Ich habe eine erste Anwendung von ibm mobile mit Adapter-Autorisierung und forderten Handler entwickelt. Ich habe eine Android-Umgebung hinzugefügt und möchte es gegen Produktionsserver testen, also habe ich die APK auf meinem Entwickler-Tablet eingesetzt.Client-Registrierung fehlgeschlagen
Ich habe gesehen, dass beim Versuch, einen Remote-Adapater aufzurufen, versucht worldlight, ClientInstanceId durch Ausführen einer Cordova-Methode "WLAuthorizationManagerPlugingetClientInstanceIdHeader" zu erhalten. Diese Anfrage führt immer zu einer Zeitüberschreitung und ich sehe in der Konsole ein neues Entru: "Uncaught (in promise) adapter-communication-error". Die Methode wird mit "WL.Logger.debug ('Client registration failed with error:' + JSON.stringify (error));"
Edited: Anmeldung Flow:
Anmeldung Umsetzung:
import {UserModel} from 'app-user';
import {UserService} from 'app-user-service';
import {AppSettingsService} from 'app-settings';
import {AppMasterDataService} from "../master-data/app-master-data-service";
import jsSha from 'js-sha';
import {UserRepository} from "user-repository";
import {NetworkInformation} from ../../infrastructure/phonegap/plugins/network-information';
export class LoggedInUser{
public static inject = [UserService, AppSettingsService, AppMasterDataService, UserRepository];
public info: UserModel;
public isLoggedIn: boolean;
private singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler: any;
private _getUserInfoPromise: Promise<UserModel>;
private _listeners: Array<(success: boolean, error: string) => void> = [];
private lastCredentials: any;
constructor(private _userService: UserService, private _settingsService: AppSettingsService, private _masterDataService: AppMasterDataService, private _userRepo: UserRepository){
if(typeof WL != "undefined"){
this.singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler = WL.Client.createChallengeHandler('GicarAuthRealm');
this.singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.isCustomResponse = this.isCustomResponse.bind(this);
this.singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.handleChallenge = this.handleChallenge.bind(this);
public async initializeUserInfo(): Promise<void>{
return this.executeLogOut(null, null);
public addLoginEventListener(callback: (success: boolean, error: string) => void){
if(!this._listeners.some(x => x === callback)){
public removeLoginEventListener(callback: (success: boolean, error: string) => void){
let index = this._listeners.indexOf(callback);
if(index >= 0){
this._listeners.splice(index, 1);
private raiseLoginEvent(success: boolean, error?: string){
for (var listener of this._listeners){
try {
listener(success, error);
}catch (e){
public prepareLogin(){
this._getUserInfoPromise = this._userService.getUserInfo();
public async executeLogIn(userName: string, password: string){//: Promise<boolean>{
await this.executeLogOut(userName, password);
var userNameSha = new jsSha("SHA-512", "TEXT");
var userNameHash = userNameSha.getHash("B64");
var passwordSha = new jsSha("SHA-512", "TEXT");
var passwordHash = passwordSha.getHash("B64");
this.lastCredentials = {
userName: userNameHash,
password: passwordHash
var invocationData = {
adapter : "GicarAuthAdapter",
procedure : "submitAuthentication",
parameters : [ userName, window.btoa(userName + ':' + password) ]
}else {
this.doDisconnectedLogin(userName, password);
this._userService.logIn(userName, password)
.then(info =>{
this.info = info;
this.isLoggedIn = typeof info !== 'undefined' && info != null;
}).catch(e =>{
this.isLoggedIn = false;
this.info = null;
this.raiseLoginEvent(false, e.message ? e.message : e.toString())
private async doDisconnectedLogin(userName: string, password: string){
var userNameSha = new jsSha("SHA-512", "TEXT");
var userNameHash = userNameSha.getHash("B64");
var passwordSha = new jsSha("SHA-512", "TEXT");
var passwordHash = passwordSha.getHash("B64");
var persisted = await this._userRepo.findUserByUserName(userNameHash);
let success = persisted && persisted.password == passwordHash;
this.info = persisted;
this.isLoggedIn = success;
this.raiseLoginEvent(success, success ? null : 'user-invalid-credentials');
public executeLogOut(userName: string, password: string): Promise<void>{
this.lastCredentials = null;
return this._userService.logOut(this.info).then(() =>{
this.isLoggedIn = false;
this.info = null;
return Promise.resolve();
private isCustomResponse(response: any): boolean{
if (!response || !response.responseJSON || response.responseText === null) {
return false;
if (typeof(response.responseJSON.authRequired) !== 'undefined'){
return true;
} else {
return false;
private async handleChallenge(response: JQueryXHR){
var authRequired = response.responseJSON.authRequired;
if(authRequired == true){
this.info == null;
this.raiseLoginEvent(false, response.responseJSON.errorMessage);
}else {
try {
if(this.info == null){
this.info = await this._getUserInfoPromise;
await this._masterDataService.initializeMasterData(false);
await this._userRepo.saveUser({
entityId: this.lastCredentials.userName,
firstName: this.info.firstName,
lastName: this.info.lastName,
fullName: this.info.fullName,
email: this.info.email,
nif: this.info.nif,
address: this.info.address,
userName: this.lastCredentials.userName,
password: this.lastCredentials.password
this.isLoggedIn = true;
}catch (error){
this.raiseLoginEvent(false, error.message ? error.message : error.toString());
Ich glaube, Sie Ihre Implementierung hinzufügen müssen, um zu entscheiden. –
Was meinst du? –
Der Code, den Sie in Ihrem Authentifizierungsablauf verwenden. –