2016-07-12 28 views

Was ist der einfachste Weg, um mein Ergebnis zu 0x^3 nicht ausgeben zu lassen? Wie sieht mein Code aus? Gibt es irgendwelche Verbesserungen, die ich hier machen könnte?Hinzufügen von Polynomen mit verknüpfter Liste

Erstes Polynom:

2x^4 + 3x^3 -7 

Zweites Polynom:

-5x^5 -2x^4 -7x^2 + 5x^1 -6 

Resultierendes Polynom:

-5x^5 **0x^4** + 3x^3 -7x^2 + 5x^1 -13 

Der Code:

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

class poly 
    private : 
    struct node 
     float coeff ; 
     int exp ; 
     node *link ; 
    } *p ; 

    public : 
    poly() ; 
    void input (float c, int e) ; 
    void display() ; 
    void add(poly &eq1, poly &eq2) ; 
    ~poly() ; 

poly :: poly() 
p = NULL ; 

void poly :: input (float c, int e) 
node *temp = p ; 
if (temp == NULL) 
    temp = new node ; 
    p = temp ; 
    while (temp -> link != NULL) 
     temp = temp -> link ; 
    temp -> link = new node ; 
    temp = temp -> link ; 
temp -> coeff = c ; 
temp -> exp = e ; 
temp -> link = NULL ; 

void poly :: display() 
node *temp = p ; 
int f = 0 ; 
cout << endl ; 
while (temp != NULL) 
    if (f != 0) 
     if (temp -> coeff > 0) 
      cout << " + " ; 
      cout << " " ; 
    if (temp -> exp != 0) 
     cout << temp -> coeff << "x^" << temp -> exp ; 
     cout << temp -> coeff ; 
    temp = temp -> link ; 
    f = 1 ; 

void poly :: add (poly &eq1, poly &eq2) 
node *tnode ; 

node *temp1, *temp2 ; 
if (eq1.p == NULL && eq2.p == NULL) 
    return ; 
temp1 = eq1.p ; 
temp2 = eq2.p ; 

while (temp1 != NULL && temp2 != NULL) 
    if (p == NULL) 
     p = new node ; 
     tnode = p ; 
     tnode -> link = new node ; 
     tnode = tnode -> link ; 
    if (temp1 -> exp < temp2 -> exp) 
     tnode -> coeff = temp2 -> coeff ; 
     tnode -> exp = temp2 -> exp ; 
     temp2 = temp2 -> link ; 
     if (temp1 -> exp > temp2 -> exp) 
      tnode -> coeff = temp1 -> coeff ; 
      tnode -> exp = temp1 -> exp ; 
      temp1 = temp1 -> link ; 
      if (temp1 -> exp == temp2 -> exp) 
       tnode -> coeff = temp1 -> coeff + temp2 -> coeff ; 
       tnode -> exp = temp1 -> exp ; 
       temp1 = temp1 -> link ; 
       temp2 = temp2 -> link ; 
while (temp1 != NULL) 
    if (p == NULL) 
     p = new node ; 
     tnode = p ; 
     tnode -> link = new node ; 
     tnode = tnode -> link ; 
    tnode -> coeff = temp1 -> coeff ; 
    tnode -> exp = temp1 -> exp ; 
    temp1 = temp1 -> link ; 
while (temp2 != NULL) 
    if (p == NULL) 
     p = new node ; 
     tnode = p ; 
     tnode -> link = new node ; 
     tnode = tnode -> link ; 
    tnode -> coeff = temp2 -> coeff ; 
    tnode -> exp = temp2 -> exp ; 
    temp2 = temp2 -> link ; 
tnode -> link = NULL ; 

poly :: ~poly() 
node *temp ; 
while (p != NULL) 
    temp = p -> link ; 
    delete p ; 
    p = temp ; 



Sie könnten eine Funktion hinzufügen, um diese 0 Koeffizienten zu entfernen.

void poly :: remove_zero() { 
    node *cnode = p, *pnode = NULL; 
    while (cnode != NULL) { 
     if (cnode->coeff == 0) { // remove 0 node 
      if (pnode == NULL) { // if this is the first node 
       p = cnode->link; 
       delete cnode; 
       cnode = p; 
      } else {    // if this is not the first node 
       pnode->link = cnode->link; 
       delete cnode; 
       cnode = pnode->link; 
     } else { 
      pnode = cnode; 
      cnode = cnode->link; 