2016-06-02 2 views

Was Wenn ich ein Element vom Knoten "Privat" wie dieses verschieben möchte: "2016-06-01 23:40:08" an den Speicherort des Knotens "Work" mit dem korrekten Jahr- und Monatsknoten. Verwende ich die onChildMoved(), um es zu bewegen und wie kann ich es wirklich bekommen in die richtigen KnotenFirebase Verschieben eines Elements zu einem anderen Knoten


    "users" : { 
    "S1PtLPZ1mISXsbwpbz1NoLclpAV2" : { 
     "email" : "[email protected]" 
    "aBZtC3VjpPc8o40AjA9sGZg0TC23" : { 
     "email" : "[email protected]", 
     "waypoints" : { 
     "Private" : { 
      "2016" : { 
      "06" : { 
       "2016-06-01 23:40:08" : { 
       "destination" : "Västerlånggatan 10, 451 31 Uddevalla, Sweden", 
       "distance" : "8.9 m", 
       "duration" : "1 min", 
       "encodedLatLngs" : "{sccJaoygA?]", 
       "origin" : "Västerlånggatan 10, 451 31 Uddevalla, Sweden", 
       "timeStamp" : "2016-06-01 23:40:08", 
       "2016-06-01 23:40:51" : { 
       "destination" : "Västerlånggatan 8, 451 31 Uddevalla, Sweden", 
       "distance" : "34.7 m", 
       "duration" : "1 min", 
       "encodedLatLngs" : "yoccJsoygA}@B", 
       "origin" : "Västerlånggatan 4, 451 50 Uddevalla, Sweden", 
       "timeStamp" : "2016-06-01 23:40:51", 
     "Work" : { 
      "2016" : { 
      "06" : { 
       "2016-03-01 21:40:08" : { 


  FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); 
       if (user != null) { 
        // User is signed in 
        String mUserId = user.getUid(); 

        final String mTravelType = "Private"; 
        final String year = "2016"; 
        final String month = "06"; 
        final String key = "2016-06-01 23:40:08"; 

        String waypointsUrl = Constants.FIREBASE_URL_MAIN_REF + "https://stackoverflow.com/users/" + mUserId + "/waypoints"; 
        mWaypointRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReferenceFromUrl(waypointsUrl); 

        // NEW VALUES 
        mDateRef = mWaypointRef.child("Work").child(year).child(month).child(key); 
        final String newValues = mDateRef.toString(); 
        Log.i("path to new values", newValues); 
        // https://rjcar3.firebaseio.com/users/waypoints/Work/2016/06 

        // OLD VALUES 
        mDateRef = mWaypointRef.child(mTravelType).child(year).child(month).child(key); 
        final String oldValues = mDateRef.toString(); 
        Log.i("path to old values", oldValues); 

        mDateRef.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { 
         public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { 

          // MyClass is your POJO Class (class representing the node with it's children) 
          // https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/android/save-data#update_specific_fields 
          MyWaypoint node = dataSnapshot.getValue(MyWaypoint.class); 
          Log.i("Node", node.toString()); 

          //Because the key is not a child you need to set it manually 

          //You need to create a toMap() method for your class in order to save the values to the new location 
          Map<String, Object> nodeValues = node.toMap(); 

          Log.i("nodeValues", nodeValues.values() + ""); 
          Log.i("nodesSize", nodeValues.size() + ""); 

          //Here you create the updates you want to execute 
          Map<String, Object> childUpdates = new HashMap<>(); 
          //Save in the new location 
          //The path should be from waypoints to the key ex: "Work/2016/06/2016-06-1 23:40:08" 
          childUpdates.put(newValues + node.getKey(), nodeValues); 

          for (Object item : childUpdates.values()){ 

          for (Object item : nodeValues.values()){ 


          //Erase the old location 
          //The path should be from waypoints to the key ex: "Private/2016/06/2016-06-1 23:40:08" 
          childUpdates.put(oldValues + node.getKey(), null); 


         public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { 



06-02 19:51:47.555 6872-6872/com.example.rasmusjosefsson.rjcar I/path to old values: https://rjcar3.firebaseio.com/users/aBZtC3VjpPc8o40AjA9sGZg0TC23/waypoints/Private/2016/06 
06-02 19:51:47.555 6872-6872/com.example.rasmusjosefsson.rjcar I/path to new values: https://rjcar3.firebaseio.com/users/aBZtC3VjpPc8o40AjA9sGZg0TC23/waypoints/Work/2016/06 
06-02 19:51:47.577 6872-6872/com.example.rasmusjosefsson.rjcar I/Node: [email protected]13 
06-02 19:51:47.578 6872-6872/com.example.rasmusjosefsson.rjcar I/nodeValues: [null, null, null, null, null, null, null] 
06-02 19:51:47.578 6872-6872/com.example.rasmusjosefsson.rjcar I/mWaypointRef: https://rjcar3.firebaseio.com/users/aBZtC3VjpPc8o40AjA9sGZg0TC23/waypoints 
06-02 19:51:47.761 6872-7027/com.example.rasmusjosefsson.rjcar W/RepoOperation: updateChildren at /users/aBZtC3VjpPc8o40AjA9sGZg0TC23/waypoints failed: DatabaseError: Invalid token in path 

POJO Klasse

public class MyWaypoint { 

    private String encodedLatLngs; 
    private String duration; 
    private String destination; 
    private String distance; 
    private String origin; 
    private String timeStamp; 
    private String key; 

    public MyWaypoint() { 

    public MyWaypoint(String timeStamp, String origin, String destination, String duration, String distance, String encodedLatLngs, String key) { 
     this.timeStamp = timeStamp; 
     this.origin = origin; 
     this.destination = destination; 
     this.duration = duration; 
     this.distance = distance; 
     this.encodedLatLngs = encodedLatLngs; 
     this.key = key; 

    public Map<String, Object> toMap() { 
     HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); 
     result.put("key", key); 
     result.put("destination", destination); 
     result.put("distance", distance); 
     result.put("duration", duration); 
     result.put("origin", origin); 
     result.put("timeStamp", timeStamp); 
     result.put("encodedLatLngs", encodedLatLngs); 
     return result; 

    public void setKey(String key){ 
     this.key = key; 

    public String getKey(){ 
     return this.key; 

    public String getDistance() { 
     return distance; 

    public void setDistance(String distance) { 
     this.distance = distance; 

    public String getEncodedLatLngs() { 
     return encodedLatLngs; 

    public void setEncodedLatLngs(String encodedLatLngs) { 
     this.encodedLatLngs = encodedLatLngs; 

    public String getDestination() { 
     return destination; 

    public void setDestination(String destination) { 
     this.destination = destination; 

    public void setDuration(String duration) { 
     this.duration = duration; 

    public String getDuration() { 
     return duration; 

    public String getOrigin() { 
     return origin; 

    public void setOrigin(String origin) { 
     this.origin = origin; 

    public String getTimeStamp() { 
     return timeStamp; 
    public void setTimeStamp(String timeStamp) { 
     this.timeStamp = timeStamp; 

Ein Off-Topic Frage, ich bin neu Firebase: Ich verstehe immer noch nicht, warum wir toMap() Funktion, müssen, ist es nicht möglich, direkt zu verwenden, das Knoten-Java-Objekt wie es kann mit SetValue (Knoten) getan werden? – frangulyan



Ok ich habe den Code überprüft und geändert, bearbeiten nur meine Standard-Strings und es sollte Hoffnung arbeiten, es hilft ...

Die Fehler waren: 1) der Weg war das Hinzufügen eines zusätzlichen Stichtag 2) im toMap() wir einen zusätzlichen Schlüssel


ok fügten ist die Hauptaktivität

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { 
    private DatabaseReference waypointRef; 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

        String mTravelType = "Private"; 
        final String year = "2016"; 
        final String month = "06"; 
        final String dateKey = "2016-06-01 23:40:08"; 
        String mUserId = user.getUid(); 

        FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance(); 
        DatabaseReference myRef = database.getReference("users"); 

        waypointRef = myRef.child(mUserId).child("waypoints"); 

        waypointRef.child(mTravelType).child(year).child(month).child(dateKey).addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { 
            public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { 

                MyClass node = dataSnapshot.getValue(MyClass.class); 

                Map<String, Object> nodeValues = node.toMap(); 

                Map<String, Object> childUpdates = new HashMap<>(); 

                String work_path = "/Work/" + year + "/" + month + "/" + "/" + dateKey + "/"; 
                String private_path = "/Private/" + year + "/" + month + "/" + dateKey + "/"; 

                childUpdates.put(work_path, nodeValues); 
                childUpdates.put(private_path, null); 



            public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { 



Und hier ist die Klasse

public class MyClass { 
    private String key; 
    private String destination, distance; 

    public MyClass() { 

    public String getKey() { 
        return key; 

    public void setKey(String key) { 
        this.key = key; 

    public String getDestination() { 
        return destination; 

    public void setDestination(String destination) { 
        this.destination = destination; 

    public String getDistance() { 
        return distance; 

    public void setDistance(String distance) { 
        this.distance = distance; 

    public Map<String, Object> toMap() { 
        HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); 
        result.put("destination", destination); 
        result.put("distance", distance); 

        return result; 


Wie meinst du einen einzelnen Beobachter vom Typ Wert? 'addListenerForSingleValueEvent'? aktualisiert meinen Code einige –


Ja genau, habe ich die Antwort aktualisiert, um mit Ihrem aktualisierten Code zu klären, so können Sie es überprüfen – Ymmanuel


Danke wirklich nah jetzt, aber immer dies, se Update - Kein Setter/Feld für 2016-06-01 23: 41:57 –