2009-08-10 8 views

Alle zu V-Card,Export Kontakte lokale Aussichten

Ich versuche, ein Programm zu schreiben, das alle Kontakte in der lokalen PST-Datei von Outlook vcards gespeichert werden exportieren

ich mehrere Shareware-Programme gesehen haben, dass tut es, aber sie scheinen ziemlich teuer (50 Dollar +)

ich ein Beispiel hier gesehen habe, aber es scheint eher für einen Exchange-Server statt auf dem lokalen Outlook installiert

irgendwelche Ideen, wie ich gehen würde, darüber?



Dies kann passen.

Sub VCardOut() 
Dim oFolder As Object 
Dim oContact As ContactItem 
Dim sPath As String 
Dim sName As String 
Dim sVCard As String 
Dim f As Object 
Dim fs As Object 
Dim i As Integer 

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Set oFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) 

    sPath = "C:\Docs\" 

‚Problem mit Formatierung und Backslash

'' Loop through all of the items in the folder. 
    For i = 1 To oFolder.Items.Count 
     Set oContact = oFolder.Items(i) 

     sName = oContact.FullNameAndCompany & ".vcf" 

     If Trim(sName) = ".vcf" Then sName = oContact.EntryID & ".vcf" 

     Set f = fs.CreateTextFile(sPath & sName) 

     sVCard = "BEGIN:VCARD" & vbCrLf 
     sVCard = sVCard & "VERSION:2.1" & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "FN:" & oContact.FullName & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "N:" & oContact.LastName & ";" & oContact.FirstName & ";" _ 
      & oContact.MiddleName & ";" & oContact.Title & ";" & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "NICKNAME:" & oContact.NickName & vbCrLf 

      & Replace(oContact.HomeAddress & "", vbCrLf, "=0D=0A") & ";" _ 
      & Replace(oContact.HomeAddressCity & "", vbCrLf, "=0D=0A") & ";" _ 
      & Replace(oContact.HomeAddressCountry & "", vbCrLf, "=0D=0A") & vbCrLf 

      & Replace(oContact.BusinessAddress & "", vbCrLf, "=0D=0A") & ";" _ 
      & Replace(oContact.BusinessAddressCity & "", vbCrLf, "=0D=0A") & ";" _ 
      & Replace(oContact.BusinessAddressCountry & "", vbCrLf, "=0D=0A") & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "BDAY:" & Format(oContact.Birthday, "yyyymmdd") & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:" & oContact.Email1Address & vbCrLf 

     '' Repeat as necessary for each email address 
     sVCard = sVCard & "EMAIL;INTERNET:" & oContact.Email2Address & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "ORG:" & oContact.CompanyName & ";" & oContact.Department & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "TEL;CELL;VOICE:" & oContact.MobileTelephoneNumber & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "TEL;HOME;FAX:" & oContact.HomeFaxNumber & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "TEL;HOME;VOICE:" & oContact.HomeTelephoneNumber & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "TEL;WORK;FAX:" & oContact.BusinessFaxNumber & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "TEL;WORK;VOICE:" & oContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "TITLE:" & oContact.JobTitle & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "URL;HOME:" & oContact.PersonalHomePage & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "URL;WORK:" & oContact.BusinessHomePage & vbCrLf 

     sVCard = sVCard & "REV:20090225T232716Z" & vbCrLf 
     sVCard = sVCard & "End: VCARD" 

     f.WriteLine sVCard 

End Sub 

Hier ist mehr einheimische wie es in C# zu tun:

using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Text; 

namespace ExportOutlookContacts 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 

      Items OutlookItems; 
      Application outlookObj; 
      MAPIFolder Folder_Contacts; 

      outlookObj = new Application(); 
      Folder_Contacts = outlookObj.Session.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts); 
      OutlookItems = Folder_Contacts.Items; 

      for (int i = 0; i < OutlookItems.Count; i++) 
       ContactItem contact = (ContactItem)OutlookItems[i + 1]; 
       // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.outlook.olsaveastype.aspx 
       contact.SaveAs(string.Format(@"C:\TEMP\Contacts\{0}.vcf", contact.FullName), 6); 


HINWEIS: Sie müssen Verweis auf Microsoft hinzuzufügen. Office.Interop.Outlook

Dies exportiert alle Kontakte im aktuellen Outlook-Profil auf mehrere .VCF-Dateien.

BTW können Sie alle VCF-Dateien in einem kombinieren:

copy /B *.vcf CombinedContacts.vcf 

Auf diese Weise können Sie einfach diese Datei zu GMail oder IPhone importieren.