2015-05-21 10 views

Das Programm tut dies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1_WmoiKgPg nur die ersten 50s des Videos die zweite Registerkarte ist fertig :) Also im Grunde wählen Sie die Farbe mit den meisten rot dann, wenn es am meisten grün dann am meisten ist Blau. aber die neuen Pixel werden nicht in das neue Bild geschrieben, warum? und wie macht man den ersten Radio-Button mit der zufälligen Klasse?Schreiben von Pixeln in eine neue beschreibbare Bitmap

Meine benutzerdefinierten Methoden:

private void writepixel(WriteableBitmap ElWriteableBitmap, int iCoordX, int iCoordY, byte bRojo, byte bVerde, byte bAzul, byte bAlfa) 
     int ipTempBackBuffer = (int)ElWriteableBitmap.BackBuffer; 
     ipTempBackBuffer += iCoordY * ElWriteableBitmap.BackBufferStride; 
     ipTempBackBuffer += iCoordX * 4; 

     int color_data = bAlfa << 24; // Canal alfa 
     color_data |= bRojo << 16; // Componente rojo 
     color_data |= bVerde << 8; // Componente verde 
     //color_data = color_data & (bVerde << 8); 
     color_data |= bAzul << 0; // Componente azul 

     *((int*)ipTempBackBuffer) = color_data; 

private System.Windows.Media.Color readPixel(WriteableBitmap ElWriteableBitmap, int iCoordX, int iCoordY) 
    System.Windows.Media.Color colorResultante = new System.Windows.Media.Color(); 
     int ipTempBackBuffer = (int)ElWriteableBitmap.BackBuffer; 
     ipTempBackBuffer += iCoordY * ElWriteableBitmap.BackBufferStride; 
     ipTempBackBuffer += iCoordX * 4; 

     colorResultante.A = ((byte*)ipTempBackBuffer)[3]; 
     colorResultante.R = ((byte*)ipTempBackBuffer)[2]; 
     colorResultante.G = ((byte*)ipTempBackBuffer)[1]; 
     colorResultante.B = ((byte*)ipTempBackBuffer)[0]; 
    return colorResultante; 

2 Bilder hochgeladen

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); 
    ofd.FileName = "Imagen"; 
    ofd.DefaultExt = ".bmp"; 
    ofd.Filter = "Mapas de bits|*.bmp"; 
    Nullable<bool> result = ofd.ShowDialog(); 
    if (result == true) 
     BitmapImage bmpi = new BitmapImage(); //JpegBitmapEncoder alternativa 
     bmpi.UriSource = new Uri(ofd.FileName); 
     m_wbmpLaImagen = new WriteableBitmap(bmpi); 
     laimagen1.Source = m_wbmpLaImagen; 

private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); 
    ofd.FileName = "Imagen"; 
    ofd.DefaultExt = ".bmp"; 
    ofd.Filter = "Mapas de bits|*.bmp"; 
    Nullable<bool> result = ofd.ShowDialog(); 
    if (result == true) 
     BitmapImage bmpi = new BitmapImage(); //JpegBitmapEncoder alternativa 
     bmpi.UriSource = new Uri(ofd.FileName); 
     m_wbmpLaImagen = new WriteableBitmap(bmpi); 
     laimagen2.Source = m_wbmpLaImagen; 

Meine zufällige Klasse und den Code für die beiden Radiobuttons:

private static int[] randomNumber() 
    Random rand = new Random(); 
    int[] nums = new int[20]; 
    for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++) 
     nums[x] = rand.Next(); 
    return nums; 

private void RadioButton_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    WriteableBitmap imagen1bmp; 
    WriteableBitmap imagen2bmp; 
    WriteableBitmap imgcom; 
    imgcom = (WriteableBitmap)imgcombined.Source; 
    int x, y; 
    Color col3 = new Color(); 
    imagen1bmp = (WriteableBitmap)laimagen1.Source; 
    imagen2bmp = (WriteableBitmap)laimagen2.Source;   

    for (y = 0; y < imagen1bmp.Height; y++) 
     for (x = 0; x < imagen1bmp.Width; x++) 
      // Get both colors in the pixel point 
      Color col1 = readPixel(imagen1bmp, x, y); 
      Color col2 = readPixel(imagen2bmp, x, y); 
      // the color for the output image for this pixel 
      if (col1.R > col2.R) 
       col3.R = col1.R; 
       col3.R = col2.R; 
      if (col1.G > col2.G) 
       col3.G = col1.G; 
       col3.G = col2.G; 

      if (col1.B > col2.B) 
       col3.B = col1.B; 
       col3.B = col2.B; 

      if (col1.A > col2.A) 
       col3.A = col1.A; 
       col3.A = col2.A; 

      writepixel(imgcom, x, y, col3.R, col3.G, col3.B, col3.A); 



Es gibt vier Fehler in Ihrem Code:

Fehler 1) imgcom wurde nicht mit einer neuen Bitmap der richtigen Dimensionen instanziiert. Die Lösung:

imgcom = new WriteableBitmap(imagen1bmp); 
// Make changes... 
imgcombined.Source = imgcom; 

Error 2) Die Schleifen wurden, um die Anzeigepixel Maßen (Width und Height) anstelle der internen Puffer Abmessungen (PixelWidth und PixelHeight). Die Lösung:

for (y = 0; y < imagen1bmp.PixelHeight; y++) 
for (x = 0; x < imagen1bmp.PixelWidth; x++) 

Fehler 3) Der Zielpuffer wurde nicht um das Schreiben verriegelt und entriegelt werden. Die Lösung:

// Change the pixels... 

Error 4) Die in den Puffer-Offset war BackBufferStride mit einem int Zeiger des Puffers. Dies ist falsch, da sich der Pufferschritt auf die Anzahl der Bytes und nicht auf die Pixel bezieht. Die Lösung:

ipTempBackBuffer += (iCoordY * ElWriteableBitmap.PixelWidth) + iCoordX; 


private WriteableBitmap m_wbmpLaImagen; 

public MainWindow() 

private void button_load_1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); 
    ofd.FileName = "Imagen"; 
    ofd.DefaultExt = ".bmp"; 
    ofd.Filter = "Mapas de bits|*.bmp"; 
    Nullable<bool> result = ofd.ShowDialog(); 
    if (result == true) 
     BitmapImage bmpi = new BitmapImage(); //JpegBitmapEncoder alternativa 
     bmpi.UriSource = new Uri(ofd.FileName); 
     m_wbmpLaImagen = new WriteableBitmap(bmpi); 
     laimagen1.Source = m_wbmpLaImagen; 

private void button_load_2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); 
    ofd.FileName = "Imagen"; 
    ofd.DefaultExt = ".bmp"; 
    ofd.Filter = "Mapas de bits|*.bmp"; 
    Nullable<bool> result = ofd.ShowDialog(); 
    if (result == true) 
     BitmapImage bmpi = new BitmapImage(); //JpegBitmapEncoder alternativa 
     bmpi.UriSource = new Uri(ofd.FileName); 
     m_wbmpLaImagen = new WriteableBitmap(bmpi); 
     laimagen2.Source = m_wbmpLaImagen; 

private void button_do_processing_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    WriteableBitmap imagen1bmp; 
    WriteableBitmap imagen2bmp; 
    WriteableBitmap imgcom; 
    int x, y; 
    Color col3 = new Color(); 
    imagen1bmp = (WriteableBitmap)laimagen1.Source; 
    imagen2bmp = (WriteableBitmap)laimagen2.Source; 
    imgcom = new WriteableBitmap(imagen1bmp); 

    imgcom.Lock();// Prepare BackBuffer for writing; 
    for (y = 0; y < imagen1bmp.PixelHeight; y++) 
     for (x = 0; x < imagen1bmp.PixelWidth; x++) 
      // Get both colors in the pixel point 
      Color col1 = readPixel(imagen1bmp, x, y); 
      Color col2 = readPixel(imagen2bmp, x, y); 
      // the color for the output image for this pixel 
      if (col1.R > col2.R) 
       col3.R = col1.R; 
       col3.R = col2.R; 
      if (col1.G > col2.G) 
       col3.G = col1.G; 
       col3.G = col2.G; 

      if (col1.B > col2.B) 
       col3.B = col1.B; 
       col3.B = col2.B; 

      if (col1.A > col2.A) 
       col3.A = col1.A; 
       col3.A = col2.A; 

      writepixel(imgcom, x, y, col3.R, col3.G, col3.B, col3.A); 
    imgcom.Unlock();// Release BackBuffer from writing; 
    imgcombined.Source = imgcom; 

private static int[] randomNumber() 
    Random rand = new Random(); 
    int[] nums = new int[20]; 
    for (int x = 0; x < 1; x++) 
     nums[x] = rand.Next(); 
    return nums; 

private void writepixel(WriteableBitmap ElWriteableBitmap, int iCoordX, int iCoordY, byte bRojo, byte bVerde, byte bAzul, byte bAlfa) 
     int *ipTempBackBuffer = (int *)ElWriteableBitmap.BackBuffer; 
     ipTempBackBuffer += (iCoordY * ElWriteableBitmap.PixelWidth) + iCoordX; 

     int color_data = bAlfa << 24; // Canal alfa 
     color_data |= bRojo << 16; // Componente rojo 
     color_data |= bVerde << 8; // Componente verde 
     //color_data = color_data & (bVerde << 8); 
     color_data |= bAzul << 0; // Componente azul 

     *ipTempBackBuffer = color_data; 

private System.Windows.Media.Color readPixel(WriteableBitmap ElWriteableBitmap, int iCoordX, int iCoordY) 
    System.Windows.Media.Color colorResultante = new System.Windows.Media.Color(); 
     int *ipTempBackBuffer = (int *)ElWriteableBitmap.BackBuffer; 
     ipTempBackBuffer += (iCoordY * ElWriteableBitmap.PixelWidth) + iCoordX; 

     colorResultante.A = ((byte *)ipTempBackBuffer)[3]; 
     colorResultante.R = ((byte *)ipTempBackBuffer)[2]; 
     colorResultante.G = ((byte *)ipTempBackBuffer)[1]; 
     colorResultante.B = ((byte *)ipTempBackBuffer)[0]; 
    return colorResultante; 