2012-04-11 5 views

Problem ist mit dem ShowPath(); Verfahren, wie es diesen Code hält Überlastung soll die kürzeste Route sammeln, dann markieren Sie es, sobald es sowohl Start- als auch Endziegel berechnet gefunden hat sie den kürzesten Weg zum begginingUnity 3D C# -Code, überlastet Computer kein Fehler

using UnityEngine; 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

namespace PathfindingClass 
    public class pathFinding 
      public bool startFound = false; 
    public TileClass.Tile[,] grid = new TileClass.Tile[AStarPath.gridWidth,AStarPath.gridHeight]; 
    public Vector2 startTile; 
    public Vector2 endTile; 
    public Vector2 currentTile; 

    // create a list that stores the checked tiles 
    List<Vector2> openList = new List<Vector2>(); 
    List<Vector2> closedList = new List<Vector2>(); 

    public pathFinding (TileClass.Tile[,] grid) 
     this.grid = grid; 


    public void SearchPath(Vector2 startTile, Vector2 endTile){ 
     this.startTile = startTile; 
     this.endTile = endTile; 

     #region Path Validation 
     bool canSearch = true; 

     if(grid[(int)startTile.x,(int)startTile.y].walkable ==false){ 
     canSearch = false; 
      Console.WriteLine("the start square is not walkable"); 
     if(grid[(int)endTile.x,(int)endTile.y].walkable ==false){ 
     canSearch = false; 
      Console.WriteLine("the end square is not walkable"); 


      //add the starting tile to the open list 
      currentTile = new Vector2(-1,-1); 

      //while the open list is not empty 
      while(openList.Count > 0){ 
       currentTile = getTyleWithLowestTotal(openList); 

       //if the current tile is the end tile stop searching 
       if((int)currentTile.x == (int)endTile.x && (int)currentTile.y == (int)endTile.y ){ 
       // if((int)currentTile.x == (int)endTile.x){ 

        //get all the adjacent tiles 
        List<Vector2> adjacentTiles = getAdjacentTiles(currentTile); 

        foreach(Vector2 adjacentTile in adjacentTiles){ 
        // the adjacent tile is not aloude within eith of the open or closed lists 
           // move it to the open list 

           TileClass.Tile tile = grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y]; 

           tile.cost = grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].cost+1; 

           //calculate the manhattan distance 
           tile.horistic = ManhattanDistance(adjacentTile); 

           //calculate the total cost 
           tile.total = tile.cost + tile.horistic; 

           tile.color = new Vector4(0,0,1,1); 
     grid[(int)startTile.x,(int)startTile.y].color = Color.yellow; 
     grid[(int)endTile.x,(int)endTile.y].color = Color.yellow; 

     //Show the shortestPath 


    public void ShowPath(){ 
     Vector2 currentTile = endTile; 
     List<Vector2> PathTiles = new List<Vector2>(); 

     List<Vector2> adjacentTiles = getAdjacentTiles(currentTile); 

      //check to see what the used current tile is 
      foreach(Vector2 adjacentTile in adjacentTiles){ 
       if(openList.Contains(adjacentTile) || closedList.Contains(adjacentTile)){ 

        grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].color = Color.yellow; 

        if(adjacentTile.x == startTile.x){ 
         startFound = true; 

    //calculate the manhattan distance 
    public int ManhattanDistance(Vector2 adjacentTile){ 
    int manhattan = Math.Abs((int)(endTile.x - adjacentTile.x)) + Math.Abs((int)(endTile.y - adjacentTile.y)); 
     return manhattan; 

        //check the adjacent tiles to the current tile 
    public List<Vector2> getAdjacentTiles(Vector2 currentTile){ 
     List<Vector2> adjacentTiles = new List<Vector2>(); 
     Vector2 adjacentTile; 

     adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x,currentTile.y+1); 
     if(adjacentTile.y < AStarPath.gridHeight && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){ 
     adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x,currentTile.y-1); 
     if(adjacentTile.y >= 0 && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){ 
     adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x +1,currentTile.y); 
     if(adjacentTile.x < AStarPath.gridWidth && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){ 
     adjacentTile = new Vector2(currentTile.x -1,currentTile.y); 
     if(adjacentTile.x >= 0 && grid[(int)adjacentTile.x,(int)adjacentTile.y].walkable){ 

     //optional to add diagonal checking 
     return adjacentTiles; 

    // get the tiles with the lowest total value 
    public Vector2 getTyleWithLowestTotal(List<Vector2> openList){ 
     //temp vars 
     Vector2 tileWithLowestTotal = new Vector2(-1,-1); 
     int lowestTotal = int.MaxValue; 

     // search all the open tiles and get the tile with the lowest total cost 
     foreach(Vector2 openTile in openList){ 
      if(grid[(int)openTile.x,(int)openTile.y].total <= lowestTotal){ 
      lowestTotal = grid[(int)openTile.x,(int)openTile.y].total; 
       tileWithLowestTotal = grid[(int)openTile.x,(int)openTile.y].ID; 
    return tileWithLowestTotal; 




ist 'startFound' jemals auf' true' gesetzt? – deltree



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yea tut mir leid, muss den neuesten Code in unglücklichen setzen Ich entfernte einen Haufen, wie es mehr als ein paar Zeilen Code war und war in Eile heute Morgen Prost –


ok danke Jungs nach viel graben und Debuggen des Skripts war stockend die While-Schleife, weil die Bool nie Bit eines Anfängerfehlers wechseln würde, aber gut funktioniert jetzt das Pfadfinder-Skript wird im Asset-Store kostenlos bald =) –


@Matthewkingston oh, ich habe gerade meine Antwort bearbeitet .. :( – Roberto