2016-07-25 11 views

Ich hatte ein tolles Ergebnis mit dem Javascript aus Miguel Marnotos Codepen für zwei Instanzen von Google Maps, jetzt versuche ich, auf drei oder vier Instanzen zu erweitern, die ich zu initialisieren versuchte durch Benennen der beiden anderen Instanzen, MapRIght und MapThree, unten. Ich habe kein Glück, kann irgendjemand Ratschläge geben, wie man das, was Miguel hier geschrieben hat, im originalen Javascript CodePen erweitert.So fügen Sie drei Instanzen von Google Maps auf derselben Seite hinzu


Meine neue Version ist unten.

// * 
// * Two maps on the same page, expanded to three 
// * 2015 - en.marnoto.com 
// * 

// necessary variables 
var mapLeft, mapRight, mapThree; 
var infoWindowLeft, infoWindowRight, infoWindowThree; 

// markersData variable stores the information necessary to each marker 
var markersDataLeft = [ 
     lat: 40.6486333, 
     lng: -8.745, 
     name: "Camping Praia do Farol", 
     address1:"Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
     address2: "Praia da Barra", 
     postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.54955, 
     lng: -8.7498167, 
     name: "Camping Costa Velha", 
     address1:"Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
     address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
     postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.6447167, 
     lng: -8.7129167, 
     name: "Camping Gafanha da Boavista", 
     address1:"Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
     address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

var markersDataRight = [ 
     lat: 40.6386333, 
     lng: -8.745, 
     name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
     address1:"Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
     address2: "Praia da Barra", 
     postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.59955, 
     lng: -8.7498167, 
     name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
     address1:"Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
     address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
     postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.6247167, 
     lng: -8.7129167, 
     name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     address1:"Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
     address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

var markersDataThree = [ 
     lat: 40.6386333, 
     lng: -8.745, 
     name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
     address1:"Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
     address2: "Praia da Barra", 
     postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.59955, 
     lng: -8.7498167, 
     name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
     address1:"Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
     address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
     postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.6247167, 
     lng: -8.7129167, 
     name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     address1:"Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
     address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

function initialize(setMap) { 

    var mapOptions; 

    if(setMap == "mapLeft") { 
     mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203,-8.668173), 
     zoom: 11, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

     mapLeft = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas- left'), mapOptions); 

     // a new Info Window is created 
     infoWindowLeft = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
     google.maps.event.addListener(mapLeft, 'click', function() { 

    } else { 

    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203,-8.668173), 
      zoom: 9, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

     mapRight = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas- right'), mapOptions); 

     // a new Info Window is created 
     infoWindowRight = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
     google.maps.event.addListener(mapRight, 'click', function() { 

    } else { 

     mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203,-8.668173), 
     zoom: 7, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

     mapThree = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas- three'), mapOptions); 

     // a new Info Window is created 
     infoWindowThree = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
     google.maps.event.addListener(mapThree, 'click', function() { 

    // Finally displayMarkers() function is called to begin the markers  creation 

    // Create second map only when initialize function is called for the  first time. 
    // Second time setMap is equal to mapRight, so this condition returns  false and it will not run 
    if(setMap == "mapLeft"){ 
     initialize("mapRight", "mapThree"); 

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function(){  initialize("mapLeft") }); 

// This function will iterate over markersData array 
// creating markers with createMarker function 
function displayMarkers(setMap){ 

    var markersData; 
    var map; 

    if(setMap == "mapLeft"){ 
     markersData = markersDataLeft; 
     map = mapLeft; 
    } else { 
     markersData = markersDataRight; 
     map = mapRight; 
    } else { 
     markersData = markersDataThree; 
     map = mapThree; 
    // this variable sets the map bounds according to markers position 
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 

    // for loop traverses markersData array calling createMarker function for  each marker 
    for (var i = 0; i < markersData.length; i++){ 

     var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(markersData[i].lat,  markersData[i].lng); 
     var name = markersData[i].name; 
     var address1 = markersData[i].address1; 
     var address2 = markersData[i].address2; 
     var postalCode = markersData[i].postalCode; 

     createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode); 

     // marker position is added to bounds variable 

    // Finally the bounds variable is used to set the map bounds 
    // with fitBounds() function 

// This function creates each marker and it sets their Info Window content 
function createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode){ 

    var map; 
    var infoWindow; 

    if(setMap == "mapLeft"){ 
     map = mapLeft; 
     infoWindow = infoWindowLeft; 
    } else { 
    map = mapRight; 
     infoWindow = infoWindowRight; 
    } else { 
     map = mapThree; 
     infoWindow = infoWindowThree; 

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     map: map, 
     position: latlng, 
     title: name 

    // This event expects a click on a marker 
    // When this event is fired the Info Window content is created 
    // and the Info Window is opened. 
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 

     // Creating the content to be inserted in the infowindow 
     var iwContent = '<div id="iw_container">' + 
      '<div class="iw_title">' + name + '</div>' + 
     '<div class="iw_content">' + address1 + '<br />' + 
     address2 + '<br />' + 
     postalCode + '</div></div>'; 

     // including content to the Info Window. 

     // opening the Info Window in the current map and at the current marker location. 
     infoWindow.open(map, marker); 

Der entsandte Code enthält Fehler Syntax: 'Nicht abgefangene Syntaxerror: unerwartetes Token else'. Sie sollten diese beheben. Wie sieht dein HTML/CSS aus? – geocodezip



Ihr Code hat Syntaxfehler 1. nur ein else in einer if ... else if ... else ... Aussage sein kann. 2. Die in document.getElementById() übergebene Zeichenfolge muss mit der tatsächlichen DOM-Element-ID übereinstimmen, Sie haben zusätzliche Leerzeichen in Ihrem.

proof of concept fiddle


// * 
// * Two maps on the same page, expanded to three 
// * 2015 - en.marnoto.com 
// * 

// necessary variables 
var mapLeft, mapRight, mapThree; 
var infoWindowLeft, infoWindowRight, infoWindowThree; 

// markersData variable stores the information necessary to each marker 
var markersDataLeft = [{ 
    lat: 40.6486333, 
    lng: -8.745, 
    name: "Camping Praia do Farol", 
    address1: "Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
    address2: "Praia da Barra", 
    postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.54955, 
    lng: -8.7498167, 
    name: "Camping Costa Velha", 
    address1: "Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
    address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
    postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.6447167, 
    lng: -8.7129167, 
    name: "Camping Gafanha da Boavista", 
    address1: "Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
    address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

var markersDataRight = [{ 
    lat: 40.6386333, 
    lng: -8.745, 
    name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
    address1: "Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
    address2: "Praia da Barra", 
    postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.59955, 
    lng: -8.7498167, 
    name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
    address1: "Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
    address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
    postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.6247167, 
    lng: -8.7129167, 
    name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    address1: "Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
    address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 


var markersDataThree = [{ 
    lat: 40.6386333, 
    lng: -8.745, 
    name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
    address1: "Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
    address2: "Praia da Barra", 
    postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.59955, 
    lng: -8.7498167, 
    name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
    address1: "Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
    address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
    postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.6247167, 
    lng: -8.7129167, 
    name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    address1: "Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
    address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 


function initialize(setMap) { 

    var mapOptions; 

    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203, -8.668173), 
     zoom: 11, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

    mapLeft = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas-left'), mapOptions); 

    // a new Info Window is created 
    infoWindowLeft = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

    // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
    google.maps.event.addListener(mapLeft, 'click', function() { 

    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 

    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203, -8.668173), 
     zoom: 9, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

    mapRight = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas-right'), mapOptions); 

    // a new Info Window is created 
    infoWindowRight = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

    // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
    google.maps.event.addListener(mapRight, 'click', function() { 

    } else if (setMap == "mapThree") { 

    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203, -8.668173), 
     zoom: 7, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

    mapThree = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas-three'), mapOptions); 

    // a new Info Window is created 
    infoWindowThree = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

    // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
    google.maps.event.addListener(mapThree, 'click', function() { 

    // Finally displayMarkers() function is called to begin the markers  creation 

    // Create second map only when initialize function is called for the  first time. 
    // Second time setMap is equal to mapRight, so this condition returns  false and it will not run 
    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function() { 


// This function will iterate over markersData array 
// creating markers with createMarker function 
function displayMarkers(setMap) { 

    var markersData; 
    var map; 

    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    markersData = markersDataLeft; 
    map = mapLeft; 
    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 
    markersData = markersDataRight; 
    map = mapRight; 
    } else { 
    markersData = markersDataThree; 
    map = mapThree; 
    // this variable sets the map bounds according to markers position 
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 

    // for loop traverses markersData array calling createMarker function for  each marker 
    for (var i = 0; i < markersData.length; i++) { 

    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(markersData[i].lat, markersData[i].lng); 
    var name = markersData[i].name; 
    var address1 = markersData[i].address1; 
    var address2 = markersData[i].address2; 
    var postalCode = markersData[i].postalCode; 

    createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode); 

    // marker position is added to bounds variable 

    // Finally the bounds variable is used to set the map bounds 
    // with fitBounds() function 

// This function creates each marker and it sets their Info Window content 
function createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode) { 

    var map; 
    var infoWindow; 

    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    map = mapLeft; 
    infoWindow = infoWindowLeft; 
    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 
    map = mapRight; 
    infoWindow = infoWindowRight; 
    } else { 
    map = mapThree; 
    infoWindow = infoWindowThree; 

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
    map: map, 
    position: latlng, 
    title: name 

    // This event expects a click on a marker 
    // When this event is fired the Info Window content is created 
    // and the Info Window is opened. 
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 

    // Creating the content to be inserted in the infowindow 
    var iwContent = '<div id="iw_container">' + 
     '<div class="iw_title">' + name + '</div>' + 
     '<div class="iw_content">' + address1 + '<br />' + 
     address2 + '<br />' + 
     postalCode + '</div></div>'; 

    // including content to the Info Window. 

    // opening the Info Window in the current map and at the current marker location. 
    infoWindow.open(map, marker); 
html { 
    height: 100%; 
body { 
    height: 100%; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
.container { 
    width: 100%; 
    display: flex; 
#map-canvas-three { 
    height: 250px; 
    width: 550px; 
#iw_container .iw_title { 
    font-size: 16px; 
    font-weight: bold; 
.iw_content { 
    padding: 15px 15px 15px 0; 
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=geometry,places&ext=.js"></script> 
<div class="container"> 
    <div id="map-canvas-left"></div> 
    <div id="map-canvas-right"></div> 
    <div id="map-canvas-three"></div> 