2012-04-10 8 views

Ich benutze jqGrid Formatierung Aktion mit einem langen Raster, ich versuche, den Lösch-Dialog in der Mitte des Bildschirms zu positionieren, habe ich das schon aber aus irgendeinem Grund die Fenster blättert zum oberen Rand des Gitters und der Dialog wird dem BenutzerjqGrid, wie das Löschen Dialogfeld bei der Verwendung von Formatierungsaktionen zu zentrieren

Click here for a screencast of the issue

Hier ist der Code verwendet unsichtbar:

// define handler function for 'afterSubmit' event. 
    var actionStatus = function(response,postdata){ 
    aData = $.parseJSON(response.responseText).USERDATA; 

    if (aData.STATUS){ 
     $.jgrid.info_dialog("Success", aData.MSG, $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'}); 
     var thisId = aData.ID; 
     $("#list").jqGrid('setGridParam',{loadComplete: function(){$(this).jqGrid('setRowData', thisId, false, 'mybold'); $("#" + thisId).effect("highlight", {color:"orange" }, 3000);}}); 
    else { 
    return [aData.STATUS, aData.MSG, aData.ID]; 


    var grid = $("#list"); 
    var lastSel; 
    var selICol; //iCol of selected cell 
    var selIRow; //iRow of selected cell 

     url:'data.cfc?method=GetRecords', //CFC that will return the users 
     datatype: 'json', //We specify that the datatype we will be using will be JSON 
     //The JSON reader. This defines what the JSON data returned from the CFC should look like 
     jsonReader: { 
         root: "DATA", 
         page: "CURPAGE", 
         total: "TOTALPAGES", 
         records: "TOTALROWS", 
         repeatitems: false, 
         id: "" 
     colNames: [ "YEAR", "SPC_CD", "SPC_CD", "BASE_COUNT", "BASE_MEDIAN", "START_COUNT", "START_MEDIAN", " "], 
     If you want not display some columns which you need only to build the composite key you can use for this columns following options in the colModel 
      hidden: true, editable: true, editrules: { edithidden: false }, hidedlg: true 
     It will make columns invisible for user, but the data will be send to server at all edit operations. 
     colModel: [ 
      { name: "year", sortable: true, index:'year', editable: false, editoptions:{size:5, maxlength:4}, editrules:{required:true, integer:true} 
      //, formoptions:{elmsuffix:" <img src='images/red_asterisk.gif' title='Required'>"} 
      { name: "spc_cd", sortable: true, index:'spc_cd', editable: false, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{required:true} 
      //, formoptions:{ elmsuffix:" <img src='images/red_asterisk.gif' title='Required'>"} 
      { name: "spc_cd", sortable: true, index:'spc_cd', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10} }, 
      { name: "base_count", sortable: true, index:'base_count', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} }, 
      { name: "base_median", sortable: true, index:'base_median', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} }, 
      { name: "start_count", sortable: true, index:'start_count', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} }, 
      { name: "start_median", sortable: true, index:'start_median', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} 
       ,editOptions:{ dataEvents: [ 
             type: 'keydown', 
             fn: function (e) { 
              var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode; 
              if (key == 9)//tab 
               //Enter edit row for next row in grid 
               // $('#list').jqGrid().editCell(" + selIRow + " + 1, " + selICol + ", true); 
               $('#list').jqGrid("editCell", iRow+1, iCol, true) 
      { name: 'myac', width:60, fixed:true, sortable:false, resize:false, formatter:'actions', 
       formatoptions:{ keys:true 
           , editformbutton:false, 
           editbutton : false, 
           // For multi-column keys, we need to pass additional data to the delete function 
           delOptions:{ url:"data.cfc?method=delRecord", reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeOnEscape:true, afterSubmit: actionStatus, 
               serializeDelData: function (postdata) { 
                var rowdata = $('#list').getRowData(postdata.id); 
                // append postdata with any information 
                //return {id: postdata.id, oper: postdata.oper, year: rowdata.year, spc_cd: rowdata.spc_cd}; 
                postdata.year = rowdata.year; 
                postdata.spc_cd = rowdata.spc_cd; 
                return postdata; 
               recreateForm: true, 
               beforeShowForm: function ($form) { 
                //var sel_id = $("#list").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow'); 
                //$("td.delmsg", $form[0]).html("Delete record with <b>id=" + $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', sel_id, 'spc_cd') + "</b>?"); 

                var idOfDeletedRow = $("#DelData>td:first").text(); 
                $("td.delmsg", $form[0]).html("Delete record with <br><b>year=" + 
                  $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', idOfDeletedRow, 'year') + "</b> and <b>spc_cd=" + 
                  $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', idOfDeletedRow, 'spc_cd') + "</b> ?"); 

                //$("#delmod" + grid[0].id).addClass("centered"); 
                var delDiv = $("#delmod" + grid[0].id); 

                //var scrollPosition = $("#list").closest(".ui-jqgrid-bdiv").scrollTop(); 
            // alert(scrollPosition); 
            //selRowCoordinates = $('#'+selRowId).offset(); 
           // delDiv.scrollTop(scrollPosition); 

                //var gviewHeight = $("#gview_" + $.jgrid.jqID(this.id)).outerHeight(); 
                //delDiv.css({top:'50%',left:'50%',margin:'-'+(delDiv.height()/2)+'px 0 0 -'+(delDiv.width()/2)+'px'}); 
               afterShowForm: function($form) { 
            var $dialog = $form.closest('div.ui-jqdialog'), 
             idOfDeletedRow = $("#DelData>td:first").text(), 
             selRowCoordinates = $('#'+idOfDeletedRow).offset(); 

             .html("Delete record with <b>code=" + 
              $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', idOfDeletedRow, 'cd') + "</b>?"); 

           editOptions:{ url:"data.cfc?method=editRecord", reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeOnEscape:true, closeAfterEdit:true, afterSubmit: actionStatus 
               , serializeEditData: function (postdata) { 
                var rowdata = $('#list').getRowData(postdata.id); 
                // append postdata with any information 
                postdata.old_year = rowdata.year; 
                postdata.old_spc_cd = rowdata.spc_cd; 
                return postdata; 
     afterEditCell: function(rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol) { 

      // Get a handle to the actual input field 
      var inputControl = $('#' + (iRow) + '_' + cellname); 

      // Listen for tab on col #7 START_MEDIAN, which is the last editable column in the row 
      // as we need to move to the first editable cell in the next row 
      if (iCol == 7){ 
       inputControl.bind("keydown",function(e) {    
        if (e.charCode || e.keyCode === 9) { // Enter key: 

         var increment = 1; 
         // Do not go out of bounds 
         var lastRowInd = $("#list").jqGrid("getGridParam","reccount"); 
         if (iRow+increment == 0 || iRow+increment == lastRowInd+1) 
          return; // we could re-edit current cell or wrap 
          $("#list").jqGrid("editCell", iRow+increment, 3, true); //move to the first editable cell (#3) in the next row 
      } // End keydown binding 
     beforeEditCell : function(rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol){ 
      selICol = iCol; 
      selIRow = iRow; 
     onSelectRow: function(id) { 
        if (id && id !== lastSel) { 
         lastSel = id; 
       ondblClickRow: function(id, ri, ci) { 
     cellEdit : true, 
     cellsubmit : 'clientArray', 
     onPaging : isDataChanged, 
     hidegrid: false, 
     shrinkToFit: true, 
     altRows: true, 
     toppager: true, 
     gridview: true, //speed the reading process for large data sets 
     ignoreCase: true, //when sorting 
     pager: $('#pager'), //The div we have specified, tells jqGrid where to put the pager 
     rowNum:100, //Number of records we want to show per page 
     //rowList:[20,50], //Row List, to allow user to select how many rows they want to see per page 
     rowTotal: 1000, // get this number of rows from the server 
     //loadonce:true, //load all the needed data from server at once and then operate on it locally 
     sortorder: "desc", //Default sort order 
     sortname: "year,spc_cd", //Default sort column 
     //viewsortcols: true, // view sortable columns 
     viewrecords: true, //Shows the nice message on the pager 
     //imgpath: '/Test/themes/basic/images', //Image path for prev/next etc images 
     caption: 'Table: DATA_TEST', //Grid Name 
     recordtext: "Record {0} - {1} of {2}",//Pager information to show 
     rownumbers: true,//Show row numbers 
     rownumWidth: "40",//Width of the row numbers column 
     sortable: true, 
     width: 'auto', 
     height:'auto', //I like auto, so there is no blank space between. Using a fixed height can mean either a scrollbar or a blank space before the pager 
     //toolbar:[true,"top"], //Shows the toolbar at the top. We will use it to display user feedback 
     //editurl:"data.cfc?method=editRecord" //The Add/Edit function call 
     //editurl: 'clientArray', 


     '#list_toppager', //The id of the top pager is a combination of grid id and “_toppager” 
     {addicon:"ui-icon-circle-plus", addtext:"Add New Record&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", addtitle:"", del:false, edit:false, search:false, closeOnEscape:true}, //options 
     {}, //edit options 
     {url:"data.cfc?method=addRecord", reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeAfterAdd: true, afterSubmit: actionStatus, 
      // make the primary key columns editable in add mode 
      beforeInitData: function(formid) { 
      // after the form is shown, revert the primary key columns to un-editable 
      afterShowForm: function (formid) { 
     }, // add options 
     {}, // del options 
     {}, // search options 
    ); //.navSeparatorAdd('#list_toppager'); 

       caption: "Save Changed Rows&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", 
       buttonicon: "ui-icon-disk", 
       onClickButton: function() { 
        $("#list").jqGrid("restoreCell", selIRow, selICol, true); //if there's an open cell, first restore it 
        var ret = $("#list").getChangedCells('all'); 
        var ret2 = JSON.stringify(ret); 
         type: "post", 
         url: "data.cfc?method=editRecord", 
         data: { jsonData: ret2 }, 
         // contentType: "application/json", 
         //dataType: "json", 
         success: function(data) { 
          $.jgrid.info_dialog("Success", "Rows Updated Successfully", $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'}); 
           'title' : 'Message', 
           'modal' : true, 
           'width' : 400, 
           'height' : 400, 
           'buttons' : { 
            'OK' : function() { 
         error: function(){ 
          $.jgrid.info_dialog("Error", "Error Occurred while saving data", $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'}); 
       position: "first" 
      ); //.navSeparatorAdd('#list_toppager'); 

//Supresss jqGrid error dialog, called #info_dialog 
      $("#delmodlist").live("focus", function() { 

       var errorMessage = $("#delmsg").text(); 

    //$("#list").jqGrid('filterToolbar',{stringResult: true,searchOnEnter : false}); 


// define handler function for 'afterSubmit' event. 
var actionStatus = function(response,postdata){ 
aData = $.parseJSON(response.responseText).USERDATA; 

    if (aData.STATUS){ 
     $.jgrid.info_dialog("Success", aData.MSG, $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'}); 
    else { 
    return [aData.STATUS, aData.MSG, aData.ID]; 


    var grid = $("#list"); 
    var lastSel; 
    var selICol; //iCol of selected cell 
    var selIRow; //iRow of selected cell 

     url:'data.cfc?method=GetRecords', //CFC that will return the users 
     datatype: 'json', //We specify that the datatype we will be using will be JSON 
     //The JSON reader. This defines what the JSON data returned from the CFC should look like 
     jsonReader: { 
         root: "DATA", 
         page: "CURPAGE", 
         total: "TOTALPAGES", 
         records: "TOTALROWS", 
         repeatitems: false, 
         id: "" 
     colNames: [ "YEAR", "CD", "SPC_CD", "BASE_COUNT", "BASE_MEDIAN", "START_COUNT", "START_MEDIAN", " "], 
     If you want not display some columns which you need only to build the composite key you can use for this columns following options in the colModel 
      hidden: true, editable: true, editrules: { edithidden: false }, hidedlg: true 
     It will make columns invisible for user, but the data will be send to server at all edit operations. 
     colModel: [ 
      { name: "year", sortable: true, index:'year', editable: false, editoptions:{size:5, maxlength:4}, editrules:{required:true, integer:true} 
      //, formoptions:{elmsuffix:" <img src='images/red_asterisk.gif' title='Required'>"} 
      { name: "cd", sortable: true, index:'cd', editable: false, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{required:true} 
      //, formoptions:{ elmsuffix:" <img src='images/red_asterisk.gif' title='Required'>"} 
      { name: "spc_cd", sortable: true, index:'spc_cd', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10} }, 
      { name: "base_count", sortable: true, index:'base_count', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} }, 
      { name: "base_median", sortable: true, index:'base_median', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} }, 
      { name: "start_count", sortable: true, index:'start_count', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} }, 
      { name: "start_median", sortable: true, index:'start_median', editable: true, editoptions:{size:13, maxlength:10}, editrules:{integer:true} 
       ,editOptions:{ dataEvents: [ 
             type: 'keydown', 
             fn: function (e) { 
              var key = e.charCode || e.keyCode; 
              if (key == 9)//tab 
               //Enter edit row for next row in grid 
               // $('#list').jqGrid().editCell(" + selIRow + " + 1, " + selICol + ", true); 
               $('#list').jqGrid("editCell", iRow+1, iCol, true) 
      { name: 'myac', width:60, fixed:true, sortable:false, resize:false, formatter:'actions', 
       formatoptions:{ keys:true 
           , editformbutton:false, 
           editbutton : false, 
           // For multi-column keys, we need to pass additional data to the delete function 
           delOptions:{ url:"data.cfc?method=delRecord", reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeOnEscape:true, afterSubmit: actionStatus, 
               serializeDelData: function (postdata) { 
                var rowdata = $('#list').getRowData(postdata.id); 
                // append postdata with any information 
                //return {id: postdata.id, oper: postdata.oper, year: rowdata.year, cd: rowdata.cd}; 
                postdata.year = rowdata.year; 
                postdata.cd = rowdata.cd; 
                return postdata; 
               recreateForm: true, 
               beforeShowForm: function ($form) { 
                     var idOfDeletedRow = $("#DelData>td:first").text(); 
                $("td.delmsg", $form[0]).html("Delete record with <br><b>year=" + 
                  $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', idOfDeletedRow, 'year') + "</b> and <b>spc_cd=" + 
                  $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', idOfDeletedRow, 'spc_cd') + "</b> ?"); 

                var delDiv = $("#delmod" + grid[0].id); 

               afterShowForm: function($form) { 
            var $dialog = $form.closest('div.ui-jqdialog'), 
             idOfDeletedRow = $("#DelData>td:first").text(), 
             selRowCoordinates = $('#'+idOfDeletedRow).offset(); 

             .html("Delete record with <b>code=" + 
              $("#list").jqGrid('getCell', idOfDeletedRow, 'cd') + "</b>?"); 


     afterEditCell: function(rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol) { 

      // Get a handle to the actual input field 
      var inputControl = $('#' + (iRow) + '_' + cellname); 

      // Listen for tab on col #7 START_MEDIAN, which is the last editable column in the row 
      // as we need to move to the first editable cell in the next row 
      if (iCol == 7){ 
       inputControl.bind("keydown",function(e) {    
        if (e.charCode || e.keyCode === 9) { // Enter key: 

         var increment = 1; 
         // Do not go out of bounds 
         var lastRowInd = $("#list").jqGrid("getGridParam","reccount"); 
         if (iRow+increment == 0 || iRow+increment == lastRowInd+1) 
          return; // we could re-edit current cell or wrap 
          $("#list").jqGrid("editCell", iRow+increment, 3, true); //move to the first editable cell (#3) in the next row 
      } // End keydown binding 
     beforeEditCell : function(rowid, cellname, value, iRow, iCol){ 
      selICol = iCol; 
      selIRow = iRow; 

     cellEdit : true, 
     cellsubmit : 'clientArray', 
     onPaging : isDataChanged, 
     hidegrid: false, 
     shrinkToFit: true, 
     altRows: true, 
     toppager: true, 
     gridview: true, //speed the reading process for large data sets 
     ignoreCase: true, //when sorting 
     pager: $('#pager'), //The div we have specified, tells jqGrid where to put the pager 
     rowNum:100, //Number of records we want to show per page 
     rowTotal: 1000, // get this number of rows from the server 
     sortorder: "desc", //Default sort order 
     sortname: "year,spc_cd", //Default sort column 
     viewrecords: true, //Shows the nice message on the pager 

     caption: 'Table: DATA_TEST', //Grid Name 
     recordtext: "Record {0} - {1} of {2}",//Pager information to show 
     rownumbers: true,//Show row numbers 
     rownumWidth: "40",//Width of the row numbers column 
     sortable: true, 
     width: 'auto', 
     height:'auto', //I like auto, so there is no blank space between. Using a fixed height can mean either a scrollbar or a blank space before the pager 


     '#list_toppager', //The id of the top pager is a combination of grid id and “_toppager” 
     {addicon:"ui-icon-circle-plus", addtext:"Add New Record&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", addtitle:"", del:false, edit:false, search:false, closeOnEscape:true}, //options 
     {}, //edit options 
     {url:"data.cfc?method=addRecord", reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeAfterAdd: true, afterSubmit: actionStatus, 
      // make the primary key columns editable in add mode 
      beforeInitData: function(formid) { 
      // after the form is shown, revert the primary key columns to un-editable 
      afterShowForm: function (formid) { 
     }, // add options 
     {}, // del options 
     {}, // search options 
    ); //.navSeparatorAdd('#list_toppager'); 

       caption: "Save Changed Rows&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", 
       buttonicon: "ui-icon-disk", 
       onClickButton: function() { 
        $("#list").jqGrid("restoreCell", selIRow, selICol, true); //if there's an open cell, first restore it 
        var ret = $("#list").getChangedCells('all'); 
        var ret2 = JSON.stringify(ret); 
         type: "post", 
         url: "data.cfc?method=editRecord", 
         data: { jsonData: ret2 }, 
         // contentType: "application/json", 
         //dataType: "json", 
         success: function(data) { 
          $.jgrid.info_dialog("Success", "Rows Updated Successfully", $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'}); 

         error: function(){ 
          $.jgrid.info_dialog("Error", "Error Occurred while saving data", $.jgrid.edit.bClose,{buttonalign:'right'}); 
       position: "first" 


Wäre es möglich, dass Sie ein jsfiddle oder ein anderes Codebeispiel veröffentlichen, das das Problem demonstriert? –



Sie den Code nicht von center Methode geschrieben was Sie verwenden oder de Schreibe, welches Plugin du verwendest. In jedem Fall denke ich, dass Sie delDiv.center(); innerhalb von afterShowForm und nicht innerhalb von beforeShowForm verwenden sollten.

Wie Sie auf the demo sehen können, sollte das Problem mit dem Scrollen im Allgemeinen nicht existieren.


Hier ist die zentrale Methode 'jQuery.fn.center = function (parent) { \t if (übergeordnet) { \t \t parent = this.parent(); \t} sonst { \t \t Eltern = Fenster; \t } \t this.css ({ \t \t "Position": "absolute" \t \t "top": ((($ (parent) .Height() - this.outerHeight())/2) + $ (Eltern) .scrollTop() + "px"), \t \t "links": ((($ (parent) .width() - this.outerWidth())/2) + $ (übergeordnete) .scrollLeft() + "px") \t}); \t zurückgeben; } ' –


@AE: Ich kann Ihren Code nicht testen. Hast du meine Demo ausprobiert? Ist es das, was du brauchst? Haben Sie versucht, den Dialog innerhalb von 'afterShowForm' anstatt von' beforeShowForm' zu zentrieren? – Oleg


Lieber Oleg, eigentlich, wenn du auf irgendeinen Teil der Aktionszelle klickst, bringt es dich an die Spitze des Gitters, so dass das afterShowForm oder beforeShowForm zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht ausgelöst wurde –