2016-05-23 15 views

Eine simlar Frage hat here und here und here aber keine der Antworten scheinen gefragt worden, ich bin Entsendung eigentlichen Code zu arbeiten, so und zeigt es auf einer IPv6-fähig Maschine läuft jemand der Hoffnung auf eine Lösung vorschlagen kannSowohl Dns.GetHostAddress als auch Dns.GetHostEntry geben nur die IPv4-Adresse zurück. Wie bekomme ich sowohl ipv4- als auch ipv6-Adressen?

Hier ist der Code aus beiden Fragen

using System; 

public class HelloWorld 
    static public void Main() 
     string hostName = "google.com"; // uri.DnsSafeHost; 
     Console.WriteLine("DNS.GetHostAddresses: " + hostName); 
     var hostAddresses = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostName); 
     Console.WriteLine("DNS.NumAddreses:" + hostAddresses.Length); 
     foreach (System.Net.IPAddress hostAddress in hostAddresses) 
       "addr: " + hostAddress.ToString() + 
       " family: " + hostAddress.AddressFamily.ToString()); 

     System.Net.IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName); 
     Console.WriteLine("DNS.GetHostEntry NumAddresses:" + ipHostEntry.AddressList.Length); 
     foreach (System.Net.IPAddress hostAddress in ipHostEntry.AddressList) 
       "addr: " + hostAddress.ToString() + 
       " family: " + hostAddress.AddressFamily.ToString()); 

Ich benutze es auf Ubuntu 14.04 mit ipv6. Hier einige möglicherweise relevanten Informationen

# ip -6 addr show eth0 
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qlen 1000 
    inet6 2400:6180:0:d0::691:9001/64 scope global 
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 
    inet6 fe80::601:eeff:fe7e:201/64 scope link 
     valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 

Proof Google.com hat eine IPv6-Adresse

# dig google.com AAAA +short 

Show I google.com direkt auf der IPv6-Adresse anpingen kann

# ping6 2404:6800:4003:c00::8a 
PING 2404:6800:4003:c00::8a(2404:6800:4003:c00::8a) 56 data bytes 
64 bytes from 2404:6800:4003:c00::8a: icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=2.25 ms 
64 bytes from 2404:6800:4003:c00::8a: icmp_seq=2 ttl=58 time=2.12 ms 

meine Mono-Version anzeigen

# mono --version 
Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.3 (Stable Wed Mar 16 13:19:08 UTC 2016) 
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors. www.mono-project.com 
    TLS:   __thread 
    SIGSEGV:  altstack 
    Notifications: epoll 
    Architecture: amd64 
    Disabled:  none 
    Misc:   softdebug 
    LLVM:   supported, not enabled. 
    GC:   sgen 
# mcs --version 
Mono C# compiler version 

Kompilieren und Ausführen Beispiel oben

# mcs dns.cs 
# mono dns.exe 
DNS.GetHostAddresses: google.com 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
DNS.GetHostEntry NumAddresses:6 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 
addr: family: InterNetwork 

Einige Antworten/Kommentare vorgeschlagen .NET filtert ipv6 auf einer IPv4- einzige Maschine. Dies ist eindeutig keine ipv4-Maschine.

Hinweis: Hier wird dasselbe in node.js auf demselben Computer ausgeführt. Es wird richtig die IPv6-Adresse sowie die IPv4-Adressen

# node 
> require('dns').lookup("google.com", {all:true}, (err, addresses) => { console.log(addresses); }); 
GetAddrInfoReqWrap { 
    callback: { [Function: asyncCallback] immediately: true }, 
    family: 0, 
    hostname: 'google.com', 
    oncomplete: [Function: onlookupall], 
    Domain { 
    domain: null, 
    _events: { error: [Function] }, 
    _eventsCount: 1, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
    members: [] } } 
> [ { address: '', family: 4 }, 
    { address: '', family: 4 }, 
    { address: '', family: 4 }, 
    { address: '', family: 4 }, 
    { address: '', family: 4 }, 
    { address: '', family: 4 }, 
    { address: '2404:6800:4003:c00::65', family: 6 } ] 

Wie bekomme ich entweder DNS.GetHostAddresses oder DNS.GetHostEntry sowohl IPv6- und IPv4-Adressen zurück?


Wenn dies in MS.NET funktioniert und nicht in Mono, melden Sie bitte einen Fehler in http://bugzilla.xamarin.com/ – knocte



Diese von der MSDN-Website genommen wird (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.ipaddress(v=vs.110).aspx), es zeigt, wie alle relevanten Informationen über Adressen finden, die helfen, das könnte hoffentlich:

// This program shows how to use the IPAddress class to obtain a server 
// IP addressess and related information. 

using System; 
using System.Net; 
using System.Net.Sockets; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

namespace Mssc.Services.ConnectionManagement 

    class TestIPAddress 

     * The IPAddresses method obtains the selected server IP address information. 
     * It then displays the type of address family supported by the server and its 
     * IP address in standard and byte format. 
    private static void IPAddresses(string server) 
     System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ASCII = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); 

     // Get server related information. 
     IPHostEntry heserver = Dns.GetHostEntry(server); 

     // Loop on the AddressList 
     foreach (IPAddress curAdd in heserver.AddressList) 

      // Display the type of address family supported by the server. If the 
      // server is IPv6-enabled this value is: InternNetworkV6. If the server 
      // is also IPv4-enabled there will be an additional value of InterNetwork. 
      Console.WriteLine("AddressFamily: " + curAdd.AddressFamily.ToString()); 

      // Display the ScopeId property in case of IPV6 addresses. 
      if(curAdd.AddressFamily.ToString() == ProtocolFamily.InterNetworkV6.ToString()) 
      Console.WriteLine("Scope Id: " + curAdd.ScopeId.ToString()); 

      // Display the server IP address in the standard format. In 
      // IPv4 the format will be dotted-quad notation, in IPv6 it will be 
      // in in colon-hexadecimal notation. 
      Console.WriteLine("Address: " + curAdd.ToString()); 

      // Display the server IP address in byte format. 
      Console.Write("AddressBytes: "); 

      Byte[] bytes = curAdd.GetAddressBytes(); 
      for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) 



     catch (Exception e) 
     Console.WriteLine("[DoResolve] Exception: " + e.ToString()); 

    // This IPAddressAdditionalInfo displays additional server address information. 
    private static void IPAddressAdditionalInfo() 
     // Display the flags that show if the server supports IPv4 or IPv6 
     // address schemas. 
     Console.WriteLine("\r\nSupportsIPv4: " + Socket.SupportsIPv4); 
     Console.WriteLine("SupportsIPv6: " + Socket.SupportsIPv6); 

     if (Socket.SupportsIPv6) 
      // Display the server Any address. This IP address indicates that the server 
      // should listen for client activity on all network interfaces. 
      Console.WriteLine("\r\nIPv6Any: " + IPAddress.IPv6Any.ToString()); 

      // Display the server loopback address. 
      Console.WriteLine("IPv6Loopback: " + IPAddress.IPv6Loopback.ToString()); 

      // Used during autoconfiguration first phase. 
      Console.WriteLine("IPv6None: " + IPAddress.IPv6None.ToString()); 

      Console.WriteLine("IsLoopback(IPv6Loopback): " + IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress.IPv6Loopback)); 
     Console.WriteLine("IsLoopback(Loopback): " + IPAddress.IsLoopback(IPAddress.Loopback)); 
     catch (Exception e) 
     Console.WriteLine("[IPAddresses] Exception: " + e.ToString()); 

    public static void Main(string[] args) 
     string server = null; 

     // Define a regular expression to parse user's input. 
     // This is a security check. It allows only 
     // alphanumeric input string between 2 to 40 character long. 
     Regex rex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z]\w{1,39}$"); 

     if (args.Length < 1) 
     // If no server name is passed as an argument to this program, use the current 
     // server name as default. 
     server = Dns.GetHostName(); 
     Console.WriteLine("Using current host: " + server); 
     server = args[0]; 
     if (!(rex.Match(server)).Success) 
      Console.WriteLine("Input string format not allowed."); 

     // Get the list of the addresses associated with the requested server. 

     // Get additonal address information. 



Forschung auf meinem Win 10 Computer gibt an, dass IPv6-Adressen nur für lokale Hosts zurückgegeben werden, nicht für Internet-Hosts mit GetHostEntry oder GetHostAddresses. Werde weiter schauen.


Kein Glück, [hier ist die Ergebnisse der Ausführung dieses Beispiels] (http: // Pastebin. com/TDTK4yrm). Hinweis: Ich musste den Regex-Check entfernen. Es ist nicht möglich, '.', also bin ich mir nicht sicher, wie Sie einen Domain-Namen eingeben sollten?! ?? – gman