2016-05-19 6 views

Der Versuch, ein Hallo Welt Beispiel mit Elm 0,17Elm Beispiel 'Hallo Welt' schlägt fehl, wenn die Installation von Ulme-html

-- Main.elm 

import Html exposing (text) 

main = 
    text "Hello, World!" 

[email protected]:~/work/hello_world_elm$ elm make Main.elm --output=index.html 
Some new packages are needed. Here is the upgrade plan. 

    elm-lang/core 4.0.0 

Do you approve of this plan? (y/n) y 
Downloading elm-lang/core 
Packages configured successfully! 
I cannot find module 'Html'. 

Module 'Main' is trying to import it. 

Potential problems could be: 
    * Misspelled the module name 
    * Need to add a source directory or new dependency to elm-package.json 
[email protected]:~/work/hello_world_elm$ elm package install evancz/elm-html 
To install evancz/elm-html I would like to add the following 
dependency to elm-package.json: 

    "evancz/elm-html": "4.0.2 <= v < 5.0.0" 

May I add that to elm-package.json for you? (y/n) y 

Error: Unable to find a set of packages that will work with your constraints. 

[email protected]:~/work/hello_world_elm$ 

Irgendwelche Ideen, was ich falsch machen könnte? Ubuntu 14.04, Elm 0.17 installiert von npm

Vielen Dank!



Das Paket evancz/elm-html wurde durch elm-lang/html in Version 0.17 ersetzt. Also solltest du das installieren.


Vielen Dank :-) – Justin