2009-05-15 7 views

Ich fragte, wie man das vorher tun kann, aber es scheint, dass ich mehr Code einsetzen musste, um wirklich eine Antwort zu bekommen.Repost: Erstellen eines RSS-Feeds mit PHP

Ich habe einen reddit Typen Ort, und ich versuche, ein rss zu erstellen füttert dies der Code ist, aber ich habe einen fatalen Fehler: abgefangene Ausnahme ‚Exception‘ mit der Meldung ‚Abfrage fehlgeschlagen‘

Hier ist es die Code:


class Article extends Model 
    private $id; 
    private $user_id; 
    private $url; 
    private $title; 
    private $description; 
    private $ranking; 
    private $points; 

    function __construct($title = ' ', $description = ' ', $url = ' ', $username = ' ', $created = ' ', $modified = '') { 


    function getId(){ 
     return $this->id; 

    private function setId($value){ 
     $this->id = $value; 

    function getUsername(){ 
     return $this->username; 

    function setUsername($value){ 
     $this->username = $value; 

    function getUrl(){ 
     return $this->url; 

    function setUrl($value){ 
     $this->url = $value; 

    function getTitle() 
     return $this->title; 

    function setTitle($value) { 

     $this->title = $value; 

    function getDescription() { 
     return $this->description; 

    function setDescription($value) 
     $this->description = $value; 

    function getPoints() 
     return $this->points; 

    function setPoints($value) { 
     $this->points = $value; 

    function getRanking() 
     return $this->ranking; 

    function setRanking($value) 
     $this->ranking = $value; 

    function calculateRanking() 
     $created = $this->getCreated(); 
     $diff = $this->getTimeDifference($created, date('F d, Y h:i:s A')); 
     $time = $diff['days'] * 24; 
     $time += $diff['hours']; 
     $time += ($diff['minutes']/60); 
     $time += (($diff['seconds']/60)/60); 

     $base = ($time + 2); 

     if($base > 0) 
      $this->ranking = ($this->points - 1)/pow($base, 1.5); 
      $this->ranking = 0; 

    function vote($user,$amount=1) 
     if($this->has_voted($user) == false) 
      $this->points += $amount; 

    function log_vote($user) 
      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      $query = "insert into votes (article_id, username) values ($this->id, '$user')";   
      $results = parent::execSql($query); 
     catch(Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 

    function has_voted($user) 
      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      $query = "select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id = $this->id"; 
      $results = parent::execSQL($query); 
      if($results->num_rows == 1) { 
       return true;     
       return false; 

     catch(Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 
    function getUrlDomain() 
     /* We extract the domain from the URL 
     * using the following regex pattern 

     $url = $this->getUrl(); 
     $matches = array(); 
     if(preg_match('/http:\/\/(.+?)\//', $url, $matches)) 
      return $matches[1]; 
      return $url; 

    function getTimeDifference($start, $end) 
     //echo "start is $start, end is $end"; 
     $uts['start']  = strtotime($start); 
     $uts['end']  = strtotime($end); 
     if($uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1) 
      if($uts['end'] >= $uts['start']) 
       $diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start']; 
        $diff = $diff % 86400; 
        $diff = $diff % 3600; 
        $diff = $diff % 60; 
       $diff = intval($diff); 
       return(array('days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff)); 
       echo("Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time"); 
      echo("Invalid date/time data detected"); 

    function getElapsedDateTime() 
     $db = null; 
     $record = null; 

     $record = Article::getById($this->id); 
     $created = $record->getCreated();   

     $diff = $this->getTimeDifference($created, date('F d, Y h:i:s A')); 
     //$diff = $this->getTimeDifference($created, date_add(date('F d, Y h:i:s A'),new DateInterval("5H"))); 
     //echo 'new date is '.date('F d, Y h:i:s A'); 

     if($diff['days'] > 0) 
      if($diff['days'] < 2) { return sprintf("%d dia", $diff['days']); } 

      else return sprintf("%d dias", $diff['days']); 
     else if($diff['hours'] > 0) 
      if($diff['hours'] < 2) { return sprintf("%d hora", $diff['hours']); } 

      else return sprintf("%d horas", $diff['hours']); 
     else if($diff['minutes'] > 0) 
      if($diff['minutes'] < 2) { return sprintf("%d minuto", $diff['minutes']); } 

      else return sprintf("%d minutos", $diff['minutes']); 
      if($diff['seconds'] < 2) { return sprintf("%d segundo", $diff['seconds']); } 

      else return sprintf("%d segundos", $diff['seconds']); 

    function save() { 

      Here we do either a create or 
      update operation depending 
      on the value of the id field. 
      Zero means create, non-zero 

      $this->title = addslashes($this->title); 
      $this->description = addslashes($this->description); 

      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      if($this->id == 0) 
       $query = 'insert into articles (modified, username, url, title, description, points)'; 
       $query .= " values ('$this->getModified()', '$this->username', '$this->url', '$this->title', '$this->description', $this->points)"; 
       createRSS(); // ++++++ rss +++++++ 
      else if($this->id != 0) 
       $query = "update articles set modified = NOW()".", username = '$this->username', url = '$this->url', title = '".$this->title."', description = '".$this->description."', points = $this->points, ranking = $this->ranking where id = $this->id"; 

      $lastid = parent::execSql2($query); 

      if($this->id == 0) 
       $this->id = $lastid; 

     catch(Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 

    function delete() 
      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      if($this->id != 0) 
      {    ; 
       /*$comments = $this->getAllComments(); 
       foreach($comments as $comment) 
       $query = "delete from articles where id = $this->id"; 

     catch(Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 

    static function getAll($conditions = ' ') 
     /* Retrieve all the records from the 
     * database according subject to 
     * conditions 

     $db = null; 
     $results = null; 
     $records = array(); 
     $query = "select id, created, modified, username, url, title, description, points, ranking from articles $conditions"; 
      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      $results = parent::execSql($query); 

      while($row = $results->fetch_assoc()) 
       $r_id = $row['id']; 
       $r_created = $row['created']; 
       $r_modified = $row['modified']; 

       $r_title = $row['title']; 
       $r_description = $row['description']; 

        $r_title = stripslashes($r_title); 
        $r_description = stripslashes($r_description); 

       $r_url = $row['url']; 
       $r_username = $row['username']; 
       $r_points = $row['points']; 
       $r_ranking = $row['ranking']; 

       $article = new Article($r_title, $r_description , $r_url, $r_username, $r_created, $r_modified); 
       $article->id = $r_id; 
       $article->points = $r_points; 
       $article->ranking = $r_ranking; 
       $records[] = $article; 
     catch(Exception $e) 
      throw $e; 

     return $records; 

    static function getById($id) 
    * Return one record from the database by its id */ 

     $db = null; 
     $record = null; 

      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      $query = "select id, username, created, modified, title, url, description, points, ranking from articles where id = $id"; 
      $results = parent::execSQL($query); 
      if(!$results) { 
       throw new Exception ('Record not found', EX_RECORD_NOT_FOUND); 

      $row = $results->fetch_assoc(); 

       $row['title'] = stripslashes($row['title']); 
       $row['description'] = stripslashes($row['description']); 

      $article = new Article($row['title'], $row['description'], $row['url'], $row['username'], $row['created'], $row['modified']); 
      $article->id = $row['id']; 
      $article->points = $row['points']; 
      $article->ranking = $row['ranking']; 
      return $article; 

     catch (Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 

    static function getNumberOfComments($id) 
    * Return one record from the database by its id */ 

     $db = null; 
     $record = null; 

      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      $query = "select count(*) as 'total' from comments where article_id = $id"; 
      $results = parent::execSQL($query); 
      if(!$results) { 
       throw new Exception ('Comments Count Query Query Failed', EX_QUERY_FAILED); 

      $row = $results->fetch_assoc(); 
      $total = $row['total']; 

      return $total; 

     catch (Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 

    function deleteAllComments() 
    * Return one record from the database by its id */ 

     $db = null; 
      $db = parent::getConnection(); 
      $query = "delete from comments where article_id = $this->id"; 
      $results = parent::execSQL($query); 
      if(!$results) { 
       throw new Exception ('Deletion Query Failed', EX_QUERY_FAILED); 
     catch (Exception $e){ 
      throw $e; 

    function getAllComments($conditions = ' ') 
     /* Retrieve all the records from the 
     * database according subject to 
     * conditions 
     $conditions = "where article_id = $this->id"; 
     $comments = Comment::getAll($conditions); 
     return $comments; 

    static function getTestData($url) 
     $page = file_get_contents($url); 



    function createRSS() 
     $articles = Article::getAll("order by created desc limit $offset, $num_items"); 
     $num_articles = count($articles);  

     // open a file pointer to an RSS file 
     $fp = fopen ("rss.xml", "w"); 
     if (!$fp) { 
      // Can't write to a file 

     fwrite ($fp, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<rss version='2.0' xmlns:atom=\"http://www.kiubbo.com/rss.xml\"><channel>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<title>Kiubbo.com</title>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<atom:link href='http://www.kiubbo.com/rss.xml' rel='self' type='application/rss+xml' />\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<link>http://www.kiubbo.com/</link>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<description>Todas las Noticias Fotos y Videos.</description>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<language>es-mx</language>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<docs>http://www.kiubbo.com/rss.xml</docs>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<image>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, " <title>Kiubbo.com</title>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, " <url>http://www.kiubbo.com/Logot.png</url>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, " <link>http://www.kiubbo.com</link>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "</image>\n"); 

     for($index = 0; $index < $num_articles; $index++){ 

     $url = $articles[$index]->getUrl(); 
     $title = $articles[$index]->getTitle(); // ok? 

     $search = array(
     '@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', // Strip out javascript 
     '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags 
     '@([\r\n])[\s][email protected]', // Strip out white space 
     '@&(quot|#34);@i', // Replace HTML entities 
     '@&#(\d+);@e'); // evaluate as php 
     $replace = array(
     ' ', 

     $content = preg_replace($search, $replace, $content); 
     $title = preg_replace("/&/", 'y', $title); 
     $content = preg_replace("/&/", 'y', $content); 

     fwrite ($fp, "<item>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, " <title>$title</title>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, " <link>$url</link>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "<guid>http://www.kiubbo.com</guid>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "</item>\n"); 
     fwrite ($fp, "</channel></rss>\n"); 
     fclose ($fp); 



Grüße Carlos


, die viel ist von Code. Haben Sie eine Idee, welche Funktion den Fehler erzeugt? Sie sollten auch vorbereitete Anweisungen für Ihre Abfragen verwenden. –



ich bin nicht an einer Maschine mit pHP dies zu testen, aber Sie haben querie s mit Variablen wie ...

"select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id = $this->id" 

Ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass Sie folgt klammern müssen oder verketten, wenn Objekte mit ...

"select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id = ${this->id}" 


"select id from votes where username = '$user' and article_id = " . $this->id 

Kann ich beachten, dass die in der Abfrage verwendeten Variablen nirgendwohin überprüft/geparst werden, um sicherzustellen, dass keine SQL-Injektion oder andere schlimme Dinge passieren können? – giorgio


@giorgio - Es ist nicht klar aus der Frage, ob der Entwickler die Eingabe bereinigt oder nicht, also gab die Antwort dem Entwickler den Vorteil des Zweifels. Das heißt, es ist so ein häufiger Fehler, dass es eine nützliche Warnung ist. –


Ich habe Ihren Kommentar nicht kommentiert (was richtig und hilfreich ist!), Aber auf dem Poster selbst. Wie Sie sehen können, werden die verwendeten Daten entweder über den Konstruktor oder die Setter eingefügt. Der Konstruktor verwendet auch die Setter (was eine gute Sache ist!), Aber die Setter tun nichts anderes, als nur die Vars zu kopieren. Seine Elternmethode 'execSQL' kann die vars nicht explizit bereinigen (oder es sollte ein WIRKLICH cleverer Desinfizierer sein, dem ich vorher noch nicht begegnet bin), so dass klar wird, dass die Eingabe überhaupt nicht bereinigt wird. Zum Plakat; mach etwas dagegen! Was ist mit einem 'mysql_real_escape()' in den Settes? – giorgio