2016-07-25 36 views

Ich habe eine Methode, um ein Objekt-Array zurückzugeben. Die Variable catalogVersion ist an die OECATVER-Entität gebunden. Aus irgendeinem Grund, den ich nicht verstehen kann, ruft der Code bei der Rückgabe dieses Objekts [] eine Aktualisierungsabfrage auf OECATVER auf. Ich kann nichts sehen, was das verursachen würde, und es scheint unmittelbar nach der Rückgabe dieses Objekts zu geschehen. Die einzigen Abfragen, die in dieser Methode ausgeführt werden, sind findOne (id). Das sollte nicht zu einem Update führen, oder?Hibernate/Spring JPA findOne() Aufruf Update-Befehl

public Object[] getPrefixCatalogVersion(String itemPrefix, int itemBusinessUnit) { 
    CatalogVersion catalogVersion = null; 
    String prefixReplacementReason = null; 
    Object[] versionAndReason = new Object[2]; 

    CatalogPrefixKey prefixKey = new CatalogPrefixKey(); 
    CatalogPrefix catPrefix = catalogPrefixRepository.findOne(prefixKey); 

    CatalogVersionKey versionKey = new CatalogVersionKey(); 
    catalogVersion = catalogVersionRepository.findOne(versionKey); 

    if (catalogVersion != null) { 
     // We have the version, make sure it's still valid... 
     // If it's not dead... 
     if (!isCatalogDead(catalogVersion)) { 
      // If it's active and not expired, add to the map. 
      if (isCatalogActive(catalogVersion, itemBusinessUnit)) { 
       if (!isCatalogExpired(catalogVersion)) { 
        // Do Nothing 
       } else { 
        prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_EXPIRED; 
      } else { 
       prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_NOT_ACTIVE; 
     } else { 
      prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_END_LIFE; 
    } else { 
     prefixReplacementReason = CommonConstants.PREFIX_REPLACEMENT_REASON_INVALID; 

    versionAndReason[0] = catalogVersion; 
    versionAndReason[1] = prefixReplacementReason; 
    return versionAndReason; 

Dies sind die Protokolle, die ich beim Ausführen dieser Methode sehe.

Hibernate: select catalogpre0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_41_0_, catalogpre0_.CATPFX as CATPFX2_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo3_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb4_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg5_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts6_41_0_, catalogpre0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus7_41_0_, catalogpre0_.CATNBR as CATNBR8_41_0_, catalogpre0_.CATVER as CATVER9_41_0_ from OECATPFX catalogpre0_ where catalogpre0_.BUSUNTNBR=? and catalogpre0_.CATPFX=? 
Hibernate: select catalogver0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_43_0_, catalogver0_.CATNBR as CATNBR2_43_0_, catalogver0_.CATVER as CATVER3_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo4_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb5_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg6_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts7_43_0_, catalogver0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus8_43_0_, catalogver0_.CATVERDSC as CATVERDS9_43_0_, catalogver0_.CURCATPCG as CURCATP10_43_0_, catalogver0_.EFFDAT as EFFDAT11_43_0_, catalogver0_.EXPDAT as EXPDAT12_43_0_, catalogver0_.PSDSALFLG as PSDSALF13_43_0_ from OECATVER catalogver0_ where catalogver0_.BUSUNTNBR=? and catalogver0_.CATNBR=? and catalogver0_.CATVER=? 
Hibernate: select catalog0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_40_0_, catalog0_.CATNBR as CATNBR2_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo3_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb4_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg5_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts6_40_0_, catalog0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus7_40_0_, catalog0_.CATEOLDAT as CATEOLDA8_40_0_, catalog0_.CATNAM as CATNAM9_40_0_, catalog0_.CATTHMCLF as CATTHMC10_40_0_, catalog0_.CATTYPCLF as CATTYPC11_40_0_ from OECATMST catalog0_ where catalog0_.BUSUNTNBR=? and catalog0_.CATNBR=? 
Hibernate: select orderentry0_.BUSUNTNBR as BUSUNTNB1_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdjob as lstupdjo2_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdnbr as lstupdnb3_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdpgm as lstupdpg4_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdtsp as lstupdts5_6_0_, orderentry0_.lstupdusr as lstupdus6_6_0_, orderentry0_.AREMLPMP as AREMLPMP7_6_0_, orderentry0_.ALWNTLACT as ALWNTLAC8_6_0_, orderentry0_.ATOASNCGY as ATOASNCG9_6_0_, orderentry0_.AVLJOBSFY as AVLJOBS10_6_0_, orderentry0_.CASQTYLMT as CASQTYL11_6_0_, orderentry0_.COPITMFLG as COPITMF12_6_0_, orderentry0_.CREPSPCUS as CREPSPC13_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLCATNBR as VRLCATN14_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLCATPFX as VRLCATP15_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLCATVER as VRLCATV16_6_0_, orderentry0_.VRLKEYCOD as VRLKEYC17_6_0_, orderentry0_.DFTQTEDAY as DFTQTED18_6_0_, orderentry0_.DSPOFRPRV as DSPOFRP19_6_0_, orderentry0_.DUPORD as DUPORD20_6_0_, orderentry0_.EMLPMPFLG as EMLPMPF21_6_0_, orderentry0_.EMPKEYCOD as EMPKEYC22_6_0_, orderentry0_.HGHPRCCHK as HGHPRCC23_6_0_, orderentry0_.HGHQTYCHK as HGHQTYC24_6_0_, orderentry0_.IPRCNFAMT as IPRCNFA25_6_0_, orderentry0_."Jobber Safety Threshold" as Jobber26_6_0_, orderentry0_.MAXQTEDAY as MAXQTED27_6_0_, orderentry0_.PFXRQDFLG as PFXRQDF28_6_0_, orderentry0_.PRCOVRCHK as PRCOVRC29_6_0_, orderentry0_.PRCGRCPED as PRCGRCP30_6_0_, orderentry0_.ORDRSNCLF as ORDRSNC31_6_0_, orderentry0_.RQROPBFLG as RQROPBF32_6_0_, orderentry0_.SPLTABRQD as SPLTABR33_6_0_, orderentry0_.USEKEYCGY as USEKEYC34_6_0_, orderentry0_.WGTLMT as WGTLMT35_6_0_ from COBRLORD orderentry0_ where orderentry0_.BUSUNTNBR=? 
Hibernate: update OECATVER set lstupdjob=?, lstupdnbr=?, lstupdpgm=?, lstupdtsp=?, lstupdusr=?, CATVERDSC=?, CURCATPCG=?, EFFDAT=?, EXPDAT=?, PSDSALFLG=? where BUSUNTNBR=? and CATNBR=? and CATVER=? 


public boolean isCatalogDead(CatalogVersion catalogVersion) { 
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    CatalogKey key = new CatalogKey(); 

    Catalog catalog = catalogRepository.findOne(key); 

    if (catalog != null) { 
     Calendar endOfLifeDate = catalog.getEndOfLifeDate(); 
     if (today.after(endOfLifeDate)) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      return false; 
    } else { 
     return false; 


public boolean isCatalogActive(CatalogVersion catalogVersion, int itemBusinessUnit) { 
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    // Check to see if the catalog is still available 
    Calendar fromDate = catalogVersion.getEffectiveDate(); 
    int gracePeriodDays = companyService.getPricingGracePeriodDays(itemBusinessUnit); 
    fromDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, gracePeriodDays * -1); 
    if (today.before(fromDate)) { 
     return false; 
    } else { 
     return true; 

public boolean isCatalogExpired(CatalogVersion catalogVersion) { 
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    Calendar toDate = catalogVersion.getExpirationDate(); 
    if (today.after(toDate)) { 
     return true; 
    } else { 
     return false; 


wow ... was drin ist: isCatalogDead; isCatalogActive; isCatalogExpired? Wenn es sich innerhalb von Transaktion befindet, wird jede Änderung auch in db gespeichert, unabhängig davon, ob Sie .save (entity) aufrufen oder nicht. – Sarief


nur damit Sie wissen, Sie sollten dies umgestalten ... auch, naming ... – Sarief



Ich konnte das Problem bestimmen. Das Problem trat in der isCatalogActive() -Methode auf, siehe unten. Als ich die Variable fromDate aktualisiert habe, wurde auch das Datum in catalogVersion aktualisiert. Ich änderte es, um ein neues Kalender-Objekt für fromDate zu erstellen und die Uhrzeit so einzustellen, dass sie mit der von catalogVersion.getEffectiveDate() übereinstimmt. und arbeitete mit dem fromDate auf diese Weise.

Old Way

public boolean isCatalogActive(CatalogVersion catalogVersion, int itemBusinessUnit) { 
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    // Check to see if the catalog is still available 
    Calendar fromDate = catalogVersion.getEffectiveDate(); 
    int gracePeriodDays = companyService.getPricingGracePeriodDays(itemBusinessUnit); 
    fromDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, gracePeriodDays * -1); 
    if (today.before(fromDate)) { 
     return false; 
    } else { 
     return true; 


public boolean isCatalogActive(CatalogVersion catalogVersion, int itemBusinessUnit) { 
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    // Check to see if the catalog is still available 
    Calendar fromDate = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    int gracePeriodDays = companyService.getPricingGracePeriodDays(itemBusinessUnit); 
    fromDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, gracePeriodDays * -1); 
    if (today.before(fromDate)) { 
     return false; 
    } else { 
     return true; 