Ich möchte Variable in Datensatz beschränken. Diese Variable ist id_dd in test_vector (Rekord)So beschränken Sie Ganzzahl in VHDL 2008
type test_vector is record
id_dd : integer;
stimulus : bit_vector;
response : bit_vector;
end record test_vector;
type test_time is record
stimulus_time : time;
response_delay : delay_length;
end record test_time;
type test_application is record
test_to_apply : test_vector;
application_time : test_time;
end record test_application;
subtype schedule_test is test_application (test_to_apply ( id_dd (0 to 100) ,
stimulus (0 to 7),
response(0 to 9)));
Modelsim Fehler ist:
Constraint for record element "test_vector.id_dd" (at depth 1) cannot apply to non-composite type (std.STANDARD.INTEGER)
Wie kann ich einschränken id_dd mit Subtyp?