2016-07-25 22 views

Wenn ich über Debug überprüfen, i die Methoden und Variablen sehen können, aber unabhängig davon, welche Lösung ich auf Stackoverflow gescheitertWie kann ich Methoden innerhalb dieser Klasse aufzählen? Hier</p> <p><a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/M17yz.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/M17yz.png" alt="enter image description here"></a></p> <p>

hier gepostet haben versucht, wie ich die Methoden mit Debug sehen Die Klasse

public sealed partial class PlayerStats : pb::IMessage<PlayerStats> 
    /// <summary>Field number for the "level" field.</summary> 
    public const int LevelFieldNumber = 1; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "experience" field.</summary> 
    public const int ExperienceFieldNumber = 2; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "prev_level_xp" field.</summary> 
    public const int PrevLevelXpFieldNumber = 3; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "next_level_xp" field.</summary> 
    public const int NextLevelXpFieldNumber = 4; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "km_walked" field.</summary> 
    public const int KmWalkedFieldNumber = 5; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "pokemons_encountered" field.</summary> 
    public const int PokemonsEncounteredFieldNumber = 6; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "unique_pokedex_entries" field.</summary> 
    public const int UniquePokedexEntriesFieldNumber = 7; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "pokemons_captured" field.</summary> 
    public const int PokemonsCapturedFieldNumber = 8; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "evolutions" field.</summary> 
    public const int EvolutionsFieldNumber = 9; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "poke_stop_visits" field.</summary> 
    public const int PokeStopVisitsFieldNumber = 10; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "pokeballs_thrown" field.</summary> 
    public const int PokeballsThrownFieldNumber = 11; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "eggs_hatched" field.</summary> 
    public const int EggsHatchedFieldNumber = 12; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "big_magikarp_caught" field.</summary> 
    public const int BigMagikarpCaughtFieldNumber = 13; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "battle_attack_won" field.</summary> 
    public const int BattleAttackWonFieldNumber = 14; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "battle_attack_total" field.</summary> 
    public const int BattleAttackTotalFieldNumber = 15; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "battle_defended_won" field.</summary> 
    public const int BattleDefendedWonFieldNumber = 16; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "battle_training_won" field.</summary> 
    public const int BattleTrainingWonFieldNumber = 17; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "battle_training_total" field.</summary> 
    public const int BattleTrainingTotalFieldNumber = 18; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "prestige_raised_total" field.</summary> 
    public const int PrestigeRaisedTotalFieldNumber = 19; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "prestige_dropped_total" field.</summary> 
    public const int PrestigeDroppedTotalFieldNumber = 20; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "pokemon_deployed" field.</summary> 
    public const int PokemonDeployedFieldNumber = 21; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "pokemon_caught_by_type" field.</summary> 
    public const int PokemonCaughtByTypeFieldNumber = 22; 

    /// <summary>Field number for the "small_rattata_caught" field.</summary> 
    public const int SmallRattataCaughtFieldNumber = 23; 

    private static readonly pb::MessageParser<PlayerStats> _parser = 
     new pb::MessageParser<PlayerStats>(() => new PlayerStats()); 

    private int battleAttackTotal_; 
    private int battleAttackWon_; 
    private int battleDefendedWon_; 
    private int battleTrainingTotal_; 
    private int battleTrainingWon_; 
    private int bigMagikarpCaught_; 
    private int eggsHatched_; 
    private int evolutions_; 
    private long experience_; 
    private float kmWalked_; 
    private int level_; 
    private long nextLevelXp_; 
    private int pokeballsThrown_; 
    private pb::ByteString pokemonCaughtByType_ = pb::ByteString.Empty; 
    private int pokemonDeployed_; 
    private int pokemonsCaptured_; 
    private int pokemonsEncountered_; 
    private int pokeStopVisits_; 
    private int prestigeDroppedTotal_; 
    private int prestigeRaisedTotal_; 
    private long prevLevelXp_; 
    private int smallRattataCaught_; 
    private int uniquePokedexEntries_; 

    public PlayerStats() 

    public PlayerStats(PlayerStats other) : this() 
     level_ = other.level_; 
     experience_ = other.experience_; 
     prevLevelXp_ = other.prevLevelXp_; 
     nextLevelXp_ = other.nextLevelXp_; 
     kmWalked_ = other.kmWalked_; 
     pokemonsEncountered_ = other.pokemonsEncountered_; 
     uniquePokedexEntries_ = other.uniquePokedexEntries_; 
     pokemonsCaptured_ = other.pokemonsCaptured_; 
     evolutions_ = other.evolutions_; 
     pokeStopVisits_ = other.pokeStopVisits_; 
     pokeballsThrown_ = other.pokeballsThrown_; 
     eggsHatched_ = other.eggsHatched_; 
     bigMagikarpCaught_ = other.bigMagikarpCaught_; 
     battleAttackWon_ = other.battleAttackWon_; 
     battleAttackTotal_ = other.battleAttackTotal_; 
     battleDefendedWon_ = other.battleDefendedWon_; 
     battleTrainingWon_ = other.battleTrainingWon_; 
     battleTrainingTotal_ = other.battleTrainingTotal_; 
     prestigeRaisedTotal_ = other.prestigeRaisedTotal_; 
     prestigeDroppedTotal_ = other.prestigeDroppedTotal_; 
     pokemonDeployed_ = other.pokemonDeployed_; 
     pokemonCaughtByType_ = other.pokemonCaughtByType_; 
     smallRattataCaught_ = other.smallRattataCaught_; 

    public static pb::MessageParser<PlayerStats> Parser 
     get { return _parser; } 

    public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor 
     get { return global::PokemonGo.RocketAPI.GeneratedCode.PayloadsReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[14]; } 

    public int Level 
     get { return level_; } 
     set { level_ = value; } 

    public long Experience 
     get { return experience_; } 
     set { experience_ = value; } 

    public long PrevLevelXp 
     get { return prevLevelXp_; } 
     set { prevLevelXp_ = value; } 

    public long NextLevelXp 
     get { return nextLevelXp_; } 
     set { nextLevelXp_ = value; } 

    public float KmWalked 
     get { return kmWalked_; } 
     set { kmWalked_ = value; } 

    public int PokemonsEncountered 
     get { return pokemonsEncountered_; } 
     set { pokemonsEncountered_ = value; } 

    public int UniquePokedexEntries 
     get { return uniquePokedexEntries_; } 
     set { uniquePokedexEntries_ = value; } 

    public int PokemonsCaptured 
     get { return pokemonsCaptured_; } 
     set { pokemonsCaptured_ = value; } 

    public int Evolutions 
     get { return evolutions_; } 
     set { evolutions_ = value; } 

    public int PokeStopVisits 
     get { return pokeStopVisits_; } 
     set { pokeStopVisits_ = value; } 

    public int PokeballsThrown 
     get { return pokeballsThrown_; } 
     set { pokeballsThrown_ = value; } 

    public int EggsHatched 
     get { return eggsHatched_; } 
     set { eggsHatched_ = value; } 

    public int BigMagikarpCaught 
     get { return bigMagikarpCaught_; } 
     set { bigMagikarpCaught_ = value; } 

    public int BattleAttackWon 
     get { return battleAttackWon_; } 
     set { battleAttackWon_ = value; } 

    public int BattleAttackTotal 
     get { return battleAttackTotal_; } 
     set { battleAttackTotal_ = value; } 

    public int BattleDefendedWon 
     get { return battleDefendedWon_; } 
     set { battleDefendedWon_ = value; } 

    public int BattleTrainingWon 
     get { return battleTrainingWon_; } 
     set { battleTrainingWon_ = value; } 

    public int BattleTrainingTotal 
     get { return battleTrainingTotal_; } 
     set { battleTrainingTotal_ = value; } 

    public int PrestigeRaisedTotal 
     get { return prestigeRaisedTotal_; } 
     set { prestigeRaisedTotal_ = value; } 

    public int PrestigeDroppedTotal 
     get { return prestigeDroppedTotal_; } 
     set { prestigeDroppedTotal_ = value; } 

    public int PokemonDeployed 
     get { return pokemonDeployed_; } 
     set { pokemonDeployed_ = value; } 

    /// <summary> 
    ///  TODO: repeated PokemonType ?? 
    /// </summary> 
    public pb::ByteString PokemonCaughtByType 
     get { return pokemonCaughtByType_; } 
     set { pokemonCaughtByType_ = pb::ProtoPreconditions.CheckNotNull(value, "value"); } 

    public int SmallRattataCaught 
     get { return smallRattataCaught_; } 
     set { smallRattataCaught_ = value; } 

    pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor 
     get { return Descriptor; } 

    public PlayerStats Clone() 
     return new PlayerStats(this); 

    public bool Equals(PlayerStats other) 
     if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) 
      return false; 
     if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) 
      return true; 
     if (Level != other.Level) return false; 
     if (Experience != other.Experience) return false; 
     if (PrevLevelXp != other.PrevLevelXp) return false; 
     if (NextLevelXp != other.NextLevelXp) return false; 
     if (KmWalked != other.KmWalked) return false; 
     if (PokemonsEncountered != other.PokemonsEncountered) return false; 
     if (UniquePokedexEntries != other.UniquePokedexEntries) return false; 
     if (PokemonsCaptured != other.PokemonsCaptured) return false; 
     if (Evolutions != other.Evolutions) return false; 
     if (PokeStopVisits != other.PokeStopVisits) return false; 
     if (PokeballsThrown != other.PokeballsThrown) return false; 
     if (EggsHatched != other.EggsHatched) return false; 
     if (BigMagikarpCaught != other.BigMagikarpCaught) return false; 
     if (BattleAttackWon != other.BattleAttackWon) return false; 
     if (BattleAttackTotal != other.BattleAttackTotal) return false; 
     if (BattleDefendedWon != other.BattleDefendedWon) return false; 
     if (BattleTrainingWon != other.BattleTrainingWon) return false; 
     if (BattleTrainingTotal != other.BattleTrainingTotal) return false; 
     if (PrestigeRaisedTotal != other.PrestigeRaisedTotal) return false; 
     if (PrestigeDroppedTotal != other.PrestigeDroppedTotal) return false; 
     if (PokemonDeployed != other.PokemonDeployed) return false; 
     if (PokemonCaughtByType != other.PokemonCaughtByType) return false; 
     if (SmallRattataCaught != other.SmallRattataCaught) return false; 
     return true; 

    public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) 
     if (Level != 0) 
     if (Experience != 0L) 
     if (PrevLevelXp != 0L) 
     if (NextLevelXp != 0L) 
     if (KmWalked != 0F) 
     if (PokemonsEncountered != 0) 
     if (UniquePokedexEntries != 0) 
     if (PokemonsCaptured != 0) 
     if (Evolutions != 0) 
     if (PokeStopVisits != 0) 
     if (PokeballsThrown != 0) 
     if (EggsHatched != 0) 
     if (BigMagikarpCaught != 0) 
     if (BattleAttackWon != 0) 
     if (BattleAttackTotal != 0) 
     if (BattleDefendedWon != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(128, 1); 
     if (BattleTrainingWon != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(136, 1); 
     if (BattleTrainingTotal != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(144, 1); 
     if (PrestigeRaisedTotal != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(152, 1); 
     if (PrestigeDroppedTotal != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(160, 1); 
     if (PokemonDeployed != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(168, 1); 
     if (PokemonCaughtByType.Length != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(178, 1); 
     if (SmallRattataCaught != 0) 
      output.WriteRawTag(184, 1); 

    public int CalculateSize() 
     var size = 0; 
     if (Level != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(Level); 
     if (Experience != 0L) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(Experience); 
     if (PrevLevelXp != 0L) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(PrevLevelXp); 
     if (NextLevelXp != 0L) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(NextLevelXp); 
     if (KmWalked != 0F) 
      size += 1 + 4; 
     if (PokemonsEncountered != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PokemonsEncountered); 
     if (UniquePokedexEntries != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(UniquePokedexEntries); 
     if (PokemonsCaptured != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PokemonsCaptured); 
     if (Evolutions != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(Evolutions); 
     if (PokeStopVisits != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PokeStopVisits); 
     if (PokeballsThrown != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PokeballsThrown); 
     if (EggsHatched != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(EggsHatched); 
     if (BigMagikarpCaught != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(BigMagikarpCaught); 
     if (BattleAttackWon != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(BattleAttackWon); 
     if (BattleAttackTotal != 0) 
      size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(BattleAttackTotal); 
     if (BattleDefendedWon != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(BattleDefendedWon); 
     if (BattleTrainingWon != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(BattleTrainingWon); 
     if (BattleTrainingTotal != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(BattleTrainingTotal); 
     if (PrestigeRaisedTotal != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PrestigeRaisedTotal); 
     if (PrestigeDroppedTotal != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PrestigeDroppedTotal); 
     if (PokemonDeployed != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(PokemonDeployed); 
     if (PokemonCaughtByType.Length != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBytesSize(PokemonCaughtByType); 
     if (SmallRattataCaught != 0) 
      size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(SmallRattataCaught); 
     return size; 

    public void MergeFrom(PlayerStats other) 
     if (other == null) 
     if (other.Level != 0) 
      Level = other.Level; 
     if (other.Experience != 0L) 
      Experience = other.Experience; 
     if (other.PrevLevelXp != 0L) 
      PrevLevelXp = other.PrevLevelXp; 
     if (other.NextLevelXp != 0L) 
      NextLevelXp = other.NextLevelXp; 
     if (other.KmWalked != 0F) 
      KmWalked = other.KmWalked; 
     if (other.PokemonsEncountered != 0) 
      PokemonsEncountered = other.PokemonsEncountered; 
     if (other.UniquePokedexEntries != 0) 
      UniquePokedexEntries = other.UniquePokedexEntries; 
     if (other.PokemonsCaptured != 0) 
      PokemonsCaptured = other.PokemonsCaptured; 
     if (other.Evolutions != 0) 
      Evolutions = other.Evolutions; 
     if (other.PokeStopVisits != 0) 
      PokeStopVisits = other.PokeStopVisits; 
     if (other.PokeballsThrown != 0) 
      PokeballsThrown = other.PokeballsThrown; 
     if (other.EggsHatched != 0) 
      EggsHatched = other.EggsHatched; 
     if (other.BigMagikarpCaught != 0) 
      BigMagikarpCaught = other.BigMagikarpCaught; 
     if (other.BattleAttackWon != 0) 
      BattleAttackWon = other.BattleAttackWon; 
     if (other.BattleAttackTotal != 0) 
      BattleAttackTotal = other.BattleAttackTotal; 
     if (other.BattleDefendedWon != 0) 
      BattleDefendedWon = other.BattleDefendedWon; 
     if (other.BattleTrainingWon != 0) 
      BattleTrainingWon = other.BattleTrainingWon; 
     if (other.BattleTrainingTotal != 0) 
      BattleTrainingTotal = other.BattleTrainingTotal; 
     if (other.PrestigeRaisedTotal != 0) 
      PrestigeRaisedTotal = other.PrestigeRaisedTotal; 
     if (other.PrestigeDroppedTotal != 0) 
      PrestigeDroppedTotal = other.PrestigeDroppedTotal; 
     if (other.PokemonDeployed != 0) 
      PokemonDeployed = other.PokemonDeployed; 
     if (other.PokemonCaughtByType.Length != 0) 
      PokemonCaughtByType = other.PokemonCaughtByType; 
     if (other.SmallRattataCaught != 0) 
      SmallRattataCaught = other.SmallRattataCaught; 

    public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) 
     uint tag; 
     while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) 
      switch (tag) 
       case 8: 
         Level = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 16: 
         Experience = input.ReadInt64(); 
       case 24: 
         PrevLevelXp = input.ReadInt64(); 
       case 32: 
         NextLevelXp = input.ReadInt64(); 
       case 45: 
         KmWalked = input.ReadFloat(); 
       case 48: 
         PokemonsEncountered = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 56: 
         UniquePokedexEntries = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 64: 
         PokemonsCaptured = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 72: 
         Evolutions = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 80: 
         PokeStopVisits = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 88: 
         PokeballsThrown = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 96: 
         EggsHatched = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 104: 
         BigMagikarpCaught = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 112: 
         BattleAttackWon = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 120: 
         BattleAttackTotal = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 128: 
         BattleDefendedWon = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 136: 
         BattleTrainingWon = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 144: 
         BattleTrainingTotal = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 152: 
         PrestigeRaisedTotal = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 160: 
         PrestigeDroppedTotal = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 168: 
         PokemonDeployed = input.ReadInt32(); 
       case 178: 
         PokemonCaughtByType = input.ReadBytes(); 
       case 184: 
         SmallRattataCaught = input.ReadInt32(); 

    public override bool Equals(object other) 
     return Equals(other as PlayerStats); 

    public override int GetHashCode() 
     var hash = 1; 
     if (Level != 0) hash ^= Level.GetHashCode(); 
     if (Experience != 0L) hash ^= Experience.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PrevLevelXp != 0L) hash ^= PrevLevelXp.GetHashCode(); 
     if (NextLevelXp != 0L) hash ^= NextLevelXp.GetHashCode(); 
     if (KmWalked != 0F) hash ^= KmWalked.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PokemonsEncountered != 0) hash ^= PokemonsEncountered.GetHashCode(); 
     if (UniquePokedexEntries != 0) hash ^= UniquePokedexEntries.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PokemonsCaptured != 0) hash ^= PokemonsCaptured.GetHashCode(); 
     if (Evolutions != 0) hash ^= Evolutions.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PokeStopVisits != 0) hash ^= PokeStopVisits.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PokeballsThrown != 0) hash ^= PokeballsThrown.GetHashCode(); 
     if (EggsHatched != 0) hash ^= EggsHatched.GetHashCode(); 
     if (BigMagikarpCaught != 0) hash ^= BigMagikarpCaught.GetHashCode(); 
     if (BattleAttackWon != 0) hash ^= BattleAttackWon.GetHashCode(); 
     if (BattleAttackTotal != 0) hash ^= BattleAttackTotal.GetHashCode(); 
     if (BattleDefendedWon != 0) hash ^= BattleDefendedWon.GetHashCode(); 
     if (BattleTrainingWon != 0) hash ^= BattleTrainingWon.GetHashCode(); 
     if (BattleTrainingTotal != 0) hash ^= BattleTrainingTotal.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PrestigeRaisedTotal != 0) hash ^= PrestigeRaisedTotal.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PrestigeDroppedTotal != 0) hash ^= PrestigeDroppedTotal.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PokemonDeployed != 0) hash ^= PokemonDeployed.GetHashCode(); 
     if (PokemonCaughtByType.Length != 0) hash ^= PokemonCaughtByType.GetHashCode(); 
     if (SmallRattataCaught != 0) hash ^= SmallRattataCaught.GetHashCode(); 
     return hash; 

    partial void OnConstruction(); 

    public override string ToString() 
     return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this); 

Sie können die Methoden in der Debug-Ansicht nicht sehen. Eigenschaften sollen schnell evaluiert werden und haben keine Nebenwirkungen. Methoden können jedoch Parameter annehmen und können beliebig lange dauern. Wie würde der Debugger die Ergebnisse von 'Mutate (bool upsideDown) 'anzeigen? –


'Hier, wie ich die Methoden mit Debug sehen kann <- Ich bin nicht sicher, was Sie hier fragen? Was meinst du mit 'mit Debug '? – Igor


Ich denke, Sie fragen nach ['GetMethods'] (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4d848zkb (v = vs.110) .aspx), indem Sie den Titel. – 31eee384



In der Auto- und Lokalansicht können Sie keine Methoden anzeigen. Methoden können Nebenwirkungen haben, wenn sie ausgewertet werden (Eigenschaften sollten keine Nebenwirkungen haben). Um zu verhindern, dass Ihre Anwendung beschädigt wird, werden sie nicht angezeigt.

Nur Eigenschaften und Felder werden angezeigt. Sie können Methoden in der Watch-Ansicht selbst aufrufen.


Eigenschaften haben Methoden in ihnen, sie können berechnet werden, weil sie keine Parameter haben. Also würde ich etwas mit deiner Erklärung nicht übereinstimmen. –


'Clear()' hat auch keine Parameter, aber Sie wollen das nicht auswerten ... –


Eigenschaften * können * Methodenaufrufe in ihnen haben, aber sie sollten so oft wie möglich zustandslos sein. –