2016-04-19 4 views

Ich habe fast ein erfolgreiches Plugin zum ersten Mal gemacht, aber leider kann ich meine aktualisierten Werte nicht an das Array, das ich auf meinem register_activation_hook erstellt habe, senden.Wordpress - Speichern von Werten in Array nach Formularübergabe in der Admin-Option Seite

Ich brauche einige Einblicke, wie Wordpress all die schmutzige Arbeit bewältigen kann - oder wird ein $ _POST ein besserer Weg sein, es zu tun?

Unten sehen Sie meine admin.php, die alle admin bezogenen Sachen behandelt.


// Meaning of abbreviations: 
// clsc = Custom login shortcode 

// Runs when plugin is activated 
register_activation_hook(PLUGIN_MAIN_FILE, 'clsc_install'); 
// Create new database fields 
function clsc_install() { 
    $clsc_options = array(

     'Login_link'  => '/log-in/', 
     'Login_string'  => __('Log in', 'clsc'), 
     'Login_class'  => '', // Default is empty to inherit theme styles 
     'Logout_link'  => wp_logout_url(home_url()), 
     'Logout_string'  => __('Log out', 'clsc'), 
     'Logout_class'  => '', // Default is empty to inherit theme styles 
     'Account_link'  => '/my-account/', 
     'Account_string' => __('My Account', 'clsc'), 
     'Account_class'  => '' // Default is empty to inherit theme styles 

    add_option('clsc_options_array', $clsc_options, '', 'yes'); 

// Create admin option page 
function add_clsc_option_page() { 
     'Custom Login',    // The text to be displayed in the title tag 
     'Custom Login',    // The text to be used for the menu 
     'administrator',   // The capability required to display this menu 
     'custom-login-shortcodes', // The unique slug name to refer to this menu 
     'clsc_html_page');   // The function to output the page content 
/* Call the html code */ 
add_action('admin_menu', 'add_clsc_option_page'); 

// Enqueue admin styles and scripts 
function clsc_enqueue_scripts() { 
    global $wpdb; 
    $screen = get_current_screen(); 

    if ($screen->id != 'settings_page_custom-login-shortcodes') { 
     return; // exit if incorrect screen id 

     wp_enqueue_style('brokenfruit-shortcodes-styles', plugins_url('admin/css/admin_styles.css', dirname(__FILE__))); 
     wp_enqueue_style('bootstrap', plugins_url('admin/css/bootstrap.css', dirname(__FILE__))); 
     wp_enqueue_script('admin_js_bootstrap_hack', plugins_url('admin/scripts/bootstrap-hack.js', dirname(__FILE__))); 

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'clsc_enqueue_scripts'); 

// Build admin interface 
function clsc_html_page(){ 

    $options = get_option('clsc_options_array'); 

    <form method="post" action="options.php"> 
    <?php wp_nonce_field('update-options'); ?> 
     <div class="bootstrap-wrapper"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-md-12"> 
        <h1><?php _e('Custom Login Shortcode','clsc'); ?></h1> 
        <p><?php _e('To use for shortcode:','clsc'); ?><br/><span class="shortcode-preview">[custom_login]</span></p> 
      <div class="row" id="login-content"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log in link:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: /log-in/', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Login_link']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log in string:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: Log in', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Login_string']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log in class:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: login_style', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Login_class']; ?>" /> 
      <div class="row top-buffer" id="logout-content"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log out link:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: /log-out/', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Logout_link']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log out string:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: Log out', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Logout_string']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log out class:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: logout_style', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Logout_class']; ?>" /> 
      <div class="row top-buffer" id="account-content"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Account link:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: /my-account/', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Account_link']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Account string:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: My Account', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Account_string']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Account class:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input placeholder="<?php _e('Example: account_style', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Account_class']; ?>" /> 
      <div class="row top-buffer"> 
       <div class="col-md-12"> 
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" /> 
        <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="clsc_options_array" /> 
        <input class="btn btn-primary top-buffer" type="submit" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" /> 

Feedback für alternative Ansätze sind mehr als willkommen!

Ich danke Ihnen allen im Voraus und einen schönen Tag! :)



Ich habe Update-Funktion clsc_html_page() und hinzugefügt Aktion 'admin_init' zu speichern Register Ihre Einstellungen Felder.

Plugin Name: clsc 
Plugin URI: http://google.com/ 
Description: this is description 
Version: 1.0 
Author: authourname 
Author URI: http://authoururri.com/ 
License: GPLv2 or later 
Text Domain: text domain 

// Runs when plugin is activated 
register_activation_hook(PLUGIN_MAIN_FILE, 'clsc_install'); 
// Create new database fields 
function clsc_install() { 
    $clsc_options = array(

     'Login_link'  => '/log-in/', 
     'Login_string'  => __('Log in', 'clsc'), 
     'Login_class'  => '', // Default is empty to inherit theme styles 
     'Logout_link'  => wp_logout_url(home_url()), 
     'Logout_string'  => __('Log out', 'clsc'), 
     'Logout_class'  => '', // Default is empty to inherit theme styles 
     'Account_link'  => '/my-account/', 
     'Account_string' => __('My Account', 'clsc'), 
     'Account_class'  => '' // Default is empty to inherit theme styles 

    add_option('clsc_options_array', $clsc_options, '', 'yes'); 

function admin_init_register_setting() 
    // register your plugins settings  
    /*register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Account_class'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Account_string'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Account_link'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Logout_class'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Logout_string'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Logout_link'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Login_class'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Login_string'); 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'Login_link'); */ 
    register_setting('wp_plugin_template-group', 'clsc_options_array'); 


// Create admin option page 
function add_clsc_option_page() { 
     'Custom Login',    // The text to be displayed in the title tag 
     'Custom Login',    // The text to be used for the menu 
     'administrator',   // The capability required to display this menu 
     'custom-login-shortcodes', // The unique slug name to refer to this menu 
     'clsc_html_page');   // The function to output the page content 
/* Call the html code */ 
add_action('admin_menu', 'add_clsc_option_page'); 

// Enqueue admin styles and scripts 
function clsc_enqueue_scripts() { 
    global $wpdb; 
    $screen = get_current_screen(); 

    if ($screen->id != 'settings_page_custom-login-shortcodes') { 
     return; // exit if incorrect screen id 

     wp_enqueue_style('brokenfruit-shortcodes-styles', plugins_url('admin/css/admin_styles.css', dirname(__FILE__))); 
     wp_enqueue_style('bootstrap', plugins_url('admin/css/bootstrap.css', dirname(__FILE__))); 
     wp_enqueue_script('admin_js_bootstrap_hack', plugins_url('admin/scripts/bootstrap-hack.js', dirname(__FILE__))); 

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'clsc_enqueue_scripts'); 

function clsc_html_page() 
     wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.')); 
    <div class="wrap">   
     <form method="post" action="options.php"> 
       $options = get_option('clsc_options_array');  
      @settings_fields('wp_plugin_template-group'); ?> 
      <?php @do_settings_fields('wp_plugin_template-group'); ?>   
      <div class="bootstrap-wrapper"> 
      <div class="row"> 
       <div class="col-md-12"> 
        <h1><?php _e('Custom Login Shortcode','clsc'); ?></h1> 
        <p><?php _e('To use for shortcode:','clsc'); ?><br/><span class="shortcode-preview">[custom_login]</span></p> 
      <div class="row" id="login-content"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log in link:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Login_link]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: /log-in/', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Login_link']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log in string:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Login_string]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: Log in', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Login_string']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log in class:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Login_class]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: login_style', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Login_class']; ?>" /> 
      <div class="row top-buffer" id="logout-content"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log out link:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Logout_link]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: /log-out/', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Logout_link']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log out string:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Logout_string]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: Log out', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Logout_string']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Log out class:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Logout_class]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: logout_style', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Logout_class']; ?>" /> 
      <div class="row top-buffer" id="account-content"> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Account link:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Account_link]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: /my-account/', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Account_link']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Account string:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Account_string]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: My Account', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Account_string']; ?>" /> 
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
        <h5><?php _e('Account class:','clsc'); ?></h5> 
        <input name="clsc_options_array[Account_class]" placeholder="<?php _e('Example: account_style', 'clsc') ?>" class="form-control" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['Account_class']; ?>" /> 
      <?php @submit_button(); ?> 


Bitte überprüfen Sie den aktualisierten Code – vrajesh


Das ist sehr nett! Es zeigt wirklich, dass Wordpress die schmutzige Arbeit erledigen kann, während ich sprach! Ich bin neugierig in der "@" für Einstellungen_felder und do_settings_fields verwendet. Außerdem, warum ist @settings_fields nicht genug? - Warum müssen wir die "do_settings_fields" machen? :) –


Sie können'@'.just besuchen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2002610/character-before-a-function-call für Details – vrajesh


Sie können mit der POST-Methode fortfahren, da Sie ein Formular verwendet haben. Verwenden Sie bei der Übermittlung update_option, um Ihre Optionswerte zu aktualisieren.

Reference URL:


Wie update_option verwenden:

function my_option_function() { 
add_action('update_option', 'my_option_function'); ?> 

Weitere hilfreiche Informationen, Werfen Sie einen Blick auf:

WordPress functions.php: how to apply update_option()?