : void { 
       // Load the cross domain policy file for each of the googleapis.com 
       // domains used. At the very least, we need the ones for the API (photos) 
       // and the one for AuthSub for ActionScript (accounts). 

      private function onLoaded() : void { 
       // Once the application has loaded, check to see if an AuthSub token was 
       // placed into the current page's URL. If it was, the user has already 
       // authenticated, we can continue to connect to the the service itself. 
       // In a real application, the long-term cookie would also be stored and 
       // checked here, to remove the need for the user to authenticate for this 
       // application every time it is used. 
       var searchPortion : String = ExternalInterface.call('window.location.search.toString'); 

       //searchPortion = "?token=tokenSavenFromPreviousAttempt"; 

       if (searchPortion.length > 0) { 
        // remove the ? from the token and extract the token. 
        searchPortion = searchPortion.substring(1); 

        // NOTE: Real applications should parse the URL properly. 
        if (searchPortion.indexOf('token=') == 0) { 

         log("token found: " + searchPortion); 


       // No token found; redirect the user to the AuthSub page. Note that this URL 
       // is on the google.com domain. We can contact the google.com domain because 
       // this isn't a request from within Flash, but rather a page redirect. 
       var getTokenPage : URLRequest = new URLRequest('https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest'); 

       // Construct the parameters of the AuthSub request. These are the same parameters 
       // as normal AuthSub, which can be found here: http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/AuthSub.html#AuthSubRequest 
       var authSubParams : URLVariables = new URLVariables(); 
       authSubParams['scope'] = 'http://photos.googleapis.com/data'; // photos API 
       authSubParams['session'] = 1; // single-use token 
       authSubParams['secure'] = 0; // non-secure apps 
       authSubParams['next'] = 'http://localhost/AuthSub.html'; // The URL of this app. 
       //authSubParams['next'] = 'http://localhost/'; // The URL of this app. 

       log("token not found, sending AuthSubRequest"); 

       getTokenPage.data = authSubParams; 
       navigateToURL(getTokenPage, '_top'); 

      private function getLongLivedToken(singleUseToken : String) : void { 
       // Construct a call to the AuthSub for ActionScript endpoint on accounts.googleapis.com. 
       // This call will exchange the single use token given to use by AuthSub for a long-term 
       // token that we can use to make requests to endpoints such as Photos. 
       var getTokenRequest : URLRequest = new URLRequest('https://accounts.googleapis.com/accounts/AuthSubSessionToken'); 

       // Due to a bug in Flash, a URLRequest with a GET request will 
       // not properly send headers. We therefore use POST for this and *ALL* 
       // requests. 
       getTokenRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; 

       // Due to a bug in Flash, a URLRequest without a valid parameter will 
       // not properly send headers. We therefore add a useless parameter to 
       // make this code work. 
       getTokenRequest.data = new URLVariables('pleaseignore=ignore'); 

       // Add the AuthSub for ActionScript headers. 
       getTokenRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader('Authorization', 'AuthSub token="' + singleUseToken + '"')); 

       // Create the loader to get the token itself. The loader will callback 
       // to the following event handlers if and when the server responds. 
       var getToken : URLLoader = new URLLoader(); 
       getToken.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGetTokenResult); 
       getToken.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onGetTokenFailed); 
       getToken.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onGetTokenFailed); 
       getToken.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHttpStatus); 

       log("getLongLivedToken: singleUseToken: " + singleUseToken); 

       try { 
       } catch (e : Error) { 

        log("error:\n" + e.message); 

        Alert.show('Some error occurred: ' + e); 


      private function onGetTokenResult(e : Event) : void { 

       // Load the parameters from the response. 
       var getToken : URLLoader = URLLoader(e.target); 
       var params : URLVariables = new URLVariables(getToken.data); 

       // Parse the session token from the result. Real applications 
       // might at this point store the token in a long-term cookie so 
       // that repeated usages of the application do not require this entire 
       // authentication process. 
       var sessionToken : String = params.Token; 

       log("onGetTokenResult: sessionToken: " + sessionToken); 

       // Trim the newline from the end of the session token. 
       sessionToken = sessionToken.substring(0, sessionToken.length - 1); 

       Alert.show('session token: [' + sessionToken + ']'); 

       // Prepare a request to the photos API for the private album 
       // of the user. 
       var albumRequest : URLRequest = new URLRequest('http://photos.googleapis.com/data/feed/api/user/default'); 
       albumRequest.data = new URLVariables('access=private&amp;v=2&amp;err=xml'); 

       // Due to a bug in Flash, a URLRequest with a GET request will 
       // not properly send headers. We therefore use POST for this and *ALL* 
       // requests. 
       albumRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; 

       var authsubHeader : String = 'AuthSub token="' + sessionToken + '"'; 

       // Add the Authorization header which uses the session token. 
       albumRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader('Authorization', authsubHeader)); 

       // The X-HTTP-Method-Override header tells the Photos API to treat this request 
       // as a GET request, even though it is being conducted as a POST (due to the bug 
       // mentioned above). This is very important, as GData APIs will react differently 
       // to different HTTP request types. 
       albumRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader('X-HTTP-Method-Override', 'GET')); 

       // We expect ATOM XML to be returned. 
       albumRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/atom+xml')); 

       var getAlbum : URLLoader = new URLLoader(); 
       getAlbum.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGetAlbumResult); 
       getAlbum.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onGetAlbumFailed); 
       getAlbum.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onGetAlbumFailed); 

       try { 
       } catch (e : Error) { 
        Alert.show('Some error occurred: ' + e); 

      private function onGetAlbumResult(e : Event) : void { 
       // Load the XML from the response. 
       var getAlbum : URLLoader = URLLoader(e.target); 
       Alert.show('Returned XML: ' + getAlbum.data); 

      private function onGetTokenFailed(e : ErrorEvent) : void { 
       log("onGetTokenFailed: " + e.text); 
       Alert.show('Some error occurred: ' + e); 

      private function onGetAlbumFailed(e : ErrorEvent) : void { 
       log("onGetAlbumFailed: " + e.text); 
       Alert.show('Some error occurred: ' + e); 

      private function onHttpStatus(e : HTTPStatusEvent) : void { 
       log("onHttpStatus: " + e); 
       Alert.show('Some error occurred: ' + e); 

      private function log(message : String) : void 

       debugOutput.text = debugOutput.text ? debugOutput.text : ""; 

       debugOutput.text = debugOutput.text.length == 0 ? message : debugOutput.text + "\n" + message; 







var searchPortion : String = ExternalInterface.call('window.location.search.toString'); 


var searchPortion : String = decodeURIComponent(ExternalInterface.call('window.location.search.toString')); 

private Funktion onLoaded(): void {// Sobald die Anwendung geladen ist, prüfen Überprüfen Sie, ob ein AuthSub-Token // in die URL der aktuellen Seite eingefügt wurde. Wenn dies der Fall ist, hat der Benutzer bereits // authentifiziert, können wir weiterhin mit dem Dienst selbst verbinden. // In einer realen Anwendung würde auch der Langzeit-Cookie gespeichert und // hier überprüft werden, um die Notwendigkeit zu beseitigen, dass der Benutzer bei jeder Verwendung dieses // // Programms authentifiziert wird. var searchPortion: String = ExternalInterface.call ('window.location.search.toString');

// searchPortion = "? Token = tokenSavenFromPreviousAttempt";

if (searchPortion.length> 0) { // entfernen? aus dem Token und extrahiere das Token. searchPortion = searchPortion.substring (1);

// HINWEIS: Echte Anwendungen sollten die URL korrekt analysieren. if (searchPortion.indexOf ('token =') == 0) {

log("token found: " + searchPortion); 


} }

Token nicht ordnungsgemäß analysiert wird. Verwenden Sie var token: String = Application.application.parameters ["token"]; stattdessen;