Wenn ich es versuchte, erhalte ich 3 als optimalen Wert für die Obj-Funktion.
Model name: 'LPSolver' - run #1
Objective: Maximize(R0)
Model size: 3 constraints, 4 variables, 6 non-zeros.
Sets: 0 GUB, 0 SOS.
Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.
The primal and dual simplex pricing strategy set to 'Devex'.
Relaxed solution 4 after 4 iter is B&B base.
Feasible solution 2 after 6 iter, 3 nodes (gap 40.0%)
Optimal solution 2 after 7 iter, 4 nodes (gap 40.0%).
Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0
MEMO: lp_solve version for 32 bit OS, with 64 bit REAL variables.
In the total iteration count 7, 1 (14.3%) were bound flips.
There were 2 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
... on average 3.0 major pivots per refactorization.
The largest [LUSOL v2.2.1.0] fact(B) had 8 NZ entries, 1.0x largest basis.
The maximum B&B level was 3, 0.8x MIP order, 3 at the optimal solution.
The constraint matrix inf-norm is 3, with a dynamic range of 3.
Time to load data was 0.001 seconds, presolve used 0.017 seconds,
... 0.007 seconds in simplex solver, in total 0.025 seconds.
Ich kann dies bestätigen. Ich habe eine 3 bekommen, als ich "Randomize" unter Optionen, Pivot ausgewählt habe. – Ioannis