Ich verwende ROS Indigo in Nvidia Tegra K1. Nach dem installierten ROS möchte ich die uvc-Kamera installieren, habe aber einen Fehler angezeigt.Fehler beim Abrufen des Pakets bei der Installation. Ros-indigo-uvc-camera
Err http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ treue/main libv4l2rds0 armhf 1.0.1-1 Verbindung fehlgeschlagen [IP: 80] Err http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/ treue/main ros-Indigo-Kamera-Kalibrierung-Parser armhf 1.11.10 -0trusty-20160629-210550-0700 Verbindung fehlgeschlagen [IP: 80] E: Fehler http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/v/v4l-utils/libv4l2rds0_1.0.1-1_armhf.deb Verbindung holen fehlgeschlagen [IP: 80]
E: Fehler http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/pool/main/r/ros-indigo-camera-calibration-parsers/ros-indigo-camera-calibration-parsers_1.11.10-0trusty-20160629-210550-0700_armhf.deb Verbindung fehlgeschlagen holen [ IP: 80]
E: Einige Archive können nicht abgerufen werden, möglicherweise apt-get update ausgeführt oder mit --fix-missing versucht?
Ich vermute, dass es aufgrund der Quellenliste ist und hier ist meine Quellenliste.
# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty main restricted universe multiverse
## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'
## repository.
## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
# deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty universe
# deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty universe
# deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-updates universe
# deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-updates universe
## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
# deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-backports main restricted
# deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-backports main restricted
deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse
# deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security universe
# deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security universe
# deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security multiverse
# deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security multiverse