2016-08-05 14 views

Ich muss die Fortschrittsanzeige und die Statusbezeichnung während der Ausführung eines Prozesses aktualisieren. Ich verwende eine BackgroundWorker. In DoWork Ereignis ich starte den Prozess und während der Ausführung des Prozesses ich versuche, Fortschrittsbalken mit ReportProgress() und Status Label.Mein Problem ist, wird es nur nach Abschluss des Prozesses aktualisieren. Ich muss das parallel tun.Fortschrittsbalken wird nicht in UI asynchron aktualisiert, während ein Prozess ausgeführt wird

private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    executionworker.DoWork += executionworker_DoWork; 
    executionworker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; 
    executionworker.RunWorkerCompleted += executionworker_RunWorkerCompleted; 
    executionworker.ProgressChanged += executionworker_ProgressChanged; 

private void executionworker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) 
    workerThread = Thread.CurrentThread; 
     List<string> xmlDataList = new List<string>(); 
     counter = 0; 
     starttime = DateTime.Now; 
     sessionmgm.StartTime = starttime.ToString(); 
     string executionmode = Data[0].ExecutionMode; 
     //string testDataMode = string.Empty; 
     Decimal progress; 
     bool deviceInstallStatus = false; 
     bool deviceInvokeStatus = false; 
     int progressCount = 0; 
     int prevProgressCount = 0; 
     bool childStatus = false; 
     string id = string.Empty; 
     string name = string.Empty; 
     string description = string.Empty; 
     String stepexePath = ""; 
     datamgm = new TestStepConfigurationManager(); 

     if (Directory.Exists(FilePaths.ResultPath + sessionmgm.ScriptName)) 
      Directory.Delete(FilePaths.ResultPath + sessionmgm.ScriptName, true); 
     Directory.CreateDirectory(FilePaths.ResultPath + sessionmgm.ScriptName); 
     String TestResultPath = FilePaths.ResultPath + sessionmgm.ScriptName + StatusCodes.TAC_SEPERATOR_BCKWDSLASH;    
     string stepXMLName = stepname = Data[0].Name; 
     stepexePath = Data[0].ConfigPath; 
     XDocument configdoc = XDocument.Load(Data[0].ConfigXMLPath); 
     foreach (XElement xe in configdoc.Descendants("TATestStep")) 
      id = xe.Element("UniqueID").Value; 
      name = xe.Element("Name").Value; 
      description = xe.Element("Description").Value; 
      scriptids = xe.Element("ScriptID").Value.Split(','); 
      scriptids = scriptids.Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray(); 
     Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => 
      progressCount = 3/scriptids.Length; 
      for (int j = 1; j <= progressCount; j++) 
       if (deviceInstallStatus) break; 
       progress = j; 
       progresspercent = (int)progress; 
       (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progresspercent); 
      prevProgressCount = progressCount; 
      configdoc = XDocument.Load(FilePaths.ApplicationPath + StatusCodes.TAC_Configfile); 
      foreach (XElement xe in configdoc.Descendants("TATool")) 
       commandPath = xe.Element("MainFolderPath").Value; 
      for (int i = 0; i < scriptids.Length; i++) 
       TestStep = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(stepexePath)); 
       UpdateWorkflowStatus("Executing: " + TestStep + "..."); 
       string screenshotErrorPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(stepexePath); 
       TestSuitePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(stepexePath)); 
       stepcount = Directory.GetFiles(TestResultPath, "*.xml").Where(file => Regex.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(file), TestStep + "_" + "[0-9]") || Regex.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(file), TestStep + ".xml")).Count(); 
       if (stepcount > 0) 
        ResultPath = TestResultPath + TestStep + "_" + i + ".xml"; 
        ResultPath = TestResultPath + TestStep + ".xml"; 

       toolarguments.Add("ResultPath", ResultPath); 
       toolarguments.Add("TestSuitePath", TestSuitePath); 
       toolarguments.Add("TestStep", TestStep); 
       toolarguments.Add("DataPath", datapath); 
       toolarguments.Add("StepCount", stepcount.ToString()); 
       toolarguments.Add("Name", name); 
       toolarguments.Add("UniqueID", id); 
       toolarguments.Add("Description", description); 
       toolarguments.Add("ScreenShotPath", screenshotErrorPath); 
       Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => 

       string statusContent = string.Empty; 
       int progressRange = 0; 
       bool completionStatus = false; 
       while (executionFrameworkStatus < 2) 
        if (executionFrameworkStatus == 1) 
         UpdateStatusLabel(out statusContent, out          progressRange, out completionStatus); 
         if (completionStatus) 
          Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => 
           lblstatus.Content = statusContent; 
        for (int j = prevProgressCount;j<=progressRange;j++)  
           progress = j; 
           progresspercent = (int)progress; 
          prevProgressCount = progressRange; 
      step_endtime = DateTime.Now; 
      step_tm = step_endtime - step_starttime; 
      step_totaltime = step_tm.Minutes + " Minutes: " + step_tm.Seconds + " Seconds"; 
      string reportFile = string.Empty; 
      string screenshotfile = string.Empty; 
      prevProgressCount = progressCount; 
      progressCount = Decimal.ToInt32(Decimal.Divide(counter+1,scriptids.Length) * 83); 
      for (int j = prevProgressCount; j <= progressCount; j++) 
       progress = j; 
       progresspercent = (int)progress; 
       (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progresspercent); 
      Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => 
       lblstatus.Content = "Report Generation" + " of" + " " + Data[0].Name +" " + "in Progress..."; 
      if (objToolDataStore.ReportGeneration(toolarguments)) 
       UpdateProgressStatus(out reportFile, out screenshotfile); 
       errorfile = datamgm.GetErrorLogs(screenshotfile); 
       datamgm.GenerateReport(TestStep, reportFile, step_totaltime, errorfile, childStatus); 
      prevProgressCount = progressCount; 
      progressCount = Decimal.ToInt32(Decimal.Divide(counter+1,scriptids.Length) * 92); 
      for (int j = prevProgressCount; j <= progressCount; j++) 
       progress = j; 
       progresspercent = (int)progress; 
       (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progresspercent); 
     progress = 100; 
     progresspercent = (int)progress; 
     (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(progresspercent);    
    catch (ThreadAbortException) 
     e.Cancel = true; 

public Boolean StartExecutionByFramework(Dictionary<String, String> toolarguments) 
    string mainCommand = string.Empty; 
    string binPath = string.Empty; 
    string exeFileName = string.Empty; 
    string ModeratorPath = string.Empty; 
    string commandXmlPath = string.Empty; 
    string mainFolderPath = string.Empty; 
    String ServerArguments = string.Empty; 
    Process P; 
    XDocument configdoc = XDocument.Load(FilePaths.ApplicationPath + StatusCodes.TAC_Configfile); 
    foreach (XElement xe in configdoc.Descendants("TATool")) 
     commandXmlPath = xe.Element("CommandFilePath").Value; 
     mainFolderPath = xe.Element("MainFolderPath").Value; 
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandPath)) 
     XDocument commanddoc = XDocument.Load(commandXmlPath); 
     foreach (XElement xe in commanddoc.Descendants("Tool")) 
      if (xe.Element("ToolName").Value == "Squish") 
       mainCommand = objToolDataStore.GetLanguagePath(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\python.exe"); 
       ModeratorPath = mainFolderPath + xe.Element("ModeratorPath").Value; 
       exeFileName = Path.GetFileName(mainCommand); 

       //Main command 
       ServerArguments = ModeratorPath + 
        StatusCodes.TAC_SEPERATOR_SPACE + toolarguments["UniqueID"]; 
    P = new Process(); 
     if (P != null) 
      P.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = mainCommand; 
      P.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; 
      P.StartInfo.FileName = exeFileName; 
      P.StartInfo.Arguments = ServerArguments; 
      executionFrameworkStatus = 1; 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     string msg = ex.Message; 
     processStatus = false; 
     return processStatus; 
    processStatus = true; 
    executionFrameworkStatus = 2; 
    return processStatus; 

private void executionworker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) 
    progressbar.Value = e.ProgressPercentage; 

private void executionworker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) 

    endtime = DateTime.Now; 

    if (!e.Cancelled) 
     UpdateWorkflowStatus("Execution Completed."); 
     UpdateWorkflowStatus("Execution Failed."); 
     lblSelectTools.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 
     SelectToolsTable.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 
     lblSelectedTool.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 
     lblToolName.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 
     grdView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; 
     lblDescription.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; 
     lstSteps.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; 
    // sessionmgm.ScriptName = ""; 
    endtime = DateTime.Now; 
    tm = (endtime - starttime); 
    totaltime = tm.Hours + " Hours: " + tm.Minutes + " Minutes: " + tm.Seconds + " Seconds"; 
    sessionmgm.Time = totaltime; 
    sessionmgm.EndTime = endtime.ToString(); 
    sessionmgm.TotalSteps = ((counter+1) - 1).ToString(); 
    sessionmgm.Iteration = iterationcount.ToString(); 
    btnPlay.IsEnabled = true; 
    btnStop.IsEnabled = false; 

Mögliche Duplikate von [Zugriff auf UI (Main) Thread sicher in WPF] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11625208/accessing-ui-main-thread-safely-in-wpf) –



Alles, was Sie auf der Benutzeroberfläche tun möchten, als auf dem UI-Thread getan werden. Dies wird dazu beitragen: How to update the GUI from another thread in C#?

Im Grunde, was Sie brauchen, ist Fortschritt auf dem UI-Thread zu aktualisieren:

this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { 
    Progress = 10; // runs on UI thread 

Ist funktioniert das für userControls? –


Ja sollte es normalerweise. – Ouarzy


Aber es funktioniert nicht für mich.Wenn ich Invoke statt BeginInvoke-Steuerelement verwendet wird warten auf die Ausführung abgeschlossen.Es wird nicht auf die UUI aktualisiert.Bitte finden Sie den Code unter –


Wenn Sie in einem BackgroundWorker sind, nur ReportProgress rufen Sie die Gui zu aktualisieren, während der Arbeiter aktiv ist, Verwenden Sie Dispatcher.BeginInvoke überhaupt nicht.

Hinweis, die Sie nur den Fortschrittsbalken im executionworker_ProgressChanged der Aktualisierung nicht darauf beschränkt sind: von dort (nutzt das Argument passing) Sie alle die Gui Aktualisierung während Arbeit in erforderlich machen kann, ist, progress ...