2016-07-08 13 views

Ich habe ein Django-Projekt, das in einem Maven-Build verpackt ist, die Verpackung und Veröffentlichung behandelt, sowie das Erstellen von Dokumenten und anderen Lebenszyklusaufgaben.Django-Nase Testergebnisse und Abdeckung nicht gesammelt und in Sonar angezeigt

Wir haben Tests, die in Django-Nose ausgeführt werden, die in der Testphase des Maven-Lebenszyklus durchgeführt werden.

    '--cover-html-dir=' + COVERAGE_WORK_FOLDER + 'coverage-reports/', 
    '--cover-xml-file=' + COVERAGE_WORK_FOLDER + 'coverage.xml', 
    '--xunit-file=' + COVERAGE_WORK_FOLDER + 'nosetests.xml', 

Diese erfolgreich von maven während der Testphase durchgeführt wird, und gibt ein coverage.xml nosetests.xml die gültigen Inhalte und sind im Zielordner des Build zu enthalten scheint.

[email protected] target cat nosetests.xml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><testsuite name="nosetests" tests="13" errors="2" failures="0" skip="0"><testcase classname="*snip*" name="test_a" time="0.035"> 

In maven ist die Struktur ein Multi-Modul-POM, in der übergeordneten werden Sonar Variablen konfiguriert.


Während das Kind enthält die pom, die Pakete, Tests usw.

Beim Laufen mvn saubere Installation, gefolgt von mvn Sonar schafft: Sonar-X, so weit ich das Plugin erkennt sehen die Nasetests und die Coverage-Datei, aber wenn ich Sonar ansehe, kann ich keine Unit-Testergebnisse oder -abdeckung sehen.

[INFO] Sensor PythonXUnitSensor 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Sensor PythonXUnitSensor (done) | time=3492ms 
[INFO] Sensor PythonCoverageSensor 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] Parsing coverage reports 
[DEBUG] Parsing integration test coverage reports 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] Parsing overall test coverage reports 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Sensor PythonCoverageSensor (done) | time=1321ms 
[INFO] CPD calculation finished 
[INFO] Analysis report generated in 542ms, dir size=756 KB 
[INFO] Analysis reports compressed in 879ms, zip size=331 KB 
[DEBUG] Upload report 
[DEBUG] POST 200 https://sonar.local/api/ce/submit?projectKey=com.example:django&projectName=DJANGO | time=104ms 
[INFO] Analysis report uploaded in 106ms 
[INFO] ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse https://sonar.local/dashboard/index/com.example:django 
[INFO] Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report 
[INFO] More about the report processing at https://sonar.local/api/ce/task?id=AVXFLPhlOl8UXdQaHPyt 
[DEBUG] Report metadata written to /home/user/src/django-app/target/sonar/report-task.txt 
[DEBUG] Post-jobs : 
[INFO] Analysis report generated in /home/user/src/django-app/target/sonar/batch-report 

So der Quellcode, Komplexität, etc. erscheinen aber weder die Unit-Test-Ergebnisse (auf dem Pfad oben) noch die Abdeckung angezeigt wird.



Sonarqube: Version 5.5 Python Plugin: Version 1.5

Edit: Sonarqube auf Version 5.6, Python 1.6-SNAPSHOT Aktualisiert

mvn org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:3.1-SNAPSHOT:sonar -X -o 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Processing report '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' 
[DEBUG] Trying to find a SonarQube resource for 'maven.tests.TestMavenVersionsViewSet' 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'maven/tests/TestMavenVersionsViewSet.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'maven/tests.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[WARNING] The resource for 'maven.tests.TestMavenVersionsViewSet' is not found, drilling down to the details of this test won't be possible 
[DEBUG] Trying to find a SonarQube resource for 'audit.tests.TestSortDeploys' 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'audit/tests/TestSortDeploys.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'audit/tests.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[WARNING] The resource for 'audit.tests.TestSortDeploys' is not found, drilling down to the details of this test won't be possible 
[INFO] Sensor PythonXUnitSensor (done) | time=4195ms 
[INFO] Sensor SCM Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] SCM provider for this project is: svn 
[INFO] 1 files to be analyzed 
[DEBUG] Working directory: /home/user/src/django-app/code 
[DEBUG] Annotate file src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py 
[DEBUG] File [moduleKey=internal.build.services:audit_ws-site, relative=src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py, basedir=/home/user/src/django-app/code] is not versionned or contains local modifications. Skipping it. 
[INFO] 0/1 files analyzed 
[WARNING] Missing blame information for the following files: 
[WARNING] * /home/user/src/django-app/code/src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py 
[WARNING] This may lead to missing/broken features in SonarQube 
[INFO] Sensor SCM Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=1521ms 
[INFO] Sensor Python Squid Sensor (wrapped) 
[DEBUG] Metric lines is an internal metric computed by SonarQube. Provided value is ignored. 
[INFO] Python unit test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Parsing report '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/JiraSoap.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/admin.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'config_item/autocomplete_light_registry.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'config_item/forms.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/models.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/productws.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/renderers.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard/serializers.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit_ws/settings.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/tasks.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/urls.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/views.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit/management.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit/management/commands.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/templatetags.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[INFO] Python integration test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] No report was found for sonar.python.coverage.itReportPath using default pattern coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml 
[INFO] Python overall test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] No report was found for sonar.python.coverage.overallReportPath using default pattern coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml 
[INFO] Sensor Python Squid Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=3057ms 
[INFO] Sensor XmlFileSensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor XmlFileSensor (wrapped) (done) | time=0ms 
[INFO] Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=82ms 
[INFO] Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=3ms 
[INFO] Sensor CPD Block Indexer (wrapped) 
[INFO] DefaultCpdBlockIndexer is used for py 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Processing report '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' 
[DEBUG] Trying to find a SonarQube resource for 'maven.tests.TestMavenVersionsViewSet' 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'maven/tests/TestMavenVersionsViewSet.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'maven/tests.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[WARNING] The resource for 'maven.tests.TestMavenVersionsViewSet' is not found, drilling down to the details of this test won't be possible 
[DEBUG] Trying to find a SonarQube resource for 'audit.tests.TestSortDeploys' 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'audit/tests/TestSortDeploys.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'audit/tests.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[WARNING] The resource for 'audit.tests.TestSortDeploys' is not found, drilling down to the details of this test won't be possible 
[INFO] Sensor PythonXUnitSensor (done) | time=4195ms 
[INFO] Sensor SCM Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] SCM provider for this project is: svn 
[INFO] 1 files to be analyzed 
[DEBUG] Working directory: /home/user/src/django-app/code 
[DEBUG] Annotate file src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py 
[DEBUG] File [moduleKey=internal.build.services:audit_ws-site, relative=src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py, basedir=/home/user/src/django-app/code] is not versionned or contains local modifications. Skipping it. 
[INFO] 0/1 files analyzed 
[WARNING] Missing blame information for the following files: 
[WARNING] * /home/user/src/django-app/code/src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py 
[WARNING] This may lead to missing/broken features in SonarQube 
[INFO] Sensor SCM Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=1521ms 
[INFO] Sensor Python Squid Sensor (wrapped) 
[DEBUG] Metric lines is an internal metric computed by SonarQube. Provided value is ignored. 
[INFO] Python unit test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Parsing report '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/JiraSoap.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/admin.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'config_item/autocomplete_light_registry.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'config_item/forms.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/models.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/productws.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/renderers.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard/serializers.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit_ws/settings.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/tasks.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/urls.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/views.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit/management.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit/management/commands.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/templatetags.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[INFO] Python integration test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] No report was found for sonar.python.coverage.itReportPath using default pattern coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml 
[INFO] Python overall test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] No report was found for sonar.python.coverage.overallReportPath using default pattern coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml 
[INFO] Sensor Python Squid Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=3057ms 
[INFO] Sensor XmlFileSensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor XmlFileSensor (wrapped) (done) | time=0ms 
[INFO] Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=82ms 
[INFO] Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=3ms 
[INFO] Sensor CPD Block Indexer (wrapped) 
[INFO] DefaultCpdBlockIndexer is used for py 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Processing report '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/nosetests.xml' 
[DEBUG] Trying to find a SonarQube resource for 'maven.tests.TestMavenVersionsViewSet' 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'maven/tests/TestMavenVersionsViewSet.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'maven/tests.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[WARNING] The resource for 'maven.tests.TestMavenVersionsViewSet' is not found, drilling down to the details of this test won't be possible 
[DEBUG] Trying to find a SonarQube resource for 'audit.tests.TestSortDeploys' 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'audit/tests/TestSortDeploys.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[DEBUG] Using the key 'audit/tests.py' to lookup the resource in SonarQube 
[WARNING] The resource for 'audit.tests.TestSortDeploys' is not found, drilling down to the details of this test won't be possible 
[INFO] Sensor PythonXUnitSensor (done) | time=4195ms 
[INFO] Sensor SCM Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] SCM provider for this project is: svn 
[INFO] 1 files to be analyzed 
[DEBUG] Working directory: /home/user/src/django-app/code 
[DEBUG] Annotate file src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py 
[DEBUG] File [moduleKey=internal.build.services:audit_ws-site, relative=src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py, basedir=/home/user/src/django-app/code] is not versionned or contains local modifications. Skipping it. 
[INFO] 0/1 files analyzed 
[WARNING] Missing blame information for the following files: 
[WARNING] * /home/user/src/django-app/code/src/main/python/audit_ws/audit/tests.py 
[WARNING] This may lead to missing/broken features in SonarQube 
[INFO] Sensor SCM Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=1521ms 
[INFO] Sensor Python Squid Sensor (wrapped) 
[DEBUG] Metric lines is an internal metric computed by SonarQube. Provided value is ignored. 
[INFO] Python unit test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' to find reports 
[INFO] Parsing report '/home/user/src/django-app/code/target/coverage.xml' 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/JiraSoap.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/admin.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'config_item/autocomplete_light_registry.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'config_item/forms.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/models.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/productws.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'lib/renderers.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard/serializers.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit_ws/settings.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/tasks.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/urls.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/views.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit/management.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'audit/management/commands.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[DEBUG] Cannot find the file 'wallboard_ws/templatetags.py', ignoring coverage measures 
[INFO] Python integration test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] No report was found for sonar.python.coverage.itReportPath using default pattern coverage-reports/it-coverage-*.xml 
[INFO] Python overall test coverage 
[DEBUG] Using pattern 'coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml' to find reports 
[DEBUG] No report was found for sonar.python.coverage.overallReportPath using default pattern coverage-reports/overall-coverage-*.xml 
[INFO] Sensor Python Squid Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=3057ms 
[INFO] Sensor XmlFileSensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor XmlFileSensor (wrapped) (done) | time=0ms 
[INFO] Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=82ms 
[INFO] Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (wrapped) 
[INFO] Sensor Code Colorizer Sensor (wrapped) (done) | time=3ms 
[INFO] Sensor CPD Block Indexer (wrapped) 
[INFO] DefaultCpdBlockIndexer is used for py 

ich verdoppelt überprüft das Arbeitsverzeichnis: [INFO] Basisverzeichnis:/home/user/src/django-app/code [INFO] Workin g Verzeichnis:/home/user/src/django-app/code/ziel/sonar

Ist es auf der Suche nach den Tests und Abdeckung in Bezug auf das Arbeitsverzeichnis?



Basierend auf Ihren Protokollen scheint es, dass die Berichtspfade als absolute Pfade bereitgestellt werden. Version 1.5 des Python-Plugins akzeptiert nur relative Pfade. Das ist ein known limitation, der in Version 1.6 behoben wird. Diese neue Version ist fast fertig und Sie sollten in Kürze einen Release Candidate testen können. Das wird auf der SonarQube google group angekündigt werden.


Ich kompiliert 1.6-SNAPSHOT des Python-Plugins und installiert dies in Sonar, sowie den neuesten Snapshot des Sonar-Maven-Plugin. Es scheint immer noch Pfadprobleme zu geben. – user1640422


Jetzt können die Berichte gefunden werden, aber die Dateipfade in den Berichten können nicht aufgelöst werden. Sie müssen relativ zur Wurzel des Projekts sein. –