2016-07-05 13 views

Ich benutze das Pyvona-Paket (ab 3. Juli 2016). Ich habe alle Abhängigkeiten installiert. Es funktioniert korrekt, wenn ich es zum ersten Mal anrufe. Aber wenn ich den Befehl erneut ausführen, gibt es mir die lokalen ungebundenen Fehler:Python Ivona (Pyvona) Skript Problem (lokale Variable ungebunden)

>>> import pyvona 
>>> v = pyvona.create_voice('<key>', '<secret>') 
>>> v.speak('hello') 
>>> v.speak('hello') 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
    File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\pyvona.py", line 159, in speak 
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'channel' referenced before assignment 

Hier ist das pyvona.py Skript:

#!/usr/bin/env python 
# encoding: utf-8 

"""Pyvona : an IVONA python library 
Author: Zachary Bears 
Contact Email: [email protected] 
Note: Full operation of this library requires the requests and pygame libraries 

import datetime 
import hashlib 
import hmac 
import json 
import tempfile 
import contextlib 
import os 

class PyvonaException(Exception): 

    import pygame 
except ImportError: 
    pygame_available = False 
    pygame_available = True 

    import requests 
except ImportError: 
    msg = 'The requests library is essential for Pyvona operation. ' 
    msg += 'Without it, Pyvona will not function correctly.' 
    raise PyvonaException(msg) 

_amazon_date_format = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ' 
_date_format = '%Y%m%d' 

def create_voice(access_key, secret_key): 
    """Creates and returns a voice object to interact with 
    return Voice(access_key, secret_key) 

class Voice(object): 

    """An object that contains all the required methods for interacting 
    with the IVONA text-to-speech system 
    voice_name = None 
    language = None 
    gender = None 
    speech_rate = None 
    sentence_break = None 
    paragraph_break = None 
    _codec = "ogg" 
    region_options = { 
     'us-east': 'us-east-1', 
     'us-west': 'us-west-2', 
     'eu-west': 'eu-west-1', 
    access_key = None 
    secret_key = None 

    algorithm = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256' 
    signed_headers = 'content-type;host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date' 
    _region = None 
    _host = None 

    def region(self): 
     return self._region 

    def region(self, region_name): 
     self._region = self.region_options.get(region_name, 'us-east-1') 
     self._host = 'tts.{}.ivonacloud.com'.format(self._region) 

    def codec(self): 
     return self._codec 

    def codec(self, codec): 
     if codec not in ["mp3", "ogg"]: 
      raise PyvonaException(
       "Invalid codec specified. Please choose 'mp3' or 'ogg'") 
     self._codec = codec 

    def use_ogg_codec(self): 
     current_codec = self.codec 
     self.codec = "ogg" 
      self.codec = current_codec 

    def fetch_voice_ogg(self, text_to_speak, filename): 
     """Fetch an ogg file for given text and save it to the given file name 
     with self.use_ogg_codec(): 
      self.fetch_voice(text_to_speak, filename) 

    def fetch_voice(self, text_to_speak, filename): 
     """Fetch a voice file for given text and save it to the given file name 
     file_extension = ".{codec}".format(codec=self.codec) 
     filename += file_extension if not filename.endswith(
      file_extension) else "" 
     with open(filename, 'wb') as f: 
      self.fetch_voice_fp(text_to_speak, f) 

    def fetch_voice_fp(self, text_to_speak, fp): 
     """Fetch a voice file for given text and save it to the given file pointer 
     r = self._send_amazon_auth_packet_v4(
      'POST', 'tts', 'application/json', '/CreateSpeech', '', 
      self._generate_payload(text_to_speak), self._region, self._host) 
     if r.content.startswith(b'{'): 
      raise PyvonaException('Error fetching voice: {}'.format(r.content)) 

    def speak(self, text_to_speak, use_cache=False): 
     """Speak a given text 
     if not pygame_available: 
      raise PyvonaException(
       "Pygame not installed. Please install to use speech.") 

     if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): 
      channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(5) 

     if use_cache is False: 
      with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile() as f: 
       with self.use_ogg_codec(): 
        self.fetch_voice_fp(text_to_speak, f) 
       sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(f) 
      cache_f = hashlib.md5(text_to_speak).hexdigest() + '.ogg' 
      speech_cache_dir = os.getcwd() + '/speech_cache/' 

      if not os.path.isdir(speech_cache_dir): 

      if not os.path.isfile(speech_cache_dir + cache_f): 
       with self.use_ogg_codec(): 
        self.fetch_voice(text_to_speak, 'speech_cache/' + cache_f) 

      f = speech_cache_dir + cache_f 
      sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(f) 


     while channel.get_busy(): 

    def list_voices(self): 
     """Returns all the possible voices 
     r = self._send_amazon_auth_packet_v4(
      'POST', 'tts', 'application/json', '/ListVoices', '', '', 
      self._region, self._host) 
     return r.json() 

    def _generate_payload(self, text_to_speak): 
     return json.dumps({ 
      'Input': { 
       'Data': text_to_speak 
      'OutputFormat': { 
       'Codec': self.codec.upper() 
      'Parameters': { 
       'Rate': self.speech_rate, 
       'SentenceBreak': self.sentence_break, 
       'ParagraphBreak': self.paragraph_break 
      'Voice': { 
       'Name': self.voice_name, 
       'Language': self.language, 
       'Gender': self.gender 

    def _send_amazon_auth_packet_v4(self, method, service, content_type, 
            canonical_uri, canonical_querystring, 
            request_parameters, region, host): 
     """Send a packet to a given amazon server using Amazon's signature Version 4, 
     Returns the resulting response object 
     # Create date for headers and the credential string 
     t = datetime.datetime.utcnow() 
     amazon_date = t.strftime(_amazon_date_format) 
     date_stamp = t.strftime(_date_format) 

     # Step 1: Create canonical request 
     payload_hash = self._sha_hash(request_parameters) 

     canonical_headers = 'content-type:{}\n'.format(content_type) 
     canonical_headers += 'host:{}\n'.format(host) 
     canonical_headers += 'x-amz-content-sha256:{}\n'.format(payload_hash) 
     canonical_headers += 'x-amz-date:{}\n'.format(amazon_date) 

     canonical_request = '\n'.join([ 
      method, canonical_uri, canonical_querystring, canonical_headers, 
      self.signed_headers, payload_hash]) 

     # Step 2: Create the string to sign 
     credential_scope = '{}/{}/{}/aws4_request'.format(
      date_stamp, region, service) 
     string_to_sign = '\n'.join([ 
      self.algorithm, amazon_date, credential_scope, 

     # Step 3: Calculate the signature 
     signing_key = self._get_signature_key(
      self.secret_key, date_stamp, region, service) 
     signature = hmac.new(
      signing_key, string_to_sign.encode('utf-8'), 

     # Step 4: Create the signed packet 
     endpoint = 'https://{}{}'.format(host, canonical_uri) 
     authorization_header = '{} Credential={}/{}, ' +\ 
      'SignedHeaders={}, Signature={}' 
     authorization_header = authorization_header.format(
      self.algorithm, self.access_key, credential_scope, 
      self.signed_headers, signature) 
     headers = { 
      'Host': host, 
      'Content-type': content_type, 
      'X-Amz-Date': amazon_date, 
      'Authorization': authorization_header, 
      'x-amz-content-sha256': payload_hash, 
      'Content-Length': len(request_parameters) 
     # Send the packet and return the response 
     return requests.post(endpoint, data=request_parameters, 

    def _sha_hash(self, to_hash): 
     return hashlib.sha256(to_hash.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() 

    def _sign(self, key, msg): 
     return hmac.new(key, msg.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest() 

    def _get_signature_key(self, key, date_stamp, region_name, service_name): 
     k_date = self._sign(('AWS4{}'.format(key)).encode('utf-8'), date_stamp) 
     k_region = self._sign(k_date, region_name) 
     k_service = self._sign(k_region, service_name) 
     k_signing = self._sign(k_service, 'aws4_request') 
     return k_signing 

    def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key): 
     """Set initial voice object parameters 
     self.region = 'us-east' 
     self.voice_name = 'Brian' 
     self.access_key = access_key 
     self.secret_key = secret_key 
     self.speech_rate = 'medium' 
     self.sentence_break = 400 
     self.paragraph_break = 650 

Jede Hilfe ist sehr geschätzt.


'wenn nicht pygame.mixer.get_init():' - wenn diese Bedingung 'false' ist,' channel' wird nicht definiert in 'speak' Methode. Es sollte für beide Fälle definiert werden (wenn die Bedingung "Wahr" oder "Falsch" ist). –



konnte eine Abhilfe finden durch Zugabe von:


channel = pygame.mixer.Channel (5)

unmittelbar nachdem die Sprechfunktion definieren:

def sprechen (self, text_to_speak, use_cache = false):

def speak(self, text_to_speak, use_cache=False): 
     """Speak a given text 
     channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(5) 

bezieht sich normalerweise UnboundLocalError zu Scopes und Namensräume in Python Scopes and NameSpaces, aber in Ihrem Fall: In Funktion sprechen() Sie Kanal in Code erstellen

if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): 
     channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(5) 

Bei dieser Codekanal gebunden nicht auf ein beliebiges Objekt nicht ausführen .

Zum Beispiel können Sie diese Situation überprüfen, indem Sie dieses Codebeispiel:

def test_if(): 
    if True: 
     # Bound 
     channel_1 = "Channel_1" 
    if False: 
     # Not bound 
     channel_2 = "Channel_2" 

