ich auf http://arcana.sivv.com/blog/ gefunden, können Sie versuchen, diese verwenden:
X.Env.ExeFilename - Gibt den tatsächlichen Dateinamen der laufenden ausführbaren Datei.
Hier eine Erklärung von diesem Blog:
X.Env.SearchPath - Returns the currently registered search path on the system.
X.Env.AppFilename - Returns the "app" name of the application. On OS X this is the application package in which the exe resides. On Windows, this is the name of the folder in which the exe resides.
X.Env.ExeFilename - Returns the actual filename of the running executable.
X.Env.AppFolder - Returns the folder path to the executable, stopping at the level of the application package on OSX.
X.Env.ExeFolder - Returns the full folder path to the executable.
X.Env.TempFolder - Returns a writable temp folder path that can be used by your application.
X.Env.HomeFolder - Returns the user's writable home folder. On OS X this equates to /Users/username and on Windows, C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming or the appropriate path as set on the system.
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