2016-04-06 10 views

Ich benutze web_browser.document.getElementById() für den Login-Bildschirm funktioniert es gut, aber wenn eingeloggt und ein neues Fenster nach dem Login web_browser.document.getElementById öffnen scheint nicht zu funktionieren bitte hilfe. Bitte finden Sie den Code unten:Wie bekomme ich das Element des neuen Fensters und den Wert in Java-Skript

My_User_Name := "My_User_Name" 

My_Pass_Word := "My_User_Name" 

My_Batch := "C1-ADMOV" 

web_browser := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") 

web_browser.Visible := true 


while web_browser.busy ; a while loop is a way to keep the script testing an IF like expression 

sleep 100 ; IF web_browser.busy is true then sleep 100 milliseconds 

username_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("userId") 

username_input.value := My_User_Name 

password_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("password") 

password_input.value := My_Pass_Word 


while web_browser.busy ; a while loop is a way to keep the script testing an IF like expression 

sleep 100 ; IF web_browser.busy is true then sleep 100 milliseconds 


while web_browser.busy ; a while loop is a way to keep the script testing an IF like expression 

sleep 1000 ; IF web_browser.busy is true then sleep 1000 milliseconds 

BATCH_CD_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("BATCH_CD") 

BATCH_JOB_ID_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("BATCH_JOB_ID") 

BATCH_CD_input.value := My_Batch 

BATCH_JOB_ID_input.value:= "96090087688130" 





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Für den Zugriff auf bestehende Internet-Explorer-Fenster, die Sie nicht ComObjCreate erstellt haben verwenden, so etwas wie folgt verwenden:

web_browser_from_active_window := IeGet() 
web_browser_2 := IeGet("Login site bla bla") 

IeGet(winTitle:="A") { 
    WinGetTitle, title, % winTitle 
    For window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").windows 
     If (InStr(window.fullName, "iexplore.exe") && window.document.title . " - Internet Explorer" = title) 
      Return window 
    Return {} 
I managed to get elements I want on webpage. What I did instead of navigating to login page and enter credentials, I just navigate to the webpage I want to get elements in. I only have web_browser.Navigate2("http://example.com/batches"). This sorted my issue 

My_User_Name := "My_User_Name" 

My_Pass_Word := "My_User_Name" 

My_Batch := "C1-ADMOV" 

web_browser := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") 

web_browser.Visible := true 


while web_browser.busy ; a while loop is a way to keep the script testing an IF like expression 

sleep 100 ; IF web_browser.busy is true then sleep 100 milliseconds 

username_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("userId") 

username_input.value := My_User_Name 

password_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("password") 

password_input.value := My_Pass_Word 


while web_browser.busy ; a while loop is a way to keep the script testing an IF like expression 

sleep 100 ; IF web_browser.busy is true then sleep 100 milliseconds 

while web_browser.busy ; a while loop is a way to keep the script testing an IF like expression 

sleep 1000 ; IF web_browser.busy is true then sleep 1000 milliseconds 

BATCH_CD_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("BATCH_CD") 

BATCH_JOB_ID_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("BATCH_JOB_ID") 

BATCH_CD_input.value := My_Batch 

BATCH_JOB_ID_input.value:= "96090087688130" 



