ich eine Anforderung haben XML zu erstellen, die wie folgt aussieht:Wie erstellt man ein XML-Attribut (anstelle eines Elements) mit FSharp?
<record id="100000000000000000" type="Message">
...a bunch of xml ...
stattdessen mit dem FSsharp Code, erhalte ich diese Ich verwende:
...a bunch of xml....
hier ist, was ich bin zur Zeit tun:
type record(id:int, sr:sender, recipients: recipient array, atts : attachment array, con : conversation, madeDate : creation) =
let mutable id: int = id
let mutable typ = "Message"
let mutable creation = madeDate
let mutable sender = sr
let mutable recipients = recipients
let mutable conversation = con
let mutable attachments = atts
public new() =
record(-1, sender(-1,"Joe","Plumber","[email protected]"), Array.empty, Array.empty, conversation(), creation())
member this.Type with get() = typ and set v = typ <- v
member this.Id with get() = id and set v = id <- v
member this.Creation with get() = creation and set v = creation <- v
member this.Sender with get() = sender and set v = sender <- v
[<XmlArrayItem(typeof<recipient>, ElementName = "recipient")>]
member this.Recipients with get() = recipients and set v = recipients <- v
member this.Conversation with get() = conversation and set v = conversation <- v
[<XmlArrayItem(typeof<attachment>, ElementName = "attachment")>]
member this.Attachments with get() = attachments and set v = attachments <- v