2016-07-20 23 views

Ich erstelle ein JS Pong-Spiel, aber der Ball im Pong-Spiel beginnt nach ein paar Sekunden zu verzögern. Ich habe versucht, den Animationsrahmen zu stoppen, meinen Code für bessere Leistung zu optimieren und den Code für den Ball neu zu schreiben, aber nichts funktioniert. Kann mir bitte jemand helfen?JavaScript Pong Spiel Lag


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 

    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 

    <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="400" style="background: #000"></canvas> 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="main.JS"></script> 

Javascript (Mit jQuery)

Created : 7/18/2016 

//Bottom comment is used to define JQuery 

/*jslint browser: true*/ 
/*global $, jQuery, alert*/ 

//Define variables 
var canvas, ctx; 

var ballX, ballY; //Balls x and y pos 
var ballSpeedX, ballSpeedY; //Speed of ball x and y pos 

var paddleY, paddleHeight, paddleWidth, aiY; //PaddleY = paddle's y pos and paddleHeight = Centering mouse on paddle 

//Score variables 
var aiScore, playerScore; 

//Set functions 

//Gets mouse pos 
function getMousePos(e) { 

    "use strict"; 

    //Define variables 
    var rect, root, mouseX, mouseY; 

    rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); //Get canvas outline 
    root = document.documentElement; //Get html document 

    mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left - root.scrollLeft; 
    mouseY = e.clientY - rect.top - root.scrollTop; 

    //Return x and y pos to page 
    return { 

     x: mouseX, 
     y: mouseY 



//Move ai function 
function moveAI() { 

    "use strict"; 

    var aiYCenter = aiY + paddleHeight/2; 

    if (aiYCenter < ballY - 35) { 

     aiY += 6; 

    } else if (aiYCenter > ballY + 35) { 

     aiY -= 6; 



//Animate objects 
function animate() { 

    "use strict"; 

    //Animate ball 
    ballX += ballSpeedX; 
    ballY += ballSpeedY; 

    //Make ai move 

    return false; 


function resetBall() { 

    "use strict"; 

    ballX = canvas.width/2; 
    ballY = canvas.height/2; 

    //Flip ball 
    ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX; 

    return false; 


//Detect collisiom 
function collision() { 

    "use strict"; 

    //Right wall 
    if (ballX > canvas.width) { 

     //If player paddle hits ball 
     if (ballY > aiY && ballY < aiY + paddleHeight) { 

      ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX; 

     } else { 

      //If player paddle doesn't hit ball 
      resetBall(); //Reset ball function 

      playerScore += 1; //If ai scores add 1 point to ai's score 


    //Left wall 
    if (ballX < 0) { 

     //If player paddle hits ball 
     if (ballY > paddleY && ballY < paddleY + paddleHeight) { 

      ballSpeedX = -ballSpeedX; 

     } else { 

      //If player paddle doesn't hit ball 
      resetBall(); //Reset ball function 

      aiScore += 1; //If ai scores add 1 point to ai's score 



    if (ballY > canvas.height) { //If ballY does outside of 800px 

     ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY; 

    if (ballY <= 0) { //If ballY goes outside of 0px 

     ballSpeedY = -ballSpeedY; 


    return false; 


//Make paddle move 
function movePaddle(e) { 

    "use strict"; 

    var pos = getMousePos(e); 
    paddleY = pos.y - paddleHeight/2; //Set paddleY to y pos of function and center user's mouse on the paddle 

    return false; 


//Draw objects 
function draw() { 

    "use strict"; 

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //Clear canvas after animation frame 
    ctx.fillStyle = "white"; //Set color 

    //Draw ball 
    ctx.arc(ballX, ballY, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); 

    //Draw player paddle 
    ctx.fillRect(0, paddleY, paddleWidth, paddleHeight); 

    //Draw ai 
    ctx.fillRect(canvas.width - paddleWidth, aiY, paddleWidth, paddleHeight); 

    //Score boarc 
    ctx.font = "30px Roboto"; 
    //Draw score 
    ctx.fillText(playerScore, 100, 100); //Player score 
    ctx.fillText(aiScore, canvas.width - 100, 100); 

    return false; 


//When document is ready 
$("document").ready(function() { 

    "use strict"; 

    //Get canvas and set its context 
    canvas = $("#canvas")[0]; 
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 

    //Set values to variables 

    //Set fps 
    var fps = 30; 

    ballX = 100; 
    ballY = 100; 
    ballSpeedX = 2; 
    ballSpeedY = 2; 

    paddleHeight = 100; //Used for centering mouse on paddle 
    paddleY = canvas.height/2 - paddleHeight/1.5; //Set paddle's y pos 
    paddleWidth = 10; //Width of paddle 

    //Score variables 
    aiScore = 0; 
    playerScore = 0; 

    aiY = canvas.height/2 - paddleHeight/1.5; //Height of ai player 

    setInterval(function() { 

     $(canvas).bind("mousemove", movePaddle); //Move paddle 

    }, fps/1000); 

    return false; 


Haben Sie versucht, ** setInterval ** durch ** requestAnimationFrame ** zu ersetzen? Wenn nicht, lesen Sie bitte https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame und versuchen Sie es zu implementieren. –


Warum nicht bewegen '$ (Leinwand) .bind (" mousemove ", movePaddle); 'Außerhalb der Spielschleife, so dass die Bindung nur einmal passiert und' requestAnimationFrame' anstelle von 'setInterval' für die Spielschleife verwendet wird? –



Ich habe leichte Modifikationen Bildwiederholraten in Ihrem Code zu berücksichtigen.

Bitte versuchen Sie es unten.

//Set fps 

var fps = 30, frameInterval = 1000/fps, lastTime = new Date().getTime();; // I would increase fps to 60 

$(document).ready(function() { 

    "use strict"; 

    //Get canvas and set its context 
    canvas = $("#canvas")[0]; 
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 

    //Set values to variables 

    ballX = 100; 
    ballY = 100; 
    ballSpeedX = 2; 
    ballSpeedY = 2; 

    paddleHeight = 100; //Used for centering mouse on paddle 
    paddleY = canvas.height/2 - paddleHeight/1.5; //Set paddle's y pos 
    paddleWidth = 10; //Width of paddle 

    //Score variables 
    aiScore = 0; 
    playerScore = 0; 

    aiY = canvas.height/2 - paddleHeight/1.5; //Height of ai player 
    $(canvas).bind("mousemove", movePaddle); //Bind once only 

    return false; 


function run() { 
     var now = new Date().getTime(); 
     var elapsed = now - lastTime; 
     if(elapsed > frameInterval) { 

      lastTime = now; 

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