2016-07-09 14 views

I Zugang zum Elternobjekt benötigen aus association_proxy creator/setterZugang geordnete Objekt von sqlalchemy association_proxy creator

class File(Base): 
    id = Column(INTEGER) 
    description = Column(String(1000)) 
    content = Column(String(10000)) 

class User(Base): 
    name = Column(String(100)) 
    cv_file_id = Column(INTEGER, ForeignKey(File.id)) 
    cv_file = relationship(File, uselist=False) 
    cv = association_proxy('cv_file', None, 
      creator=lambda v: File(description = 'cv for ' + user.name, content = v), 

Ich brauche Verweis auf Benutzer Objekt in creator Verfahren so, dass ein Proxy verwenden kann wie folgt


Haben Sie eine Lösung dafür gefunden? Ich habe das gleiche Problem. 'class User (Basis): cv = FileDescriptor() Klasse FileDescriptor: def __set __ (self, beispielsweise Daten): # Verwendung – Saulpila


Nr ich nur übliche Objekt mit Getter/Setter etwas ähnliches verwendet instance.name' – kakabomba



Ich glaube nicht, dass es einen Weg gibt, ohne die Klassen zu ändern. Das habe ich gemacht:

from sqlalchemy.ext import associationproxy 
from sqlalchemy import util, exc 

def association_proxy(target_collection, attr, **kw): 
    return AssociationProxy(target_collection, attr, **kw) 

class AssociationProxy(associationproxy.AssociationProxy): 
    """AssociationProxy class where creator() is a function 
    (parent, value) -> obj, where `parent` is the parent instance, 
    `value` is the child instance that is added to the proxy object, 
    and `obj` is the object that will reside in the proxy's collection 

    For dict classes, the function signature is (parent, key, value) -> obj. 
    def _new(self, lazy_collection): 
     # Note: this is copied code from SQLAlchemy 1.2.0b1 in order to change 
     # association collections used 
     creator = self.creator and self.creator or self.target_class 
     self.collection_class = util.duck_type_collection(lazy_collection()) 

     if self.proxy_factory: 
      return self.proxy_factory(
       lazy_collection, creator, self.value_attr, self) 

     if self.getset_factory: 
      getter, setter = self.getset_factory(self.collection_class, self) 
      getter, setter = self._default_getset(self.collection_class) 

     # This part is overriden 
     if self.collection_class is list: 
      return AssociationList(
       lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self) 
     elif self.collection_class is dict: 
      return AssociationDict(
       lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self) 
     elif self.collection_class is set: 
      return AssociationSet(
       lazy_collection, creator, getter, setter, self) 
      raise exc.ArgumentError(
       'could not guess which interface to use for ' 
       'collection_class "%s" backing "%s"; specify a ' 
       'proxy_factory and proxy_bulk_set manually' % 
       (self.collection_class.__name__, self.target_collection)) 

class AssociationList(associationproxy._AssociationList): 
    def _create(self, value): 
     return self.creator(self.lazy_collection.ref(), value) 

class AssociationDict(associationproxy._AssociationDict): 
    def _create(self, key, value): 
     return self.creator(self.lazy_collection.ref(), key, value) 

class AssociationSet(associationproxy._AssociationSet): 
    def _create(self, value): 
     return self.creator(self.lazy_collection.ref(), value)