2016-07-16 9 views

Ich versuche ein Electron-Projekt zu erweitern. Ich habe ein neues BrowserWindow (grundsätzlich eine neue Registerkarte in einem Browser), die die Documentation enthalten sollte. Die Dokumentation ist in Markdown geschrieben, also möchte ich wissen, wie man meine Markdown-Datei in diesem BrowserWindow ...Wie öffne ich eine Markdown-Datei in einem BrowserWindow (Electron)?

Ich brauche nur eine Möglichkeit, um eine Markdownfile auf Runtime auf eine Webseite zu konvertieren.



Sie benötigen das Knotenmodul fs, um die Datei zu öffnen, und es gibt eine js-Bibliothek namens "markiert" - suchen Sie in npm nach. Es macht Abschriften.

Update - hier ist eine minimale Elektronen App Beispiel, getestet am Elektron 0,37.8.

//start - package.json: 
    "name": "mini-md-example", 
    "version": "0.1.0", 
    "description": "A small Electron application to open/display a markdown file", 
    "main": "main.js", 
    "scripts": { 
    "start": "electron ." 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "electron-prebuilt": "^0.37.7", 
    "marked": "^0.3.5" 
//:end - package.json 

//start - main.js: 
const electron = require('electron') 
// Module to control application life. 
const app = electron.app 
// Module to create native browser window. 
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow 
const fs = require('fs'); 
var dialog = require('dialog') 
var path = require('path') 
var defaultMenu = require('./def-menu-main') 
var Menu = require('menu') 
const {ipcMain} = electron; 

// Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will 
// be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected. 
let mainWindow 

function createWindow() { 
    // Create the browser window. 
    mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 999, height: 800}) 

    // and load the index.html of the app. 

    // Open the DevTools. 

    // Emitted when the window is closed. 
    mainWindow.on('closed', function() { 
    // Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows 
    // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time 
    // when you should delete the corresponding element. 
    mainWindow = null 

// This method will be called when Electron has finished 
// initialization and is ready to create browser windows. 
// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. 
app.on('ready', createWindow) 

// Quit when all windows are closed. 
app.on('window-all-closed', function() { 
    // On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar 
    // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q 
    if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { 

app.on('activate', function() { 
    // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the 
    // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. 
    if (mainWindow === null) { 

var OpenFile = function() { 
dialog.showOpenDialog(mainWindow, { 
    filters: [{name: 'Markdown', extensions: ['md', 'markdown']}], 
    properties: ['openFile'] 
}, function(paths) { 
    if (!paths) return false; 
    var fPath = paths[0]; 
    var fName = path.basename(fPath); 
    var fData = fs.readFileSync(fPath, 'utf8'); 

    mainWindow.webContents.send('file-open', fPath, fName, fData); 


var SendEvent = function(name) { 
return function() {mainWindow.webContents.send(name);}; 

    // Get template for default menu 
var menu = defaultMenu() 

    // Add my very own custom FILE menu 

    menu.splice(0, 0, { 
    label: 'File', 
    submenu: [ 
     label: 'Open', 
     accelerator: "CmdOCtrl+O", 
     click: OpenFile 
    // Set top-level application menu, using modified template 
//:end - main.js 

//start - index.html: 
<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <div id="content"></div> 

     var marked = require('marked') 
     var ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer 
      ipc.on('file-open', function(event, fPath, filename, filedata) 
       document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = marked(filedata) ;  

//:end - index.html 

//start - def-menu-main.js: 
var electron = require('electron') // this should work if you're in the electron environment 
//var app = electron.remote.app 
// original app var calls remote as if this is used in a renderer, but for me menus are a main app thing 
var app = electron.app 

var shell = electron.shell 

module.exports = function() { 

    var template = [ 
     label: 'View', 
     submenu: [ 
      label: 'Reload', 
      accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+R', 
      click: function(item, focusedWindow) { 
      if (focusedWindow) 
      label: 'Toggle Full Screen', 
      accelerator: (function() { 
      if (process.platform === 'darwin') 
       return 'Ctrl+Command+F'; 
       return 'F11'; 
      click: function(item, focusedWindow) { 
      if (focusedWindow) 
      label: 'Toggle Developer Tools', 
      accelerator: (function() { 
      if (process.platform === 'darwin') 
       return 'Alt+Command+I'; 
       return 'Ctrl+Shift+I'; 
      click: function(item, focusedWindow) { 
      if (focusedWindow) 
     label: 'Window', 
     role: 'window', 
     submenu: [ 
      label: 'Minimize', 
      accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+M', 
      role: 'minimize' 
      label: 'Close', 
      accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+W', 
      role: 'close' 
     label: 'Help', 
     role: 'help', 
     submenu: [ 
      label: 'Learn More', 
      click: function() { shell.openExternal('http://electron.atom.io') } 

    if (process.platform === 'darwin') { 
    var name = app.getName(); 
     label: name, 
     submenu: [ 
      label: 'About ' + name, 
      role: 'about' 
      type: 'separator' 
      label: 'Services', 
      role: 'services', 
      submenu: [] 
      type: 'separator' 
      label: 'Hide ' + name, 
      accelerator: 'Command+H', 
      role: 'hide' 
      label: 'Hide Others', 
      accelerator: 'Command+Shift+H', 
      role: 'hideothers' 
      label: 'Show All', 
      role: 'unhide' 
      type: 'separator' 
      label: 'Quit', 
      accelerator: 'Command+Q', 
      click: function() { app.quit(); } 
    var windowMenu = template.find(function(m) { return m.role === 'window' }) 
    if (windowMenu) { 
      type: 'separator' 
      label: 'Bring All to Front', 
      role: 'front' 

    return template; 
//:end - def-menu-main.js 

auf github jetzt: https://github.com/chilismaug/mini-md –