2010-11-19 8 views



Sie können die Proxy property an einen bandbreitenlimitierenden HTTP-Proxy anschließen, z. B. Squid can do this. Vielleicht keine praktische Lösung, aber es würde definitiv funktionieren.


ich dies gerne helfen zu vereinfachen. Irgendwie macht es mir ein bisschen albern, meinen eigenen Throttler zu rollen :) – Tom


Die Frage ist, wie man es mit Code löst, nicht wie man ein anderes externes Tool benutzt, um es zu erreichen. – SeriousM


Wenn Sie es in Code tun empfehle ich so etwas wie Rx mit der Timer Verwendung usw.

class Uploader 
    /// <summary>Thread-safe flag to ensure that a packet isn't currently sending</summary> 
    private volatile bool isPacketSending = false; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// HTTP Posts a stream to a web address with a maximum bytes per second until the file is uploaded 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="address">The web address to post the file to</param> 
    /// <param name="requestBody">The request body to stream at a maximum speed</param> 
    /// <param name="bytesPerSecond">The maximum number of bytes to send every second</param> 
    /// <returns>Returns an observable sequence of the bytes read so far</returns> 
    public IObservable<long> PostStreamThrottledAsync(Uri address, Stream requestBody, int bytesPerSecond) 
     if (!requestBody.CanRead) 
      throw new InvalidOperationException("Request body stream cannot be read from"); 

     return Observable.Using(
      () => 
        var client = new WebClient(); 
        return client.OpenWrite(address); 
      outputStream => Observable.Return(0L).Concat(Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))) 
         .TakeWhile(tick => SendPacket(requestBody, outputStream, bytesPerSecond) != 0) 
         .Select(_ => requestBody.Position)); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sends a packet up to the maximum bytes specified 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="requestBody">The stream to read from</param> 
    /// <param name="output">The stream to write to</param> 
    /// <param name="bytesPerSecond">The number of bytes to send</param> 
    /// <returns>Returns the number of bytes actually sent; zero if at end of stream; -1 if we are exceeding throughput capacity.</returns> 
    private int SendPacket(Stream requestBody, Stream output, int bytesPerSecond) 
     if (isPacketSending) 
      return -1; 

      isPacketSending = true; 
      var buffer = new byte[bytesPerSecond]; 
      var bytesRead = requestBody.Read(buffer, 0, bytesPerSecond); 
      if (bytesRead != 0) 
       output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); 

      return bytesRead; 
      isPacketSending = false; 