2016-04-11 9 views

Ich habe eine interessante Funktion in F # geschrieben, die jede Datenstruktur durchlaufen und zuordnen kann (ähnlich wie die überall in Haskell Scrap Your Boilerplate verfügbaren Funktion). Leider verursacht es schnell einen Stapelüberlauf sogar bei relativ kleinen Datenstrukturen. Ich habe mich gefragt, wie ich es in eine Tail-rekursive Version, eine Fortsetzung, die Style-Version oder einen imperativ äquivalenten Algorithmus konvertiert. Ich glaube F # unterstützt Monaden, also ist die Continuation Monade eine Option.Wie kann ich diese F # -Funktion nicht verursachen einen Stapelüberlauf verursachen

// These are used for a 50% speedup 
let mutable tupleReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 
let mutable unionTagReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> int)> = [] 
let mutable unionReaders : List<(System.Type * int) * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 
let mutable unionCaseInfos : List<System.Type * Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.UnionCaseInfo[]> = [] 
let mutable recordReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 

    Traverses any data structure in a preorder traversal 
    Calls f, g, h, i, j which determine the mapping of the current node being considered 

    WARNING: Not able to handle option types 
    At runtime, option None values are represented as null and so you cannot determine their runtime type. 

    See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21855356/dynamically-determine-type-of-option-when-it-has-value-none 
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection 
let map5<'a,'b,'c,'d,'e,'z> (f:'a->'a) (g:'b->'b) (h:'c->'c) (i:'d->'d) (j:'e->'e) (src:'z) = 
    let ft = typeof<'a> 
    let gt = typeof<'b> 
    let ht = typeof<'c> 
    let it = typeof<'d> 
    let jt = typeof<'e> 

    let rec drill (o:obj) : obj = 
     if o = null then 
      let ot = o.GetType() 
      if FSharpType.IsUnion(ot) then 
       let tag = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) unionTagReaders with 
           | Some (_, reader) -> 
            reader o 
           | None -> 
            let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionTagReader(ot) 
            unionTagReaders <- (ot, newReader)::unionTagReaders 
            newReader o 
       let info = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) unionCaseInfos with 
           | Some (_, caseInfos) -> 
            Array.get caseInfos tag 
           | None -> 
            let newCaseInfos = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(ot) 
            unionCaseInfos <- (ot, newCaseInfos)::unionCaseInfos 
            Array.get newCaseInfos tag 
       let vals = match List.tryFind (fun ((tau, tag'), _) -> ot.Equals tau && tag = tag') unionReaders with 
           | Some (_, reader) -> 
            reader o 
           | None -> 
            let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionReader info 
            unionReaders <- ((ot, tag), newReader)::unionReaders 
            newReader o 
       FSharpValue.MakeUnion(info, Array.map traverse vals) 
      elif FSharpType.IsTuple(ot) then 
       let fields = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) tupleReaders with 
           | Some (_, reader) -> 
            reader o 
           | None -> 
            let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeTupleReader(ot) 
            tupleReaders <- (ot, newReader)::tupleReaders 
            newReader o 
       FSharpValue.MakeTuple(Array.map traverse fields, ot) 
      elif FSharpType.IsRecord(ot) then 
       let fields = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) recordReaders with 
           | Some (_, reader) -> 
            reader o 
           | None -> 
            let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeRecordReader(ot) 
            recordReaders <- (ot, newReader)::recordReaders 
            newReader o 
       FSharpValue.MakeRecord(ot, Array.map traverse fields) 

    and traverse (o:obj) = 
     let parent = 
      if o = null then 
       let ot = o.GetType() 
       if ft = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(ft) then 
        f (o :?> 'a) |> box 
       elif gt = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(gt) then 
        g (o :?> 'b) |> box 
       elif ht = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(ht) then 
        h (o :?> 'c) |> box 
       elif it = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(it) then 
        i (o :?> 'd) |> box 
       elif jt = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(jt) then 
        j (o :?> 'e) |> box 
     drill parent 
    traverse src |> unbox : 'z 

Können Sie ein Beispiel geben, wo Sie gehen Stack-Überlauf? –



Versuchen Sie, diese (I Fortsetzung Funktion als Parameter nur verwendet):

namespace Solution 

module Solution = 

    // These are used for a 50% speedup 
    let mutable tupleReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 
    let mutable unionTagReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> int)> = [] 
    let mutable unionReaders : List<(System.Type * int) * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 
    let mutable unionCaseInfos : List<System.Type * Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.UnionCaseInfo[]> = [] 
    let mutable recordReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 

     Traverses any data structure in a preorder traversal 
     Calls f, g, h, i, j which determine the mapping of the current node being considered 

     WARNING: Not able to handle option types 
     At runtime, option None values are represented as null and so you cannot determine their runtime type. 

     See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21855356/dynamically-determine-type-of-option-when-it-has-value-none 
    open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection 
    let map5<'a,'b,'c,'d,'e,'z> (f:'a->'a) (g:'b->'b) (h:'c->'c) (i:'d->'d) (j:'e->'e) (src:'z) = 
     let ft = typeof<'a> 
     let gt = typeof<'b> 
     let ht = typeof<'c> 
     let it = typeof<'d> 
     let jt = typeof<'e> 

     let rec drill (o:obj) = 
      if o = null then 
       (None, fun _ -> o) 
       let ot = o.GetType() 
       if FSharpType.IsUnion(ot) then 
        let tag = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) unionTagReaders with 
            | Some (_, reader) -> 
             reader o 
            | None -> 
             let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionTagReader(ot) 
             unionTagReaders <- (ot, newReader)::unionTagReaders 
             newReader o 
        let info = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) unionCaseInfos with 
            | Some (_, caseInfos) -> 
             Array.get caseInfos tag 
            | None -> 
             let newCaseInfos = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(ot) 
             unionCaseInfos <- (ot, newCaseInfos)::unionCaseInfos 
             Array.get newCaseInfos tag 
        let vals = match List.tryFind (fun ((tau, tag'), _) -> ot.Equals tau && tag = tag') unionReaders with 
            | Some (_, reader) -> 
             reader o 
            | None -> 
             let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionReader info 
             unionReaders <- ((ot, tag), newReader)::unionReaders 
             newReader o 
//     (Some(vals), FSharpValue.MakeUnion(info, Array.map traverse vals)) 
        (Some(vals), (fun x -> FSharpValue.MakeUnion(info, x))) 
       elif FSharpType.IsTuple(ot) then 
        let fields = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) tupleReaders with 
            | Some (_, reader) -> 
             reader o 
            | None -> 
             let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeTupleReader(ot) 
             tupleReaders <- (ot, newReader)::tupleReaders 
             newReader o 
//     (FSharpValue.MakeTuple(Array.map traverse fields, ot) 
        (Some(fields), (fun x -> FSharpValue.MakeTuple(x, ot))) 
       elif FSharpType.IsRecord(ot) then 
        let fields = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) recordReaders with 
            | Some (_, reader) -> 
             reader o 
            | None -> 
             let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeRecordReader(ot) 
             recordReaders <- (ot, newReader)::recordReaders 
             newReader o 
//     FSharpValue.MakeRecord(ot, Array.map traverse fields) 
        (Some(fields), (fun x -> FSharpValue.MakeRecord(ot, x))) 
        (None, (fun _ -> o)) 

     and traverse (o:obj) cont = 
      let parent = 
       if o = null then 
        let ot = o.GetType() 
        if ft = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(ft) then 
         f (o :?> 'a) |> box 
        elif gt = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(gt) then 
         g (o :?> 'b) |> box 
        elif ht = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(ht) then 
         h (o :?> 'c) |> box 
        elif it = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(it) then 
         i (o :?> 'd) |> box 
        elif jt = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(jt) then 
         j (o :?> 'e) |> box 
      let child, f = drill parent 

      match child with 
       | None -> 
        f [||] |> cont 
       | Some(x) -> 

        match x.Length with 
         | len when len > 1 -> 
          let resList = System.Collections.Generic.List<obj>() 
          let continuation = Array.foldBack (fun t s -> (fun mC -> resList.Add(mC); traverse t s)) 
                   (fun mC -> resList.Add(mC); resList.ToArray() |> f |> cont) 
          traverse (x.[0]) continuation 
         | _ -> traverse x (fun mC -> 
              match mC with 
               | :? (obj[]) as mC -> f mC |> cont 
               | _ -> f [|mC|] |> cont 

     traverse src (fun x -> x) |> unbox : 'z 

Sie sollten diese bauen mit aktivierter Generate tail calls Option (standardmäßig ist diese Option im Debug-Modus deaktiviert, aber aktiviert in Release) .


type A1 = 
    | A of A2 
    | B of int 

and A2 = 
    | A of A1 
    | B of int 

and Root = 
    | A1 of A1 
    | A2 of A2 

let main args = 
    let rec build (elem: Root) n = 
     if n = 0 then elem 
      match elem with 
       | A1(x) -> build (Root.A2(A2.A(x))) (n-1) 
       | A2(x) -> build (Root.A1(A1.A(x))) (n-1) 
    let tree = build (Root.A1(A1.B(2))) 100000 

    let a = map5 (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) tree 
    printf "%A" a 

Dieser Code beendet, ohne Ausnahme Stack-Überlauf.


Ich bekomme immer noch eine Stack Overflow-Ausnahme. Die Stack-Frames scheinen sich in der MapArray-Funktion an dieser Zeile aufzubauen: 'let continuation = (cont >> (Spaß (acc: obj []) -> acc. [Idx] <- f (Felder. [Idx ]); acc)) ' und ' | idx wenn idx = Array.length Felder -> (fun() -> cont (acc) |> g) ' Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/dX4BcCU.png –


@CalebHelbling siehe aktualisierte Version –


Ich beendete den Code zu einem imperativen Stil Umwandlung auf den Stack-Überlauf zu vermeiden:

open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection 

let mutable tupleReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 
let mutable unionTagReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> int)> = [] 
let mutable unionReaders : List<(System.Type * int) * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 
let mutable unionCaseInfos : List<System.Type * Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.UnionCaseInfo[]> = [] 
let mutable recordReaders : List<System.Type * (obj -> obj[])> = [] 

type StructureInfo = Union of UnionCaseInfo 
        | Tuple of System.Type 
        | Record of System.Type 
        | Leaf 

let map5<'a,'b,'c,'d,'e,'z> (f:'a->'a) (g:'b->'b) (h:'c->'c) (i:'d->'d) (j:'e->'e) (src:'z) : 'z = 
    let ft = typeof<'a> 
    let gt = typeof<'b> 
    let ht = typeof<'c> 
    let it = typeof<'d> 
    let jt = typeof<'e> 

    let getStructureInfo (o : obj) = 
     if o = null then 
      (Leaf, [||]) 
      let ot = o.GetType() 
      if FSharpType.IsUnion(ot) then 
       let tag = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) unionTagReaders with 
           | Some (_, reader) -> 
            reader o 
           | None -> 
            let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionTagReader(ot) 
            unionTagReaders <- (ot, newReader)::unionTagReaders 
            newReader o 
       let info = match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) unionCaseInfos with 
           | Some (_, caseInfos) -> 
            Array.get caseInfos tag 
           | None -> 
            let newCaseInfos = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(ot) 
            unionCaseInfos <- (ot, newCaseInfos)::unionCaseInfos 
            Array.get newCaseInfos tag 
       let children = 
        match List.tryFind (fun ((tau, tag'), _) -> ot.Equals tau && tag = tag') unionReaders with 
         | Some (_, reader) -> 
          reader o 
         | None -> 
          let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeUnionReader info 
          unionReaders <- ((ot, tag), newReader)::unionReaders 
          newReader o 
       (Union info, children) 
      elif FSharpType.IsTuple(ot) then 
       let children = 
        match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) tupleReaders with 
         | Some (_, reader) -> 
          reader o 
         | None -> 
          let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeTupleReader(ot) 
          tupleReaders <- (ot, newReader)::tupleReaders 
          newReader o 
       (Tuple ot, children) 
      elif FSharpType.IsRecord(ot) then 
       let children = 
        match List.tryFind (fst >> ot.Equals) recordReaders with 
         | Some (_, reader) -> 
          reader o 
         | None -> 
          let newReader = FSharpValue.PreComputeRecordReader(ot) 
          recordReaders <- (ot, newReader)::recordReaders 
          newReader o 
       (Record ot, children) 
       (Leaf, [||]) 

    let root = src |> box |> ref 
    let mutable nodes = [root] 
    let mutable completedNodes = [] 
    while not (List.isEmpty nodes) do 
     let node = List.head nodes 
     nodes <- List.tail nodes 
     let o = !node 
     let o' = if o = null then 
        let ot = o.GetType() 
        if ft = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(ft) then 
         f (o :?> 'a) |> box 
        elif gt = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(gt) then 
         g (o :?> 'b) |> box 
        elif ht = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(ht) then 
         h (o :?> 'c) |> box 
        elif it = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(it) then 
         i (o :?> 'd) |> box 
        elif jt = ot || ot.IsSubclassOf(jt) then 
         j (o :?> 'e) |> box 
     node := o' 
     let (structure, children) = getStructureInfo o' 
     let childrenContainers = children |> Array.map ref 
     completedNodes <- (node, structure, childrenContainers)::completedNodes 
     nodes <- List.append (List.ofArray childrenContainers) nodes 

    completedNodes |> List.iter 
     (fun (oContainer, structureInfo, childrenContainers) -> 
      let children = Array.map (!) childrenContainers 
      match structureInfo with 
       | Union info -> 
        oContainer := FSharpValue.MakeUnion(info, children) 
       | Tuple ot -> 
        oContainer := FSharpValue.MakeTuple(children, ot) 
       | Record ot -> 
        oContainer := FSharpValue.MakeRecord(ot, children) 
       | Leaf ->()) 
    (unbox !root) : 'z