2010-12-03 8 views

Gibt es eine TAP (Test Anything Protocol) Implementierung für VHDL? Es wäre schön, denn dann könnte ich beweisen, dass meine Ergebnisse automatisch überprüft werden. Es gibt auch schöne Formatierung Swuites wie smolder, die es Ausgabe verarbeiten können. Sie könnten fragen, warum nicht Behauptungen verwenden. Teilweise TAP gibt mir einige gute Berichte wie Anzahl der Dateien und Anzahl der Tests. Ich suche nach einer minimalen Implementierung mit einer Anzahl von Tests am Anfang und am Ende und den Funktionen OK, DIAG und Fail. ist() wäre wirklich nett, aber nicht notwendig. Ich könnte das schreiben, aber warum erfinde ich das Rad neu?TAP (Test Anything Protocol) Modul für VHDL

Dies ist die Frage wie in this question aber für VHDL anstelle von Verilog.



Ich schrieb eine, die ich sehr oft verwendet habe, aber ich habe es nie verteilt. Hier ist es (das nicht enthaltene base_pkg hat meistens to_string() Implementierungen für alles).

-- Copyright © 2010 Wesley J. Landaker <[email protected]> 
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
-- (at your option) any later version. 

-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
-- GNU General Public License for more details. 
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
-- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 

-- Output is standard TAP (Test Anything Protocol) version 13 

package test_pkg is 

    procedure test_redirect(filename : string); 
    procedure test_plan(tests : natural; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_abort(reason : string); 
    procedure test_finished(directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_comment (message : string); 
    procedure test_pass (description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_fail (description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_ok (result : boolean; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : integer; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : time; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : string; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : bit_vector; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_approx_absolute(actual, expected, absolute_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 
    procedure test_approx_relative(actual, expected, relative_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := ""); 

end package; 

use std.textio.all; 
use work.base_pkg.all; 

package body test_pkg is 

    file test_output : text; 
    shared variable initialized : boolean := false; 
    shared variable have_plan : boolean := false; 
    shared variable last_test_number : natural := 0; 

    function remove_eol(s : string) return string is 
    variable s_no_eol : string(s'range); 
    for i in s'range loop 
     case s(i) is 
     when LF | CR => s_no_eol(i) := '_'; 
     when others => s_no_eol(i) := s(i); 
     end case; 
    end loop; 
    return s_no_eol; 
    end function; 

    function make_safe (s : string) return string is 
    variable s_no_hash : string(s'range); 
    for i in s'range loop 
     case s(i) is 
     when '#' => s_no_hash(i) := '_'; 
     when others => s_no_hash(i) := s(i); 
     end case; 
    end loop; 
    return remove_eol(s_no_hash); 
    end function; 

    procedure init is 
    variable l : line; 
    if initialized then 
    end if; 
    initialized := true; 
    file_open(test_output, "STD_OUTPUT", write_mode); 
    write(l, string'("TAP version 13")); 
    writeline(test_output, l); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_redirect(filename : string) is 
    file_open(test_output, filename, write_mode); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_plan(tests : natural; directive : string := "") is 
    variable l : line; 
    have_plan := true; 
    write(l, string'("1..")); 
    write(l, tests); 
    if directive'length > 0 then 
     write(l, " # " & remove_eol(directive)); 
    end if; 
    writeline(test_output, l); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_abort(reason : string) is 
    variable l : line; 
    write(l, "Bail out! " & remove_eol(reason)); 
    writeline(test_output, l); 
    assert false 
     report "abort called" 
     severity failure; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_finished (directive : string := "") is 
    if not have_plan then 
     test_plan(last_test_number, directive); 
    elsif directive'length > 0 then 
     test_comment("1.." & integer'image(last_test_number) & " # " & directive); 
     test_comment("1.." & integer'image(last_test_number)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_comment (message : string) is 
    variable l : line; 
    write(l, '#'); 
    if message'length > 0 then 
     write(l, " " & remove_eol(message)); 
    end if; 
    writeline(test_output, l); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure result (status : string; description : string; directive : string) is 
    variable l : line; 
    last_test_number := last_test_number + 1; 
    write(l, status & " "); 
    write(l, last_test_number); 
    if description'length > 0 then 
     write(l, " " & make_safe(description)); 
    end if; 
    if directive'length > 0 then 
     write(l, " # " & remove_eol(directive)); 
    end if; 
    writeline(test_output, l); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_pass (description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    result("ok", description, directive); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_fail (description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    result("not ok", description, directive); 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_ok (result : boolean; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    if result then 
     test_pass(description, directive); 
     test_fail(description, directive); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : integer; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable ok : boolean := actual = expected; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & integer'image(actual) & ", expected = " & integer'image(expected)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable ok : boolean := actual = expected; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & real'image(actual) & ", expected = " & real'image(expected)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : time; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable ok : boolean := actual = expected; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & time'image(actual) & ", expected = " & time'image(expected)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : string; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable ok : boolean := actual = expected; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & actual & ", expected = " & expected); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_equal(actual, expected : bit_vector; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable ok : boolean := actual = expected; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & to_string(actual) & ", expected = " & to_string(expected)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_approx_absolute(actual, expected, absolute_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable err : real := abs(actual - expected); 
    variable ok : boolean := err <= absolute_error; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & to_string(actual) & ", expected = " & to_string(expected) & ", absolute error = " & to_string(err)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

    procedure test_approx_relative(actual, expected, relative_error : real; description : string := ""; directive : string := "") is 
    variable err : real := abs(actual - expected)/abs(expected); 
    variable ok : boolean := err <= relative_error; 
    test_ok(ok, description, directive); 
    if not ok then 
     test_comment("actual = " & to_string(actual) & ", expected = " & to_string(expected) & ", relative error = " & to_string(err)); 
    end if; 
    end procedure; 

end package body; 

Von meiner begrenzten schnellen Lektüre auf TAP - unwahrscheinlich ... weil die meisten HDL-Designer nicht so gut mit der Welt der Softwaretests verbunden sind (obwohl sie schon lange bevor sie aufgerufen wurde Unit-Testing) Das :) Ich mag es, ich bin ein HDL-Designer, ist halbwegs vernünftig mit der Welt der Software-Tests verbunden, und ich habe noch nie zuvor TAP gefunden. Ich habe mich an Pythons eigene Komponententest-Funktionalität gehalten (und mit Pytest getüftelt). Und mein eigenes Gebräu für die Arbeit mit VHDL und seinen Behauptungen.

Es sieht aus wie eine ziemlich einfache package zu schreiben, aber ... lass es uns wissen, wenn Sie sich entscheiden, selbst zu schreiben!